General Discussion

General Discussionreasons why 1k is so exciting

reasons why 1k is so exciting in General Discussion

    1) how the early game goes clearly has no link with how the game will end.
    2) you never know what items your cores or the enemies are going to get. keeps things fresh.
    3) it is a blood bath every single game.
    4) how the early game goes clearly has no link with how the game will end.
    5) you have no idea which of the 5 cores will suddenly start carrying the entire game. again the early game doesn't determine who will do well and who will feed.
    6) its always a close game
    7) intense late game cloud 9 shit happens every game.
    8) feeding and afking doesn't do anything to lose you games.
    9) doing well in the early game usually results in throwing. hence its always a close game.
    10) chaos


      11) everyone buys shadowblade

      Youtuber| TechieSama

        i need a 2k+ mmr account


          12) This game safe to leave... eh... :3


            Except the fact that delusional retards start flaming you for something that isn't your fault and reported you lul



              Hi its me ur lover

              pc might die 💀

                13) Russians are even dumber in 1k, make it easier to trigger them.

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                  Hi its my youre lover
                  Send my youre arcanas

                  pc might die 💀

                    @jacked how the f*** did you end up in 1k, your winrate is very good.


                      He sacrificed for us ns plebs



                        Hey its me ur arcana halp im being smacked on a keyboajgmd.apwmgjamg.


                          can't argue with ops logic, its the reason why i enjoy my stay at 1-2k lmfao and when you throw on purpose they get so fucking mad spamming all caps HAHAHHAAH


                            14) ''we need a tank, who's ADC?''

                            pls dont let the celtikkk...

                              2 TANGO AKO MID BOBO *feeds as pudge* NOOB NO REPORT


                                ako mid putangina mo

                                pls dont let the celtikkk...

                                  I was at an internet cafe once, waiting for a vacant pc, then I looked at a guy playing dota on 1k avg mmr, his teammate medusa said "we have no hard carry".

                                  I don't even know how I managed to avoid laughing at that moment.


                                    wew kingina bobo mid, wala report gg na to


                                      Mid necro be carry tis Wat I see ink wtf

                                      pls dont let the celtikkk...

                                        And oh, pudge pickers buy phaseboots in 1k. NotLikeThis


                                          zzz.... :d


                                            carry oracle doesn't work


                                              dagon oracle works though


                                                15) as what spooky midget says, what would be game losing in most other games hardly affects the outcome in 1-2k games. what's even better is how every1 overreacts to every single insignifcant feed or throw.
                                                16) everything u know about dota is reversed. if the carry has space to free farm, u will usually lose. if u have no space to farm, the enemy will usually throw and lose.

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                                                  Why... TwT

                                                  pls dont let the celtikkk...

                                                    Treants steal all your last hits


                                                      Ppl going weird build and still win




                                                          1) sniper will feed, Pa will carry and lc will go to jungle
                                                          2) supports goes offlane and 2 carry safe lane contesting cs
                                                          3)comeback is real af
                                                          4)no idea when to rosh
                                                          5)supports will feed or they carry the game
                                                          6)no one cares about winning so flaming is kinda rare
                                                          7)russians after early game mindlessly solo push lanes and feeding
                                                          9) out dated builds (shits like MOM for Sven or Desolater on BH)
                                                          10) buying dust and gem is auto-win
                                                          11) last hit doesn't matter at all





                                                              but will rod of atos gyro work? stay tuned to find out


                                                                Still remember someone go MoM void xD


                                                                  alch will die 3 times to puck in mid lane
                                                                  anti-mage in offlane will tower dive for Ck in 2 min into game


                                                                    doesnt work


                                                                      People get ganked when typing

                                                                      pls dont let the celtikkk...

                                                                        Pauses never last for ten seconds

                                                                        endless grinder

                                                                          23) Support leech exp, nvr ward, contest cs, didnt harrass " carry fast farm"


                                                                            they will report the carry oracle even if the reason they lose is because they are bad.


                                                                              Support steal lashit ks hero,no ward and dunno off lanes go
                                                                              And lose blame whole team
                                                                              Tis Wat I saw even 2,500m lol


                                                                                I heard some minecraft fuckboy trlling his friend to get SB on DP


                                                                                  1k mmr still picks supports but rarely ward the map.


                                                                                    And a puck who only uses orb to farm the whole game (only skill he used the entire game is orb) and still manages to get 40 min dagger after afk farming

                                                                                    pls dont let the celtikkk...

                                                                                      Come on man, didn't you know that SHADOWBLADE IS THE BEST ITEM IN THE GAME?!


                                                                                        1k picks support and play them like a carry
                                                                                        One dimensional as fuck :(


                                                                                          hey im pretty sure carry oracle is viable if only everyone on the team stops opposing it so hard and tries to win instead of getting mad and playing bad.

                                                                                          1k mmr. where every1 is a carry except oracle ;(


                                                                                            actualy i played 10 games now in 1500 solo and its pretty quiet game just plays but sometimes i start trolling then they speak

                                                                                            doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                              2k is exactly like this, only a little shittier


                                                                                                Not all 1k players are aggressive, some people prefer to farm




                                                                                                    I see cm and wd getting sb all the time and triggers me so much


                                                                                                      And in 1k if u get a 16 min bf on am the game is over


                                                                                                        Unless the AM didn't even buy boots
                                                                                                        Which happened once to me
                                                                                                        Worse part is that he manages to blame the entire team for not giving him space (to be honest, he did have alot of them) XD

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