General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat do i fucking do.

What do i fucking do. in General Discussion
    I pick SF then suddenly ember shows up wanting mid and i'm forced offlane
    is there anything i could've done to win this...


      Prolly just get as much XP as possible, max raze, and jungle the large camp in the offlane as much as possible until you can start jungling for real. Not really sure tho, I suck serious ass at SF.

      michael sassbender

        get level 3 in offlane, stack jungle and jungle. also don't build silver edge/skadi into a slardar. blink/euls would have been better.

        edit: just looked at your skill build. SF shouldn't really be played in the offlane but in your circumstances you should have skilled raze first for cs, and not lvld necromastery until you have lvl 2/3 raze at which point you can just go jungle

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