General Discussion

General Discussion2k mmr players who say "mmr doesnt matter"

2k mmr players who say "mmr doesnt matter" in General Discussion
Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    I'm always playing with my 2k friends all the time.


      "Requiem ☭ 11 hours ago
      actually all those excuses are quite legit
      ppl dont have the right to ks you bcs you are the carry or pos 1"

      No dude actually 2ks are stupid as fuck so if you're a support, KS that fucking retard. SERIOUSLY. This is how I carry 2k games when I smurf from offlane/support position.

      Tell me what are you going to do with the farm? KS doesn't matter, (I'M) getting you the kill, retard. I'M the one who's going to go godlike and not die. YOU the 2k will go godlike and feed it away like a retard. KSING is good.


        I love how every cries about ksing in my games. Oracle so good at ksing too.


          Yep, I only see complaints of ks below 4k bracket.

          I smurfed on my friend's 2k account a few months ago and I supported as oracle (SOLO!!!! VS A RIKI!) -- and guess what? My crappy ass delusional 2k team complains that I'm a kser.

          If you worry about ks you're bad. So what you miss out on like 50% of the gold, you still receive AOE gold and you further your overall TEAM'S lead.

          A problem low mmr supports have is they try to not ks so hard that they often miss out on a free kill because "they wanted me to have it."

          No. Just ks dude. Please. I'd rather our chances of killing slark be 100% than 90% so I can get like 100 gold more. You need money too jesus.