General Discussion

General Discussionim afraid to get kicked of high or very high skill coz of retards and...

im afraid to get kicked of high or very high skill coz of retards and feeders what i can do plz help and tell me in General Discussion
noob and happy :)

    hi guys i m trying to have new account and im sure i have imrpoved so i mad another account to have good mmr as i can
    but there is strange things happens in matchs i need to know what and how i can deal with

    1st im not playing support much and i dont mind but im afraid to drop down to normal skill bracket coz im not good in supporting

    2 nd sometimes when games started i mark mid or safe lane or jungle i found some 1 ignore my mark and he insist to go in same postion wich leads to 100% lose coz both of wont get proper gpm. xpm and ofc lose what shall i do in this case

    3rd feeders : i thought iwont see any feeders in high or very high skill bracket but i was wrong there is stupid people here and idont know how to deal with that what shall i do

    im afraid to get kicked of high or very high skill coz of retards and feeders what i can do plz help and tell me

    in this match invoker jungler and also blocked all capms with sentry also feed about 100 courier without mention mid was 1 k mmr in very high skill match and i was geting fuckn killed alot coz they fukn feed and i dont know what i do

    another match Nature shit fed enemy 33 times and i wont this but still some people like him really threaten me

    plz tell me what shall i do
    abdanon or complete match and how to make sure i dont get out of high or very high skill bracket plz help me from those suckers




        ^ i just googeled your picture and somehow i saw naked womans. How to Explain this to my Parents im only 12 years old???


          ^just dont...
          erase your history
          and hide in your closet

          Este comentario fue editado

            Pretty sure regardless if you win or lose the game puts you in a bracket you are suppose to be in lol so theres no fooling the system.


              >Slark mid
              Found your problem.


                check my smurf. Just play well and you will stay in VHS. check this


                Este comentario fue editado

                  Last time i watched naked womans dad told me to smash my head on KeybojsjfjaofngekfurbjtsxjzredgdkulevGkdjlj um etnhdlhgmr


                    ^then try not to look at naked safaoicgnsycgcsymoiyadyivsoaurcygrncyaoucmgrerahveuhgvoigv


                      Why people insist in creating new accoutns instead of actually improving their gameplay just by playing rankeds.. You're gonna acomplish nothing by playing pubs on a smurf, maybe you will get 200-300 more mmr than your original account and I'd ask myself, was it worth it wasting over 100 hours to calibrate this account? Instead of playing 150 ranked games on your main and actually learn something from the game. Whatever.. Git gud.


                        @LeFlash creating a smurf is actually not wrong if you think you are really ready for what lies ahead, i got stuck at 3.9 last year now i have a main which is stuck at 5.1-5.2k cause of this garbage abusing patch.


                          Smurfing is okay if you have improved WAY ALOT from since you played your last MMR match and able to see what lies ahead
                          I don't think most of the people who ask "how to vhs" and "predict my memer" are that kind of people


                            @Wildasfk smurfer with a 52% winrate


                              Your VHS matches are mostly NS smurfs with the same mentality as you
                              "Man im so good but my team drag me down in mmr ima create smurf and play as carry every game and reach vhs because im so good oh man every loss is my teammates fault im so good im not gonna pick support ever cuz i suck at it and afraid i would get kicked from vhs which shouldnt happen cuz im so good"

                              Este comentario fue editado

                                I also did a smurf some time ago to see if I could get more mmr than my main but I coudlnt, partially because I was not playing consistently on my smurf and I kept playing rankeds on main acc, I was stuck in 4k for almost 1 year and I thought smurfing was the way to get out of there but then I calibrated my smurf and they gave me 3,9 solo and 4,2 party, then I started playing to improve on my main and in since summer I improved from 4k to 5,3k. You learn much more by playing ranked games because people actually get serious about the game most of the times.
                                So I understand your motivation to create smurfs, but it wasnt a solution to me.


                                  Nowadays I only use that smurf when I'm high on THC and just wanna have fun, now I realize 4k people are pretty easy to beat.
                                  An example:

                                  edit: Im the jugg btw

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                                  noob and happy :)

                                    looks like retards not only on dota but they r here too in forum
                                    ididnt mean that i m perfect and so good as @bws☭ mentioned
                                    and FYI it is impossible to get my old account higher in mmr coz it is very low and i have afreind encourged me to do so coz he had same issue and he was only 400 mmr now he is 3.7 k mmr which is very nice and he improved too " btw he had this low mmr coz of language since this game depend on english so much "
                                    for all irrogant and trash people plz u dont know nothing
                                    the post was clear but their still toxic and retards just spamming without reading well
                                    and i didnt want to have 5k when i started this account i just want to get out of old bracket at least high skill no more and my results proves huge difference between my old skills and nowadays


                                      i don't see a reason to be afraid, if you play like a VHS player then ofc valve won't put you in a bracket lower than your own, unless you're a NS player trying to cheat VHS.

                                      idk what's with the NS bullshit statements here

                                      but if you've improved that much to be a new skill level then you should be able to just win almost every game in your old MMR

                                      so technically 100-160 games it takes to level a smurf to 20 is about + 2500 to 4000 mmr if you were to win every single game in your main ranked(ofc a normal player cant win every single game, but an improved player would win at least 70%-80% of them)

                                      meaning if you actually improved in skill, when playing on your main acc, it would mean that grinding will give you more mmr than creating a smurf

                                      so why create a smurf then?

                                      anyways ootgeyydm, when was your old account? what is it's mmr and how many games have you played since your last ranked match on your acc?

                                      Este comentario fue editado
                                      noob and happy :)

                                        @🍩🍪Cookie🍪🍩 9
                                        i have watching ur channel and u proved my fears when u played as support in calibration u didnt gain any mmr and after that u went as carry again to gain more mmr in calibration

                                        and for my old account it was 1 mmr and become 397 and it would take 2 years to be 3 k if u got luck or myabe u will never get out of my bracket no matter ur skill is coz it is team work if u have very bad players u will never win and i spent 3 months to improve and watch pro players and ill try to send u my mmr after calibration


                                          no, it's quite the opposite

                                          anywhere in low mmr(not just sub 1k)

                                          you don't even need your team to win any match, you can solo win almost every game witout even taking a single look at your team

                                          i think the reason i didn't get any mmr increased in that lion game is because i played it like a proper pos 5 aka not taking exp and only trying to end the game as fast as possible

                                          aka i did a tradeoff, i had low scores but we won the game faster

                                          which resulted in my scores being low, so my mmr didn't grow much

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                                            If you are shit First match get higest kda and hero dmg and you will be move up to high and you stay ther if you dont get more then 5 dead and play shit. Dont use same email and try over and over to get this.


                                              Every one can calibrate 3k++ just loot of email and patience and luck


                                                how shit at the game do you have to be @車が赤い that you'd need to abuse tricks to get 3k mmr?


                                                  I dont abuse i dont give shit about mmr i have normal just try to help him play game 4 fun bcs 1k mmr to 6k mmr its same shit bcs you dont make any money and you are not profesional anyway.


                                                    helping someone by giving him cheats is not helping, it's quite the opposite


                                                      For him is not if he get vhs he can stay there even he play worst then avrage 2k player is not cheat still same game same cancer people dosnt make diferent your mmr


                                                        And he will be happy. When i look your acc you did same like him just make new acc and spam your main was 2k 3k? Game is more enjoyable if you ar dont carre on your mmr 50% win rate is tru. Everything is on calibration you cant climb to manny people play this gamr


                                                          this is what happen when normal/high skill player wanna be playin on VHS match.. all being greedy and play core
                                                          u can't play support? then learn it dont cry bout playin core all day someone out there is still better than u


                                                            and also if u already on VHS dont be scared to play support cuz u wont get kicked to highskill match
                                                            my friend playin support with his new acc n get 4.5k mmr (he's typical support player) lose or win still VHS


                                                              You can play support after you get vhs . Sad thing is cookie can play 2 hero a have higer mmr then you thats pain.


                                                                i didnt lmao XDDD, my main is 5.5

                                                                i grinded my main

                                                                sure sad thing cookie can play 2 heroes and has higher mmr than both of you combined, and 100x more skill

                                                                given an NS game cookie destroys the shit out of it:

                                                                obviously you can climb any mmr, look at my winrate, 5k+ with 65%-80%

                                                                Este comentario fue editado
                                                                noob and happy :)

                                                                  u dont get it why im doing new account
                                                                  itold u it will take long time to rais it
                                                                  and imagine if i used this time for new account after calibration ho w much mmr it would b e

                                                                  btw ur not 100X skills dont chat like 1 mmr flammer


                                                                    keep playin and get better....

                                                                    noob and happy :)

                                                                      @fyyq thx i ll

                                                                      i ll search also how to play better with support so i can support if all team carry


                                                                        yea i do know why you made a smurf, like every other moron who posts here about ''how to git vhs'' threads

                                                                        you're a skilless scrub so you need the cheatiest way to get to higher mmr, because you think you don't belong in your low mmr

                                                                        waaah, tammates bad waaah.

                                                                        any competent player wouldn't have any need to ask on how to keep VHS, because it's easy as shit

                                                                        Este comentario fue editado

                                                                          I lost 9 out of my 10 placement matches, 3 due to trolls walking down mid, or raging and buying rapier and walking down mid/ blocking camps. Yet I still got places at I want to say 3.7k. Now I'm just messing around but in the end they say you can't cheat the system, my main is 2.5 so i guess with this acc I did something right. In the end just play and it'll put you wherever it feels you belong

                                                                          noob and happy :)

                                                                            1st ididnt ask how to get in vhs coz im already in
                                                                            2nd my qustion was about is that ok if i play bad as support if team got no support or i ll drop down to lower skill bracket
                                                                            idont need to cheats to get in hs or vhs ididnt ask for this u miss reading what i wrote before

                                                                            plz read and dont be offensvie i have nothing vs you and i dont know why u become like that and trolling me ????

                                                                            for example ur self didnt play support more than 1 time coz u needed to get much better mmr so i call you cheater ??
                                                                            or u were trying ur best by any how to get better ??
                                                                            so why i cant do same thing ?
                                                                            if u dont like me u dont have to troll or offend just bypass the post


                                                                              i originally, about a year ago got to 5k mmr by grinding it with PLAYING SUPPORT

                                                                              also, no i can calibrate 4.5-5k with support:

                                                                              just because i don't feel like playing sk, cm or lich right now(which are my best supps) doesn't mean i don't play that role.

                                                                              so, no you can't call me a cheater

                                                                              because i don't cheat, i actually have something called "skill"

                                                                              which i've earned by grinding, not by smurfing

                                                                              i get easily triggered by this bull shit, because someone wants to play 100-160 games to get the same mmr or like at best 500-1000 more

                                                                              which he'll lose sooner or later anyways.

                                                                              like what is the point of that, then they come here to make 10 threads a day about how they get shitty teammates and how to maintain VHS or whatever.

                                                                              Este comentario fue editado
                                                                              noob and happy :)

                                                                                @ 🍩🍪Cookie🍪🍩
                                                                                again and again i didnt fukn ask how to get in vhs or how to do that
                                                                                and i didnt say i have fukn bad team mate and ididnt complain about them

                                                                                fuckn read post well

                                                                                when i watched ur video i thought ur nice person
                                                                                ur post and reply are not very arrogant

                                                                                before u post again read post well then let ur brain understand it then reply or dont at all would be much better fuckkkkkkk


                                                                                  FORGET MMR AND SKILL BRACKET FOR ONCE AND PLAY UR BEST EVERY GAME U WILL GIT GUD IN NO TIME

                                                                                  Este comentario fue editado

                                                                                    did you read your own OP?

                                                                                    noob and happy :)

                                                                                      hopeless case
                                                                                      argument for the love of argue


                                                                                        ^ Read it to yourself.


                                                                                          What the fuck am I reading actually
                                                                                          How can someone be this ignorant and persistent


                                                                                            @ 🍩🍪Cookie🍪🍩
                                                                                            again and again i didnt fukn ask how to get in vhs or how to do that
                                                                                            and i didnt say i have fukn bad team mate and ididnt complain about them
                                                                                            fuckn read post well
                                                                                            when i watched ur video i thought ur nice person
                                                                                            ur post and reply are not very arrogant
                                                                                            before u post again read post well then let ur brain understand it then reply or dont at all would be much better fuckkkkkkk

                                                                                            2 nd sometimes when games started i mark mid or safe lane or jungle i found some 1 ignore my mark and he insist to go in same postion wich leads to 100% lose coz both of wont get proper gpm. xpm and ofc lose what shall i do in this case
                                                                                            3rd feeders : i thought iwont see any feeders in high or very high skill bracket but i was wrong there is stupid people here and idont know how to deal with that what shall i do

                                                                                            lul not complaining lul

                                                                                            Este comentario fue editado
                                                                                            noob and happy :)

                                                                                              " how to deal with that what shall i do abdanon or complete match and how to make sure i dont get out of high or very high skill bracket plz help me from those suckers "

                                                                                              read well and gtfo hateful person

                                                                                              M U R D E R

                                                                                                Well to be fair noone answered his questions