It's a bug with the new update I heard, same with Tiny looking pink-ish.
Well, apart from the smoke, riki was a single targeting hero too. And getting reworked times and times over.
Viper's turn has yet to come, but it will come eventually.
What are you guys talking about, there was a model update? Or are you discussing potential gameplay changes?
I don't really see the need to change viper up much. He's a boring hero but kind of has his place. They already removed the uam on his spit to make him a little more interesting. What I would do is buff his movement by at least +10 so treads become a go to boot for him. Right now I almost always build phase cus he's so fucking slow, only 3 heroes in the game are slower.
And I would reduce cd on ult slightly to 50/35/20 and change aghs to not reduce cd but to make it have 2 charges like bloodseeker aghs does. So you can jump into a fight and ult two heroes.
"And I would reduce cd on ult slightly to 50/35/20 and change aghs to not reduce cd but to make it have 2 charges like bloodseeker aghs does. So you can jump into a fight and ult two heroes."
Pretty sure this is a go-to idea. Either that or have an aghs that does something with his other abilities.
Viper has strong laning stage against some heroes like, storm, sf, qop, puck, but do not scale well into the midgame nor lategame.
so why is he still being played in 6k+ even when none of the mentioned heroes are in the enemy draft?
Cus nethertoxin does scale into late game, so do his slows, just not the poison dmg. The issue for me with viper is really his mobility and long cd on ult which can only be improved by a very shitty item otherwise.
valve nerfed him cause of bots running away from him and gets killed.
None of his shit really scale. Even in the midgame his damage is pretty low. And if you actually go for damage items in hopes of doing damage, you just die and don't contribute much to a teamfight because all you have are useless slows and no AoE. Not even good at ganking. Give Viper Strike a mini-stun on cast and fucking give the thing a MS that is higher than Pudge and it might be more useful.
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whats ur opinion
im not sure if i like it more than i did the old version