General Discussion

General DiscussionAm i the only one who's fine with what the mods are doing atm

Am i the only one who's fine with what the mods are doing atm in General Discussion

    From all my memory, this place was a constant flame and racism festival.

    1 in 100 topics were from reasonable human beigns.

    Since the mods started deleting/locking/banning this forum started to be more civil

    So tbh, i'm quite happy with the mods

    the realm's delight

      im fine too
      maybe there have been some bans thrown out that for some reasons that are not ban worthy, but even then, the mods dont owe any of u any explanation, its their forum they moderate it however the fuck they want. i see some morons spewing some nonsense shit about mods being sjws and other garbage which is not relevant at all to this topic

      ive been banned like maybe 5-6 times and never have i cried so much and neither have persons who got banned years ago. for 2 days this forum looked just like a kindergarten

      casual gamer

        i mean ive avoided the bans i guess its because i dont say the baguette word and i dont talk like spoderman


          it has been rather entertaining actually. quite funny to see the people's uprising and the massacre that followed.

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            I'm also happy with their work


              i dunt rly care but i like how the whole thing is so funny


                I'm fine with the stupid/racist/country hate threads being locked, but I'm super triggered when someone gets banned for posting memes/jokes in ayy lmao. Spunki did not deserve ban at all for his post, whoever banned him is actually So ji291je9


                  idc, i didnt pay attention
                  however this recent russian/turk thread lock cz of it possible causing an unhealthy discussion, is quite retarded

                  We Love You Akuzuma Oppa!

                    I still need some symbols like you guys. Mods arent doing enough, where the love for the dota buff subs???? FeelsBadMan


                      then why did spunki and other guys got banned imo for reason

                      Riguma Borusu



                          Haffy wasnt a bad guy, why did he get banned anyways?

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                          Potato Marshal

                            How the fuck do you have a forum without flaming and racism? That's like having a car without wheels.


                              haffy made memes


                                Flaming and racism doesnt lead to a converasation, rather a flame-war

                                NEMOJ GAAAA HRPO

                                  Just avoid toxic threads :)


                                    you know what mods, instead of banning and muting shit all the time, u should award green stars for good behaviour. so kinda like reddit where every1 has an incentive not to be a dick.


                                      haffy was a noob at dota so he got banned. i dont see anythign wrong with it


                                        Flaming and racism doesnt lead to a conversation, rather a flame-war

                                        sounds more like a pro rather than a con

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                                          I have a mixed opinion.

                                          I'm fine with what the mods are trying to do, but it kind of feels like they are overcompensating in bans now to make up for all the time they've been inactive in the forums, if that makes sense, either letting some serious shit up or actually moderating it several days after the fact.

                                          And I'm not spouting made up bullshit, as the only peruvian in this forum, or at least the only veteran one that posts, I can say I've seen several people getting away with posting stuff far worse than what they are banning people now for. And the fact that I did see people getting bans or other sanctions for other stuff right after those posts fell into deeper pages and therefore, were forgotten, left a very bitter impression in me, as if either there was some kind of favoritism or mocking certain people didn't warrant a sanction, even though I'm reasonable enough to know that wasn't the case and it was just mods being inactive for too long. I'm sure other people feel the same with posts regarding other countries.

                                          So yeah, I'm all in favor of mods being a bit more strict with their rules, but they really should have more people moderating the forums if they want to make that work. Right now, it'll mostly make people who post here regularly to be at a far higher risk of getting a ban than those who post once or twice and then dissappear for weeks.

                                          Dire Wolf

                                            You still have to weed through a ton of shit here to find anything interesting though. Let's not pretend this is like the nytimes op ed section of dota.

                                            Here's every page 1 topic right now excluding stickies:

                                            Every time I'm on 4975 MMR or around there this happens... -Bitching
                                            What type of alternative builds do you guys consider viable for AM? -Sort of interesting dota stuff but not really since bf am is vastly superior to anything else, this is more like for shits and giggles idea

                                            2k supports -more bitching

                                            Am i the only one who's fine with what the mods are doing atm -Not dota related, bitching about the bitching

                                            Stuck at 700 mmr and dont know how to improve -Bitching under the guise of dota related
                                            Suggestion to Mods -More bitching about fourm
                                            Ayy lmao -Quality non dota thread
                                            juggernaut -Appears to be quality dota thread, I haven't read it yet but hey discussing a hero is fun
                                            Paging Haffy -Personal ads
                                            At what time should I get Shadow Blade? -Dota question
                                            EUW EUE -Bitching
                                            Comment on the Dotabuff above you -Non dota thread but kinda dull
                                            Best streamer EU-west online again! -Personal ads
                                            bye bye -Nobody cares/personal ads/bitching
                                            Disgraceful 60mins -25mmr - yet more bitching
                                            pls help me with my monkey king performance -possibly quality dota thread
                                            Code of Conduct needs to be more specific. - bitching about forums again
                                            EU west is Asia - yet more bitching
                                            where can i see my total report??? -question that can be answered by a google search
                                            what will it mean for dota 2 if -dota thread, might be worth a read
                                            New update shows me as "support" when I was mid TA -interesting question about the fourm
                                            How Gid fucking gud ? - more bitching
                                            What hero can be first picked without fear -interesting dota thread

                                            So only like 5/20 posts are any good. A third are bitching about teammates and a third are bitching about mods.


                                              I came, I saw and i meme


                                                bitching can be really entertaining sometimes. e.g phantom riki (rip). and banned cookies this forum

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                                                  Problem is I often see you talking down to others too.


                                                    i try to retain from doing it


                                                      Im not fine with anything related to the repression of freedom of speech. its an invasion of liberty and rights.

                                                      People should be able to say whatever the fuck they want even if there are other ppl who find it offensive. That's their problem, not ours.
                                                      Give back the right to say n1gg4 thx. (im actually srs it really bothers me that there are censured words and that ppl get punished for writing them.)

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                                                      Pale Mannie


                                                          I mean if u get banned for posting that spiderman pic that says "my **** detector is off the charts" it's just beyond fucking retarded


                                                            They are the best mods in the world!!! *GIFT ME PLUS PLEASE!*
