General Discussion

General Discussionwould you ever concider picking heavy farming hero against aggrisve l...

would you ever concider picking heavy farming hero against aggrisve line up in General Discussion

    ^ also would you pick farming hero if your team has greedy heroes

    Dire Wolf

      yes depends on hero though and when they come online etc. Like don't pick AM. Terrorblade or luna or sven is fine cus they can fight early and farm.

      What kind of greedy? If team has like anti mage and tinker no way in hell I'd pick a farm hero. If it's greedy supports like enigma and shadow shaman I probably still would and just hope they fall to lower priority.


        what u mean agressive line up ? early heroes ?
        5 supprts ?
        yes i would pick to secure late. no one is heavy farming hero


          Highly dependent on how early the hero comes online as Dire Wolf said. More like what the hero is capable of doing in fights even without the items. Because aggressive lineup tends to fall off very late game with certain heroes. The key to winning them is surviving early-mid game not giving like 2 sets of racks 20 minutes in. Try to be as safe as possible putting defensive wards, not going for pick offs that need excessive chasing because chances are they turn around and take more advantage of it. Try to defend under tower not giving them for free because that would mean less map control. It is extremely hard when you play with only T3 with no vision around and from behind given you are hard carry with not many items.

          If your hero is the kind that farms fast, relies on snowballing but didn't due to the enemy team being aggressive, you tend to stay useless for the rest of the game. Look for alternate strategy not like farm 26th min BF as AM. Or 20th min Blink Treads LC.


            I lose to 5 carry greedy lineup team many times. Sometimes a 5 carry team bring more early game aggression


              Tbh if u lose to early aggression against 5 carries i dont know what to tell u. U have to go on the aggression, and not feed. They wont have enough space in their jungle or lanes to farn fast anyway, so if u add on to that with ganks and pickoffs and denying them any, theyll choke on the push.


                pick pugna ez mmr ez life


                  Dota is all about balancing greed and aggression. If you ever play greedy lineups you will almost certainly have to play against lineups that play aggressively. It is hard to do so but when you pull off a greedy lineup against aggressive enemy players it is one of the most satisfying feelings in Dota imo. Anybody can play carry when given space to farm up, the hard part of the role is playing when you are under heavy pressure and you have to make your own space to farm with intelligent map pressure and counterganking. There are plenty of games where I have picked AM to counter an enemy core and had to end up playing a fast paced game where my opponents try to pressure me, it is this kind of games which separates good carry players from mediocre ones.

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                    What this aussie nig said


                      Medusa is ALWAYS the Best pick.