General Discussion

General Discussion5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB

5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB in General Discussion

    my page for bed

    chicken spook,,,,

      I will ruin this page


        Im done

        doc joferlyn simp

          Nice one bearcat

          chicken spook,,,,

            Hmm how about giving her a fixed amount of Evasion that can't be negated by True Strike

            doc joferlyn simp

              Well for one thing Backtrack could be Broken by Silver Edge and Doom, and it protected Void from any kind of damage.

              doc joferlyn simp

                I was thinking more along the lines of making the evasion non-changeable, kind of like the basic 15%(?) magic resistance of heroes (except Visage and Meepo).

                Shingkay (MASTER)

                  I mean, I've read some autistic shit just hours ago (pudge is tanker not support), but this is, a whole different tier

                  Shingkay (MASTER)

                    first he buys vlads after being told a hundred times not to because I got it 4 minutes before him, then the madman builds a fucking agh's

                    chicken spook,,,,

                      Phaz boobs booty hunter gud shit

                      chicken spook,,,,

                        dude dont get mek

                        doc joferlyn simp

                          Built an Aghs? Wut?

                          Also Deso - Vlad's is his natural build, and he didn't get the lifesteal talent, so I think he needed that one. Alternatively instead of Vlad's you could have made Eul's as well. I don't think he was in the wrong rofl

                          Shingkay (MASTER)

                            phaz boobs booty hunter is still a wardbitch

                            Shingkay (MASTER)

                              the thing is I got it way earlier then he did, I had it even before he got battlefury, I repeatedly ping the item and tell him not to build it because I have it

                              proceeds anyway

                              chicken spook,,,,

                                Still a fucking dogshit item fight me im the 2 digit kda bh god!!!!!

                                Shingkay (MASTER)


                                  chicken spook,,,,

                                    How to get shs?

                                    Shingkay (MASTER)

                                      the fuck is shs?


                                        casually posting it here as well

                                        chicken spook,,,,

                                          How did that retard calibrated 3.7k fucks sake

                                          Shingkay (MASTER)

                                            U aren't as good at bh as me if u don't get 16 minute greaves urn Kappa

                                            Shingkay (MASTER)

                                              jk not even I can do that anymore FeelsBadMan

                                              chicken spook,,,,

                                                Urn BH in 2017 LUL

                                                doc joferlyn simp

                                                  Senior High School rofl

                                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                                    What the fuck arin lmfao

                                                    doc joferlyn simp

                                                      Why did I watch the full video

                                                      chicken spook,,,,

                                                        Fx storm :thinking:
                                                        :thinking: min 16 bloodstone into death 10 seconds later :thinking:


                                                          Bws qop :thinking:

                                                          chicken spook,,,,

                                                            Fx dota :thinking:


                                                              Fx doto best doto

                                                              chicken spook,,,,

                                                                Afk 20 mins LUL


                                                                  When are we gonna go 5 stack again . I miss apoop :sad:

                                                                  Président® Salted Butter

                                                                    I still play urn bh in 2017 deal with it

                                                                    chicken spook,,,,

                                                                      Urn BH seems okay if you're ahead tho
                                                                      BUT THEN AGAIN I PLAY SOLO SLAVE EVERY GAME THAT EVEN MEK PICKUP ISNT EVEN WORTH IT XDDDD

                                                                      doc joferlyn simp

                                                                        Easy solution: stop playing BH :bc_fire::bc_ok::bc_100::bc_ok::bc_fire::bc_ok::bc_100::bc_ok::bc_fire::bc_ok::bc_100::bc_ok::bc_fire::bc_ok::bc_100::bc_ok::bc_fire::bc_ok::bc_100::bc_ok:

                                                                        chicken spook,,,,

                                                                          I'm 33 years old. I graduated from the Boston University and obtained a Degree in Speech Pathology. Despite investing lots of time and effort to get this qualification, I chose a different career. I started working as a logistics coordinator at a major blue berries manufacturer. By way of introduction, my name is Nigel Bishop.

                                                                          After a year which was a complete unlucky streak I had even more doom and gloom. First, I had problems at my work, then started fighting with my wife and at the end of the day I had an ordeal which would be the most terrible for any man. I became an awful lover.

                                                                          To be honest, I suffered from this problem before... I always had troubles with my erection. It wasn't iron hard and my penis looked like a worm. My wife cried and we quarrelled because we were unable to have kids. 5 years of marriage were just wasted and it was completely my fault.

                                                                          I can't say that my salary was particularly high; however, my wife and I decided to spend some money on my treatment. 2 years of the treatment maintained my erection but at the same time hit our family budget. It seemed to be endless. But the end finally came. Caroline (my wife) couldn't bare it anymore and after telling everything she thought about me straight in my face, she packed her things and went to her parents’ home.

                                                                          You can easily guess what happened next. I fell into depression. I continued the treatment but due to the stress which I had, it stopped working. I gave it up and my libido gave up on me.

                                                                          I suffered very much. As any other man I wanted to satisfy my needs. Sexual needs during the depression period outweighed all others. I even couldn't masturbate – it just didn't give me any pleasure... I went to the extremities and started practicing sex with males. I even liked it but still I felt that my erection was quite poor. My sex performance was 50% of my actual potential. It felt terrible and did not give me the pleasure I expected.

                                                                          Being exhausted by my worries I started looking for natural methods of potency recovery on the Internet. And I found one called Hammer of Thor. It was said onthe official site of the product that the remedy could restore libido and extend the duration of intercourse. The price I had to pay for the chance of being a normal man was ridiculous. I hesitated but soon realized that I had nothing to lose and that things couldn't get worse. I ordered the remedy.
                                                                          I received it in ten days. It was the time when my friends and I were supposed to have an interesting party where girls were invited too. It was going to be something incredible! I took capsulesHammer of Thor with me hoping that they would help me to do my best and impress both men and women. The direction said that one capsule was enough to obtain iron hard erection. However, I took two capsules. What do you think happened? I FELT LIKE A TOTALLY DIFFERENT MAN. 10 minutes after I took the capsules I felt that I had the Eiffel tower growing under my pants. I tried to subdue my penis it was the same as trying to bend a poker.

                                                                          I suddenly noticed that she was winking at me. A girl who was in the opposite part of the room playfully watched my clumsy attempts to put my “friend” under control and then crooked her finger to beckon me. At that moment I was ready for anything. Hammer of Thor turned me into animal and I followed the girl.

                                                                          I can tell you that we had 2 hours of continuous sex. She came 3 times and begged me to stop but I couldn't do it. I felt inexhaustible and it seemed that I was constantly receiving surge of energy. Perhaps I should have taken just one capsule... So, when our sex was over she confessed to me that it was her life's brightest moment. As for me, I was proud of myself and I felt like a happy MAN!

                                                                          Just imagine, I was 33 and it was all for me!

                                                                          I didn't give up the idea of being bisexual. It turned to be a tipping point of my life. My friends and I keep arranging similar parties and my friends always ask me how I manage to be such a crazy sex-machine and satisfy the ladies. I'm not embarrassed by telling them my secret and I immediately share the link to Hammer of Thor site.

                                                                          Thank you all for reading this article. I hope I helped many men. Don't be ashamed of your wishes and if you have problems in the bedroom, use Hammer of Thor! You'll get iron hard erection just as I did.

                                                                          doc joferlyn simp

                                                                            started practicing sex with males.

                                                                            chicken spook,,,,

                                                                              I even liked it


                                                                                Rip bws


                                                                                  what the fuck is this thread even

                                                                                  chicken spook,,,,

                                                                                    Ultimate Ninja Fighter Weed 4

                                                                                    doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                      Freaking bananamancer spammers. Stop spreading AIDS


                                                                                        boi, idgaf

                                                                                        chicken spook,,,,

                                                                                          I'm ready for my ban


                                                                                            also gif bananamancer taunt please, I need it for better laning

                                                                                            doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                              Yeah no shit you don't give a fuck. You give AIDS

                                                                                              Taunting every time you deny your own ward is NOT cool