General Discussion

General DiscussionSomeone pls teach me how to play arc warden:)

Someone pls teach me how to play arc warden:) in General Discussion

    im new to playing arc, i always buy right click items . someone teach me pls coz i want to use this hero on my tbd coz he got some serious damage


      Pretty sure the build is midas BoTs mjollnir. But so many fucking items r viable that if it has an active it is probably okay.

      Luis Miguel joven

        just watch arc matches, try to use ur illusion to fight and hide ur hero, always try to kill mid hero lvl 6


          one does not simply learn ARK ZET

          jk, just watch higher players play


            well , any tips ? for beginners :) , items to buy or whatsoever builds?


              Boots of dogshit /mjollnir/midas/silver edge/bloodthorn/

              Spam that E like a baws than If the enemy is alone press Q then press R hit with your clone congratz mid player is dead

              Este comentario fue editado

                I Try watching higher players but there items are all usable like scythe,bloodthron,hrricane , and im a new to playing arc, i cant handle all those micro so icant really relate at their play style , i need newbie guide hehe :)


                  That is the way to play arc properly, you either learn it or you dont play him


                    dont so lazy. at least open the DB profile people who reply you
                    cookie just want to say "watch me play fucker" but maybe he afraid of ban. lol. jk.


                      Arc is interesting though , i think i need 50 botmatches to perform him very well,
                      @Carmilla, hes a 5k player who plays arc a lot :) i guess i should watch his arc game


                        buy tangos


                          R -> Q -> Tab -> Q -> E -> Tab -> E
                          ez kill.
                          rat warden, never see good player rat warden at my bracket.
                          maybe this hero nerfed too much by icefrog.


                            I watched some of cookies replays and it helps a lot.