General Discussion

General DiscussionTroll Warlord

Troll Warlord in General Discussion

    i love troll , and i need little help over build.

    as start i always go phase (always) but as i know treads are more farm effective should i go treads then ? (i know he has aura so proly he never need treads)

    next thing my 2nd item is sange yasha
    why i go sange yasha?cause im going that shit right after phasee dominator whole my it bad or ?i see people go bkb after dominator but that suck ass i think

    then i go silver for obvious reason or blink

    next item i still dont go bkb cause i always think its stil not needed i would rather take buttrrfly or satanic next than fucking bkb who dont give me lasthit at all and im not buying bkb cause i think i need mord sfats for highed dmg armor

    after i have phase satanic sange y silver and buttrr i would go then bkb as lastitem but by then the game can end

    so what do u think about my build and about bkb on troll when to by after what items etc


      " i know treads are more farm effective" wut


        ^this, lmao


          <. <


            i know only that he needs daedalus if he wants big dps


              Yo listen up VHS scrub. What do u mean u go silver obviously. U obviously don't get that shit item And you get skadi instead. Bkb skip if possible is fine if u wanna carry hard. But most games u get it at least after ur sny. Don't go rushing that shit I agree. But last item
              Bkb is really risky. Since when troll gets that many items? By then u already lost noob.

              Troll relies on getting them speed stacks up and uninterrupted man fighting. If heroes who get kited get Bkb, why don't troll get Bkb? He can't burst shit down fast enough without Bkb and his shit dmg

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                what you wrote here makes you look like you actually belong in ns bracket no kappa.


                  what u ask why i go silver?? going silver or blink is a must in VHS games u need that mobility
                  hm and yea about skadi i know its good on troll but i allrdy have sange yasha who can slow thats why i go sata
                  so what ur saying i should not gp satanic and sange y and should go for skadi ?
                  i do think sange yasha is core item on him maybe after 70 min game not ....


                    yea bkb after sange yasha or after sange ysha and silver maybe but i feel like i need more items before that shit bkb i just hate going bkb on troll before is 40 min cause there are so good items to go early


                      What's wrong w going sny plus skadi? It's for the stats not the slow. U don't really need blink because u have decent mobility with phase and sny. U r not really a blink-delete one enemy- type of hero. Although in some cases u might need a blink if u absolutely must destroy the back lines. Satanic probably last. Bkb after sny is really fine. U should be fighting a lot by then or u kinda miss the poInt of the hero

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                        How the fuck is this dude VHS.


                          yea definitely gona try bkb after sange yasha domni thanks ...but silver or blink is a must im telling u its not normal match where u just rush in with stats and kill u need a mobility .
                          ok satanic last i not gona buy him anymore .anyway ty i agree .\
                          @madara im vhs cause when i play normal skill im literarly stomping


                            i mean, a lot of vhs players dont get those items. its certainly not core. but iif u find u really need it to play your games, go for it.


                              Judging by his attitude I think he's actually decent in mechanical skills
                              Obviously he has something that keeps him in 4k anyway, his skill compensates his toxicity


                                u want to tell me that blink or silver never should be on troll ? its like u trolling me wtf....


                                  we are on that topic arent we? KEK.

                                  not never... just not core.. like if i couldnt decide what to get in a game, i would skip SE or blink.

                                  mayb his item build is a lot more flexible now with silver edge in the game. i duno. seems like a playstyle issue rather than a "you need mobility on the hero" issue. still think skadi is better.

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                                    yea i did bkb after sange worked i went after monkey king bar so it was actually good ok ty .
                                    i needed silver tho but i was like lets try bkb stuff like that..didnt make for skadi was gg...and i had rtash tinker who had travels 30 min and blink 45 and had centaur who was farming al lgame.


                                      I feel like troll has so much ms, that with a bkb to prevent slows he is fine. My build is phase helm sny bkb. Then daedalus or mkb into satanic or skadi.