General Discussion

General Discussion5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB

5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB in General Discussion

    +100 mmr bois

    mom said it's my turn to ...

      Still not done with clean up FeelsBadMan


        how can cleaning your room take the whole day? xD

        mom said it's my turn to ...

          My brother has unbelievably made a shitstorm in my room for the past 2 months going unmonitored


            lol, fuck him then,
            anyways glhf with the cleaning


              yo add me guys . Im playing in sea


                ^Shit how do you play underwater bruh. This nigga high af fam


                  ^I am a fucking fish


                    Shit fishy boi. Damn that some crazy ass shit right there.


                      ???? Wtf is this shit? Ill save u alice. Ill use my mega donger


                        any 1k scrub going to help me tonight?

                        doc joferlyn simp

                          why the fuck do you guys play so late


                            its only me tbh, and i play if i want to

                            doc joferlyn simp

                              so you dodging my 7 hour game session was intentional kappa


                                theres no such a thing, i just playing if i want to, if u want to play with me just add me anytime

                                doc joferlyn simp

                                  ik i was just kappa'ing for the lulz

                                  dont hate the playa, hate the game

                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                    in other news, im 2.9k now thank you tinker


                                      looking at how things are going for u ur probably better than me rn

                                      im actually struggling with getting out of 3200 it boggles the mind


                                        My friend cud have given me his comp for a game but he cheesed me. Havent played in over a month, it hurts. Only puss can save me now.


                                          I'm going to fucking snipe down you two once I started playing again
                                          inb4 haffy and alice 4k in 10 days


                                            haffy pls
                                            why are you spamming a hero with dignity
                                            why can't you just spam meme shits like me or alice


                                              oh boi, last time i checked was 2 pages ago, wat did i miss?


                                                Fucking haffy is slark spammer im cutting all ties


                                                  He is spamming tink rn nvm still just as bad


                                                    another fckin power failure lol, fck my poor country


                                                      am i a 3k scrub yet? feelsbadman


                                                        JUJST FUJXCK YJEAH BLYJAT


                                                          ALJL HAJIL NORJMAL SKIJLL BRACJKET


                                                            if haffy's gonna spam tinker im going to spam timber and void

                                                            time to get my memer points

                                                            doc joferlyn simp

                                                              those were my first three games as tinker, idk why that is called spamming

                                                              i think im gonna learn and spam mirana though, seems like a solid hero when not against a slark

                                                              doc joferlyn simp

                                                                or maybe i should stick to zeus?


                                                                  ive stopped playing zeus a long time ago since i cant get mid for the love of god

                                                                  also i dont think a lot of people can handle 2v1 lanes esp with LC/axe/etc junglers running rampant


                                                                    i honestly think offlaning is the best role for climbing because people are almost always willing to play a 4th core than a 2nd support

                                                                    also having a 4th core almost always secures the late game and with me knowing what im doing we're not sacrificing anything for the early laning (i win laning almost everytime)


                                                                      oi haffy how do u even lose games

                                                                      i have 3 things that can lose me games:
                                                                      1) games goes late cuz idk how to play in the late game
                                                                      2) i throw away my lead for some reason
                                                                      3) lag lag LAG

                                                                      doc joferlyn simp

                                                                        1) babyrage throwers that sometimes do a successful dual mid. i had a game as sf where a pudge camped my lane and bought a qo, had to rotate to jungle for souls. he was a good hooker though ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) and got the enemy mid like 4 times, leading to a snowball. most of the times though it is a shitfest and the enemy mid just wrecks us with his advantage

                                                                        2) 5 core lineups. i dont think the 5 man core lineups are that bad in 2k, it's just that we end up not having a courier. as mid you need your sustainability items asap, and without a courier you have to make constant trips to fountain, which is not ideal and can be game losing

                                                                        3) cocky plays. like secure early game lead, do weird shit, feed 4k gold to enemy slark/sven/pa, find myself defending hg instead of sieging theirs. most of the time my fellow carry has his shit together, so we can stage a comeback. doesnt work 100%, but hey, that's life

                                                                        doc joferlyn simp

                                                                          so far i havent seen anyone feed cours, but i have seen a courier train. the guy who did that though loved his cour train and defended him like a mother defends her children (he was an ogre magi)


                                                                            yeah cocky plays happened to me last game

                                                                            i fed 800 gold TWICE in the span of a minute because i had 19 charges bloodstone

                                                                            PA suddenly was beyond godlike and my team was like O_o

                                                                            tho i got my shit together and dumpstered them still


                                                                              rofl courier trains i did those a lot when courier cd wasnt high

                                                                              also about 5 core lineups i dont rly care as long as the 5 of them arent ricing heroes

                                                                              i just buy our own courier since its just 100 gold and 2 less branches wont hurt me anyway, its just a matter of adapting (and tryharding)

                                                                              doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                for some reason i find slark and juggernaut boring now, though i am successful with them

                                                                                tinker and mirana for lyf


                                                                                  i get bored with other heroes quickly as well

                                                                                  the only hero i will forever find fun to play is timber

                                                                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                    it's not a matter of gold with the courier, it's the principle. if you buy cour team will ask you to do wards, because they think youre a pushover. before when i was climbing i bought courier all games, no matter what hero. if we won just normal trashtalk, no ty or thx. if we lost, they call me a semi supp and blame me for not doing my job properly

                                                                                    i think that's fucked up though, and it doesnt happen always. sub 1k is where that happens lmao

                                                                                    doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                      i have a static 50% winrate with timberi thought i was good with him until i used db

                                                                                      holy shit i was dogshit

                                                                                      casual gamer

                                                                                        i cant FUC KGI N win with tinker rofl

                                                                                        my positioning is awful i suppose


                                                                                          xD yeah that happened to me a lot of times too, only difference is that i was the toxic guy >.>

                                                                                          i get triggered a lot too when im a hero like DP or zeus, we're a 5 man core lineup, then i buy courier, people insta-kick me out of mid and tells me to play support lol

                                                                                          i auto-lose those games but thats like 1/100 games


                                                                                            i cant win with tinker because MARCH MAKES MY PC LAG AND GO 10 FPS FOR FUCKS SAKE

                                                                                            doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                              maybe that's because ganks are actually coordinated in 5k, compared to my 2k environment where i can just pick people off and they wont give a shit

                                                                                              doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                                nice wp bro

                                                                                                doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                                  im gonna go play some tinker and mirana and see where that will take me

                                                                                                  for now food and dishes are lyf