General Discussion

General Discussion5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB

5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB in General Discussion

    support players = when they play carry, they know what their doing

    Should I start playing carries on my ranked matches now?

    doc joferlyn simp

      Anyone up for a game in an hour or two?

      rain markcawat



          Take your time. Im not sure if my friend will transfer the acc to me in 1 week anyway.
          Not really people just dont realise if you fuck up in lane equalibrium, trying to do too much in lane blablabla all this small mistake could cost you the game.


            30K GOLD LEAD?


              meteor hammer

                holy shit i didnt see that game was such a cumback dude nice job^^

                Este comentario fue editado

                  Btw other than fibi and haffy does anyone play paladins? Join us for the memes


                    Btw everyone memes about bsj but his explanation about lane equilibrium made me realise so fuckin much about stuff i didnt know


                      u kno noting doe



                        casual gamer

                          bsj is rly good at dota 2


                            No he's really good at "understanding" dota 2
                            He sucks compared to high mmr players in actual game play. He's more than worth listening to, but u never watch his replays to learn

                            casual gamer

                              except hes 7 1/2k


                                If u were memeing smh for takin it serious


                                  Jdf join seatard whatsapp??


                                    cao ni men quan bu


                                      yo. you guys ever get supports who actually help the enemy offlane by intentionally denying the enemy creepwave?

                                      i;ve had it happen to me twice, and it just blows my mind. he pulls their creeps to the big camp. and im left wndering wtf happened.

                                      what could they possibly be thinking?

                                      Este comentario fue editado

                                        lmao ping them abd tell them to pls go help mid he needs ur help i'll do fine ty ty
                                        Unless he knows and is doing it while knowing what he's doing


                                          at that point im not even mad. usually the lanes won already. and im trying to understand what the actual fuck they could be thinking.


                                            U can actually let the enemy take the free wave of urs cuz u cant do anything about it anyway, and them go take the cs of both enemy wave and camp. But thats straight out retarded to pull enemy wave

                                            casual gamer

                                              i;ve had it happen to me twice, and it just blows my mind. he pulls their creeps to the big camp. and im left wndering wtf happened.
                                              what could they possibly be thinking?

                                              ppl do this when theyre pushing dire t1 top, pull to small camp and get the cs while ur team hits the tower


                                                Also denying gives xp you know


                                                  I saw a lot of player do the min 1 small camp pull and it triggers me so much that i dont even want to play safelane anymore. They stack my big camp when i am antimage too. They never hit enemy hit or use spell on them.

                                                  And its not even the worst of all. There is one time when i go offlane timber with techies. TECHIEESSSSSS. He sap my xp because he cant lh with very low base damage but after that guess what happen. He fucking use q at every creep wave. I do went jungle but idc about that game anymore. Good thing he went insta lowprio that game.

                                                  Este comentario fue editado

                                                    Yeah, for example this earthshaker on this match


                                                      except nothing happened and i lost a bunch of xp cuz i didnt realise what he did. rofl.


                                                        and gave free wave to the enemy


                                                          i do know if u kinda wanna push, you could pull your own creeps to small camp so u get a double wave. but never done any of those sort of shenanigans to push

                                                          Este comentario fue editado

                                                            This is why I'd rather roam
                                                            Fuck lane supporting, you can't harass the offlane? Congrats you're a goddamn pull machine hoping for TP opportunity or be useless for the rest of the game


                                                              ALSO IM UNCENSORED GOD BLESS SKIM

                                                              doc joferlyn simp

                                                                After my 1000+ games of Dota 2, I have finally encountered a real intentional feeder, in the most basic sense of the word. rofl


                                                                  I met intentional feeder multiple times before, and suprisingly he's the same person
                                                                  He goes by the name "r1zky" and "bws" sometimes


                                                                    How can u not go 0-5 on brew


                                                                      Brews been seeing some love recently


                                                                        I'm so used to seeing your Dota profile pic. It kinda defines you


                                                                          Yeah same goes to you . Slug


                                                                            Kinda ironic that I'm basically one of the least tryhard person on dota around rn


                                                                              I anticipate an intense discussion :))) Some can say: "how can you expose your personal life?!" - unlike other people who will be delighted with details and will offer advice. I just believe that these stories must be shared. If there were no bans regarding the discussion of private life issues and modalities to solve them, there would be no unhappy women anymore in this country! And you cannot even image how easily this issue was solved.

                                                                              My story
                                                                              My name is Christine and I am 22 :) A year ago I got married, my husband was my first man! Yes it sounds old-fashioned, but he is my only love, one that you live once in your life time and forever. :) Of course I dreamed about our first night together when we would love each other and have passionate sex like all young women. But life surprised me. My husband's penis turned out to be very small and, no matter how much he tried to satisfy me, it did not work :(((. His penis was so small that I could barely feel when he penetrated me. Of course we did not stop having sex, on the contrary, but I was not able to come to orgasm, and the sex duration was very short. All these did not offer my husband mush self esteem and after trying for six months without any success, we practically stopped making love. I only dreamed that my husband would have sex with me in all the possible and impossible positions.

                                                                              I could not and I did not want to give up. Consequently I decided that before seeing a doctor, the best thing would be to look for information on websites and forums for men. As it turned out later, it was the best thing I could do! On one of these I found a topic about a сapsules called Hammer of Thor . Men seemed to be satisfied with it. I read numerous positive reviews also by women and this gave me hope. :) So I decided to give it a try and I ordered it, since I thought that not so many people can lie about it. If it helped somebody, it can help us too!

                                                                              Although my husband had some doubts, he agreed to try it in the end. The capsules must be drunk every morning. After first week, I noticed the positive effect (or actually I must say I felt it). At the beginning the duration of the sexual act increased and the sensations were stronger. And his dick became harder and stronger, we actually wanted to have sex non stop. I finally found out what it means to be a real woman and how it feels to have a partner with a big dick! So as you can all imagine, we enjoyed its first results :))

                                                                              My husband continued to use Hammer of Thor every day for approximately three weeks and in the end it gained 4,5 cm! Now we have sex day and night! I am prepared to have sex 24 hours a day! Now his penis works like a clock, it becomes hard in a second. We have sex everywhere: at the cinema, at restaurant toilets, one time we even did it in the park, we couldn't help it. The sexual drive is so powerful that we cannot stop. The most important thing is that he is ready everywhere at any time and for several times in a row. I feel like a real woman, he is now so good in bed that before I could't even dream about it. People can only dream to have such quality sex, without any issues regarding erection. The penis even became thicker and harder and we come every time. My husband turned into a real macho man)) His self esteem is stronger now. He feels like a real man and he doesn't miss any opportunity to remind me about it.

                                                                              Girls, in case your man has sexual issues, don't waste time anymore, purchase Hammer of Thor .
                                                                              It is a 100% natural product and you do not have to worry about the health of your partner;
                                                                              After 3-4 weeks of use, the penis will grow in average between 3 and 5 cm;
                                                                              The duration of the erection and sexual act shall reach maximum limits;
                                                                              You will be ready to have sex any time;
                                                                              The intensity of the sensations and the explosive and long orgasms are guaranteed.


                                                                                bws's husband's dik too much to handle :C


                                                                                  That tinker game was so stupid
                                                                                  I think I bought back twice, and in their rush to win they threw themselves into morphling
                                                                                  Literally the only reason they were winning is because we kept playing like retards and getting baited into blackholes or a torrent ship combo or smth.


                                                                                    I dont read wall of text sry


                                                                                      you know, you think youre good. until you watch yourself play and realize how retarded you look. then you watch mid 4ks play and they too look retarded af.

                                                                                      i have 5 reports to use

                                                                                        I played a couple games on my smurf and game is still not chess at 5.2k avg. I think chess dota starts at like 5.5-5.6+. Below that is just really basic map stuff that people can't even fuckin do. This game sucks I'm moving to league


                                                                                          so nervous, in 10 hours tournament will start


                                                                                            you know, you think youre good. until you watch yourself play and realize how retarded you look. then you watch mid 4ks play and they too look retarded af.

                                                                                            Agreed , i often watch my own replay and think is it really me who is playing like a real retard lmao HAHAHAHA

                                                                                            i have 5 reports to use

                                                                                              The problem is people jungle too much when you should farm the lanes at the proper times. Jungle fuckin sucks right now but spawns every minute.people think the jungle is safe to farm but if you aren't pushing the fuckin lanes there is no space to do anything at all.

                                                                                              Think you should only farm jungle at bounty rune spawn times to make it worth it really.


                                                                                                best explanation for newbs like me


                                                                                                  blitz content is always good. he explains how to play the map which is a concept most dota teachers dont really go into


                                                                                                    yea turtle is right. the main problem is the tunneling and ppl are still figuring out how to play the basic map stuff properly but cant do it. i mean maybe its a different story if every player has a proper birds-eye view of the game and no fog. then even 2ks can play chess dota to some extent


                                                                                                      fuck off bsj went into all of that. blitz is just not a meme and ppl dont have a negative background about him. his content is really opso is bsj's own yt channel (not gameleap)