General Discussion

General Discussionhow do i get to 2k

how do i get to 2k in General Discussion

    reasons why you should get pms before anything:
    1) 100% block against heroes which does a lot against harass
    2) lets you jungle earlier than just a stout-naked boots without spending too much on regen

    reasons why you should get treads before battlefury:
    1) treads switching
    2) fury regen isnt enough for you to jungle the whole goddamn map properly; also your farm will be slower since you dont have the AS to kill creeps fast and the HP to tank them properly. as such you wont be able to capitalize on your battlefury as much as couldve if you had treads
    3) treads switching

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      @Alice allright ill try to get threads before fury next time, thanks for the advice


        step 1. Git gud on riki
        step 2. pick him every time enemy team doesn't have supports (if you are brave enough you can pick him if enemy team has only 1 support).
        step 3. ????
        step 4. profit


          oh wait 2k supports suck at dealing with riki, but in the end it breaks down to your personal skill how well you deal with dust and ward spammers against you.

          Hikjik Strom

            was 500 mmr got to 3.6k play antimage slark morphling sniper ta invoker pudge GG


              yo OP. damn 14 min average for battlefury is good bro. assuming u go treads and pms before bf. u should definitely be winning ur games. but my guess is u don't keep up ur mid game farm. think u should focus on that. i always get 18 min battlefuries and i still own my games. no reason u shouldnt.


                14 min BF after pms and threads are good
                But what matters is what you do after that, and where do you farm


                  I always rush battlefury after brown boots, also i never buy pms


                    @alice I got pms treads bfury manta in 20 mins, good enough?


                      if u get bfury manta treads pms in 20 mins, u will own 3k games bro.


                        @jacked I got manta 28 mins

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                          Try to get minimum 50 cs in first 10 mins are u are easily 2k infact 3k


                            20 min bfury-treads-manta-pms is great


                              50 cs in 10 mins is easy, I normally get 80ish in 10


                                In that MMR I mostly played Chaos Knight maybe you should try


                                  @Acid ill try later


                                    you know, you can get to 3k in like a week if you do my challenges:
                                    easy ones:

                                    1. 10 min- no creeps missed (82+ lasthits minimum)
                                    2. 10 min- 80 lh/40 deny safelane, creeps can't enter either team's tower. if they do you reset
                                    3. 10 min- 100 LH safelane
                                    4. 30 min- 600 LH
                                    5. less than 15 min- end the game(destroy enemy ancient)

                                    advanced ones:

                                    1. 11 min- 120 LH
                                    2. 30 min- 800 LH
                                    3. 10 min- 100 CS+(LH+DN counts) as morphling -> lvl 1 strenght morph and never level anything again, turn it on and don't turn it off. buy glove of haste and a set of tangoes, you'll constantly have only 20 damage.
                                    4. less than 10 min- end the game(destroy enemy ancient)

                                    all are done in lobby games, no bots 1v0

                                    i'm yet to see a player who has actually mastered the advanced challenges and hasn't reached 3k after doing them

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                                      i thought u said 20 bro. 28 is way too slow bro. gotta be 25 min maximum


                                        What cookie said


                                          he can get but he dont know to plau dota and finish game everyone can farm
                                          he must learn solo

                                          NOT GOOD ENOUGH

                                            Master LH and do all those small little things that 5k+ players do eg. tread switch, stack, pull

                                            also if u really want for ez boost play heroes that you're most comfortable and easy


                                              Power threads first is better than naked BF rush no matter what
                                              Also practice LHing without quelling blade, so you can buy more regen at the start and still farm if you think your lane is going to be dogshit hard (stout tango quelling start is way too greedy, against a contested lane you'd run out of regen quickly and it forces you to go back to base quickly which is VERY BAD)


                                                @cookie wtf 100 cs morph max str are u srs


                                                  is that even possible


                                                    @jacked 20 if I went straight for fury, no threads and pms


                                                      also, can anyone explain to me about how to get VHS?


                                                        lol dont think about vhs when u r still unknown skill xD


                                                          I just wanna know D:


                                                            28 min pms treads manta bfury is ultra dogshit

                                                            and so does 20 min naked boots stout shield bfury, no actually 20 min naked fury is 10000x more dogshit


                                                              subzero, it isn't called a ''challenge'' for nothing

                                                              p.s to get VHS, you have to grind your account past 3.7k+ solo mmr


                                                                you should do cookies challenge
                                                                i only did the easy ones but i got the eziest 3k ever by clearing them

                                                                i think i should do all of them again some time tho, im starting to get rusty due to lack of games

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                                                                  @alice ill try the easy one first


                                                                    You getting rusty?
                                                                    I went from Arteezy to peenoise


                                                                      Just do the 600 LH 30 min challenge for AM improvement


                                                                        do 800 LH 30 min and you'll have more improvement

                                                                        in fact, if you want ACTUAL improvement


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                                                                          tbh, I don't really know any farming patterns so I depend on lane creeps.


                                                                            time to learn boi

                                                                            p.s try to do all of them by yourself

                                                                            and ''by yourself'' i mean, don't try to look it up on the internet

                                                                            take the time to do the genuine practice.

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                                                                              cookie, my first try 90 cs on 10 mins. rip my last hit skills


                                                                                can I add u


                                                                                  yea, i'm currently playing on this acc:

                                                                                  so add that one

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                                                                                    how do I add someone's steam from dotabuff profile?

                                                                                    doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                      scroll to the bottom

                                                                                      at the bottom right there should be a steam link right next to the highlighted "ALIASES"

                                                                                      click that link and voila

                                                                                      you have started wwiii

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                                                                                        thanks haffy


                                                                                          @haffy 9 digit steam account omg newfag


                                                                                            Can someone enlighten me what is the point of practicing farming pattern in an empty lobby. Because I tried it and being able to farm the whole map with blink battlefury doesn't do shit for u since u can literally just keep going in circles. And, creep equilibrium moves a lot slower since no one in enemy team. What's the point? U just cut every single wave anyway.


                                                                                              what's the point in practicing?

                                                                                              idk jacked, some people want to actually have higher mmr


                                                                                                Let me rephrase. I tried it because I wanted to learn something. What is it supposed to teach you?


                                                                                                  it's supposed to teach you to gain mmr:

                                                                                                  1. effective with your time,

                                                                                                  2. control the lane,

                                                                                                  3. make lasthitting a thing subconsciousness so you can think about harassing your opponent or watching the map while lasthitting

                                                                                                  4. push to win games

                                                                                                  5. lasthitting

                                                                                                  6. farming patterns

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