General Discussion

General DiscussionQuestions regarding effective replicate usage

Questions regarding effective replicate usage in General Discussion

    So I've been playing quite a few games as morphling, and I generally buy travels, I want to know how to use replicate effectively when using this playstyle, if I create a replicate of someone and I decide to splitpush by teleporting to a lane, and I keep my replicate near where I fight happens, I can't teleport to a tower because my travels are on cooldown. Then if I replicate into the fight that means I won't have a replicate to get out with, so does that mean I need to play more defensively and stay behind my team? I'm curious to know some different situations and what I should do with replicate.

    Vem Comigo

      from what i seen pros play morph, they always leave a replicate farming with the team, while the main one split pushes,when fight happen, you back your replicate, while you garantee a objective (its better if it is a Tier 3 or racks, if it is a t2 you go fight) and after you got the objectives you tp out or go clean the enemy after the fight.

      His replicate is more of a protection for split push, not so much as a teamfight escape, or to copy the enemy right clicker during team fight.


        If they have a radiance carrier however u can take it, in which case it is rlly strong in fights. I also dont know if this interaction still works, but against viper, if u replicate him and either viper damages each other, a chain of corrosive skin dmg happens where one dot triggers the other till one dies.


          omfg I wanna see one viper hit the other, and then they just walk away and slowly each of them die lmao