General Discussion

General Discussion5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB

5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB in General Discussion

    This is the haffy smurf right, cuz the original is called MK? Dude i dont know why people dont pick more huskar with drow and oracle. He fits into the strat soooooo well. U tanky frontliner to protect drow, with her aura and oracle to keep him alive. He has a lot of attack speed to utilize the drow aura dmg.
    Edit: dont even need to try to get the page PogChamp

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      Renshin u cant take storm cause Dannyboi is the best storm player in this forum. If anyone remembers him your a true dbuff memer


        His personality was fake as fuck
        Pretending that he's good and looking down of people after reaching High Skill bracket ONCE in a PUB MATCH


          WITH A SMURF


            I still don't know if Aimstrong is Dannyboi. He did get Dotabuff+ and Aimstrong seems to mentiom him a lot, mentioning him as the "best Storm player in the world ayyy".


              Wasn't there another dude who had Ember Spirit as his profile? He mentioned Dannyboi a lot, too.

              Or maybe he is just a delusional pissant who got his Mum to buy him Dotabuff+.


                XD dannyboi was a legendary storm player. Aimstronk isnt dannyboi


                  Dafak i got a hole on my feet so many blood

                  And the wound is freakin deep lel


                    Try drinking your blood so you don't have any blood loss.


                      FUNNY CENTAUR GAME


                        I dont think it works like that XD.

                        Edit: seemsgood

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                          Fuck you guys leave some hero for me.
                          @renshin thanks man,I'll try to work on what you said although i m pretty sire I won't be able to play from next month till june


                            BTW any1 knows a workaround for the minimao click shit.its irritating when I want to check a fight in another lane to see if I need to use my ult


                              Apoo you can have viper since you're obviously a scrub and doesn't deserve actual heroes ayyy


                                double rclick apoo

                                apoo leaving dota for almost 6 months its a sad year boys


                                  Fuck u bws come fite me 1v1
                                  I'll just take Zeus and Sven then

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                                    im pretty sure i can just jungle lycan every game and win games with 4 cores that way

                                    that way im not taking pos 1 safelane farm tho problem is not many people know offlane, its probably the 3rd least played role before support


                                      Apoo a little tip when using Zeus. During the midgame when there are limited wards and everyone is god knows where, and a little skirmish happens, pop ult immediately. Don't wait for the kill steal. Pop ult so that you know the locations of the enemies before you engage. When it looks favorable that's when you chase. If it is not then back away ASAP and ping like a madman to your team. Do that shouting into thew mic thing, huehue.

                                      Also when you get to the part where people are dimly aware that smokes exist, do this. Gather team around, be sure to have a smoke. Pop ult, see the map if they are grouped up or nah. If not, go smoke and hunt that little motherfu.cker depending on who is most accessible and easy to kill. If yeah, depending again on the lineup, you can force a fight if you need to end the game early. If your team is suited to play the turtling game then put wards where you know they are not there, and farm ultra safe.

                                      Didn't do this when I played Zeus, I just learned this now looking at how 6k's play him.


                                        Zeus in 2016 lul


                                          I don't use ult to ks I just use it to secure kills be it for me or my teammates. And I do use it to scout out just that I don't use that enough
                                          @bws don't mock the thundergod

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                                            Tbh Zeus is shit now considering Raindrops exist and some Talent Trees from previously-squishy carries allow them to get magic resistance. This, paired with a casual Cloak, will render his normal Arc Lightning spam ineffective.


                                              Raindrops doesn't exist in 1k


                                                signature heroes lul

                                                Président® Salted Butter

                                                  Throwback to the times when I used to play dota with the actual owner of my smurf
                                                  I was axe, the sniper and am were filthy shitstains from seventh grade who don't want me to tell them what to do when they can't get anything right

                                                  Président® Salted Butter

                                                    I still get frustrated when i remember this game



                                                      The Medic Guy

                                                        so his son Cameron witness his father being smashed by an elephant? did Cameron survive or dead too? how Cameron react when he saw his father being smashed by the elephant?
                                                        too much question in this story. is there any sequel?


                                                          Ash does not need a girlfriend. His dream is to become a Pokemon master. Like his father.
                                                          Remember Ash's father? No? Because we never saw him.
                                                          What if Ash is his own dad?
                                                          Like one day, he has to battle the best pokemon trainer in the world, only to find out it was him all along.
                                                          His older version tells him, that the journey he was on, was the real goal and in order save his own live, he has to Travel back in time (with Celebi) and fuck his own Mother. Leaving him in an endless Timeloop of becoming a Pokemon master and fucking his mom


                                                            Ez AM game


                                                              so his son Cameron witness his father being smashed by an elephant?

                                                              I believe Cameron has eyes like all of us.

                                                              did Cameron survive or dead too?

                                                              I don't seem to recall reading that Cameron also had his face smashed in.

                                                              how Cameron react when he saw his father being smashed by the elephant?

                                                              The same way we would act if the paternal figure that has been guiding and our family for our whole lives is brutally killed. Laugh, take his wallet and phone, sodomize his bloody body, and proceed to resume control of your family's patriarchy.


                                                                Ez Cent game

                                                                BIG OUNCE *REAL STREET NI₲₲A

                                                                  got my ass whipped this game but it wasnt recorded, feelsgudman.jpg


                                                                    The pic does bring a tear to my eye cuz its so damn blurry and i cant see


                                                                      Kyle confirmed DDOS.


                                                                        Lately looking at all the ember games in the verified players little list, and been seeing a lack of BoTs and a bunch of rlly weird builds. Not just the sumail one, i just saw mEracle go manta diffusal skadi on ember with phase. Im so confused


                                                                          I even just saw capitalist buy ghost scepter on necro. My eyes are bleeding.


                                                                            Ah 1k throws good game


                                                                              Power of PMA just won me a game


                                                                                will be playing later after 1 hour

                                                                                D the Superior
                                                                                  Éste comentario fue eliminado por un moderador

                                                                                    Pma= pms right?


                                                                                      Am i being ignored?


                                                                                        No daddy no dedee


                                                                                          Ecksdee ashrel is joining the seatards


                                                                                            Still can't get over my wounded feet,can even see the flesh SeemGood


                                                                                     good and I am bored

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                                                                                                tell me apoo. how much fun are you having right now?

                                                                                                winning is SO FUN ISNT IT


                                                                                                  Its getting boring now. No1 even tries to ban Zeus lmao