General Discussion

General Discussion5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB

5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB in General Discussion
doc joferlyn simp

    hey that anime (??) sounds interesting

    at least the gods decreed that i can have this one :')

    Este comentario fue editado
    doc joferlyn simp

      ive got "beautiful girls" running in my head why cant i make it stop

      pretty sure im maniacal


        GONE. AGAIN.

        doc joferlyn simp

          good for you youve got shadowverse up and running :)

          pretty sure im maniacal

            Updating this game on mobile feels so fucking bad

            doc joferlyn simp

              why tho

              before updates came really fast

              pretty sure im maniacal

                Idk, for some reason it just stops downloading the additional file, the downloader won't show up, then it will reappear, disappear, a bullshit cycle of continuing and stoppinv

                doc joferlyn simp

                  get trojan'd bitch!

                  pretty sure im maniacal

                    Btw what I mentioned earlier is a manga
                    But heyy it's pretty good

                    pretty sure im maniacal

                      Also for the past few days messenger keeps on stopping all of a sudden

                      What the actual fuck

                      mr. rabbit

                        i havent played solo ranked in 2 days im slowly dying

                        pretty sure im maniacal

                          Go play it you fool!


                            new waifu


                              to update i uninstall sv then reinstall, relink and everything
                              if i dont do that it tells me i dont have enough space and some bullshit

                              pretty sure im maniacal

                                Wait what

                                1PP 3/3 Card???



                                  thats the evolved art


                                    nice quickblader skin

                                    pretty sure im maniacal

                                      Oh lul


                                        tfw i have ladder anxiety and cant play the 10 games required to unlock her


                                          or just new patch anxiety in general
                                          also i have no seraph cards (since most of it needs darkness evolved cards) to make use of my 2x aegis :<

                                          pretty sure im maniacal

                                            I have two eidolons but no seraph

                                            Meh I don't want to play haven anyway


                                              The only eidolons I have are the ones that I get if I pick enigma

                                              pretty sure im maniacal

                                                Do you pick enigma tho? :thinking:


                                                  I'm too lazy to micro to farm
                                                  Otherwise I'm ok with him


                                                    face it your enigma sucks compared to mine


                                                      Says the guy who never play dota xd

                                                      Este comentario fue editado

                                                        Uh Alice aggro shadow is extremely strong right now

                                                        pretty sure im maniacal

                                                          94% additional file

                                                          PRAIIIIISEEEEE THE LOOOOOOOOOOOOORD

                                                          pretty sure im maniacal

                                                            Wait a minute

                                                            Does no one play roaming wk anymore


                                                              hey is talon quelling AM is legit now? read the cnp thread and it seems to be pretty good if you have enough space


                                                                I played roaming WK 2 days ago
                                                                It's good but I got countered hard and had 3 weirdos who did nothing the entire game so we lost haHAA
                                                                Fucking told skadi to stop finding queue buddies from global chat


                                                                  Tbh I don't see when should I skip talon on AM and go str8 BF


                                                                    ive practiced terrorblade so that i would have integrity on my nickname haha
                                                                    been practicing pl and spectre too im an illusionist tard xd


                                                                      i might play tomorrow night add me guys


                                                                        Clemont race with me to 0.1k


                                                                          Inb4 timothy spams vanguard BM spectre and loses every singlr game xd


                                                                            No one can handle my 0.1k skilllzzzzzz
                                                                            ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


                                                                              i would rather try to calibrate on sub 1k and grind myself up to find out where i actually belong


                                                                                Inb4 apoop got matched against tb and shits on him :thinking:

                                                                                i have 5 reports to use

                                                                                  I keep losing dragon mirrors because I have no new cards, also my game keeps crashing in ranked?


                                                                                    I probably can't even beat a 5yr old at dota anymore hahaa fuck I can't even beat diox


                                                                                      Diox is vhs

                                                                                      pretty sure im maniacal

                                                                                        And so am I. :thinking:

                                                                                        mr. rabbit

                                                                                          i dont think aegis fits seraph

                                                                                          mr. rabbit


                                                                                            why tho it barely got new cards supporting it, most of the new cards are for midrange/nepnep shadow xd

                                                                                            unless the playstyle itself is strong rn and it doesnt need new support cards OR im dumb and theres something in neutral that shaggro can use (but then sword can use it too)

                                                                                            mr. rabbit

                                                                                              @bws u dont skip, simple as that

                                                                                              doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                                good thing yall are having fun

                                                                                                doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                                  at this point im just waiting for igni's videos lmaooo

                                                                                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                                    top tier 1k memer in da house:



                                                                                                      The crit is real lmaooo