General Discussion

General DiscussionToo many mini-patches

Too many mini-patches in General Discussion

    I don't want to go back to the days of broken heroes but it feels like everytime someone comes up with a strong strategy then the heroes involved quickly get a small nerf like the goal is to have all heroes equal.

    Personally I preferred it when a patch evolved and people developed counter strats.

    For example, spec was considered op for most of 6.86 (I think) but it got to the point where people started picking ck/Sven/meepo and were able to handle her.

    There's plenty of other examples.

    Tldr fix bugs but leave balance unchanged between big patches. Let the crowd explore the patch and just rebalance when it gets stale.


      Besides the fact that I completely disagree with your claim, I have another problem:

      Why would you make this topic on the dotabuff forums? If anything, Reddit would be the place to go for this.


        HotSalza 5 minutes ago
        Besides the fact that I completely disagree with your claim, I have another problem:
        Why would you make this topic on the dotabuff forums? If anything, Reddit would be the place to go for this.

        Which topics do you think are for dotabuff and which topics do you think are for Reddit?


          Dotabuff has more generalized and unorganized discussions. Typically on the topics of mmr and gameplay. Whereas Reddit and Devdota are more likely to support suggestions and get them recognized by Valve.

          2 of Reddit's top 3 posts currently are complaints/requests/suggestions. If enough people believe what OP is saying, it would make it to the front page there and perhaps be considered.

          Este comentario fue editado

            Apart from the fact that I don't have a reddit account, its not up to you as to what threads get posted or don't. This is a thread that could be 100x more interesting than the ubiquitous 'how do i get vhs?' , 'predict my mmr'

            maybe either just ignore it or add a constructive comment rather than just 'i completely disagree with your claim'


              I'm not saying that I didn't want you posting this thread. I'm just stating that you're going to get no results from posting this here. I normally ignore the mmr posts, but I wanted you to know that if you actually want this voiced, Reddit or Devdota is the way to go.


                I Don't think his goal is to attract the attention of Valve. Its just a thread saying that he doesn't like the current mini-patches. If his intention is to get it noticed by Valve, then Salza is right, you'll have more luck on Reddit.

                On topic, I kinda agree with you. I enjoy the shake-up that new patched bring. Obviously nobody likes it when a hero is completely OP, but I'm fine with a few heroes being slightly stronger and thus considered "the meta." In my opinion the ideal state of Dota isn't where every hero is perfectly balanced with each hero having a 50% winrate. Rather I'd like every hero to be viable (so no underpowered heroes like Lina and Lesh at the moment) but to also have a few heroes being slightly stronger, which helps define the patch. And Every few months those stronger heroes get nerfed slightly, but not to the point where they are useless, and a different set of heroes get buffed into the meta.
                Basically I want Dota the way it was in the last few patches, just without the extreme cases of OP and UP heroes.

                Potato Marshal

                  But Reddit is for queermos


                    Slight nerfs to the slightly op heroes means more counter strats become viable. Isn't that what u essentially want? I don't get it. Or u want the drastic changes to the meta that bring extreme OPness and completely new counter strats? U just want something novel? Then what happens when the new patch becomes cancer after a few weeks and only 2 strats become viable ? Complain about that pAtch as well I suppose.


                      But reddit is full off circlejerking shitheads


                        @hotsalza sorry - thought you were implying it shouldn't be in dotabuff.

                        @jacked you misunderstand me - icefrog doesn't need to nerf every strategy that initially appears op. With a bit of thinking from the community there is normally a counter strategy which makes it fine to deal with. That's what I'd like to see - the players coming up with strategies/counterstrategies that reveal the richness of the game rather than valve destroying the narrative by resetting the game every couple of weeks.

                        If a patch becomes cancer or stale then yeah shake it up but that isn't what is happening at the moment. I would've like to have seen the pros deal with omni for a bit for example but as soon as he starts getting picked, wham, nerfhammer.

                        Tldr some change is good, too much change is bad.


                          I agree ppl usually find ways to deal with the op stuff. Maybe this nerf came too quickly.