General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy is this son of a bitch timbersaw so durable?

Why is this son of a bitch timbersaw so durable? in General Discussion
Kill yourself in the name...

    No reactive armor = ez kill

    has 20 charges (last patch 26) very op omg how you kill this mother sucker :'(

    magic works but if he buys pipe or linken sphere or blademail its very hard he just gets away also it takes 1 minute avobe to kill him if very farmed even wraith king, spectre, sniper, dazzle and nyx assassin keeps chasing him and his annoying passive and more armor keeps making him immortal.


      Ye but late game 30 armor can be dealt with. Just pick od or silencer or anyone with a lot of pure dmg.


        Or bloodseeker


          SILVER EDGE



            Spectre is also good against him.


              people talk about silver edge but they dont realize the bug. When he has plus 40 hp reg already and you silver edge him all it does is stops him from getting more reactive armor but it doesnt stop the current armor and hp reg. So even if you silver edge him he still has his plus 30 armor and reg if he had them before the silver edge hit.



                Wow I didn't know that, I feel stupid right now xD

                I guess I didnt notice cause on both games I did this (both were with bloodseeker) I would always catch him alone. I did notice that in the last 2 teamfights were I silver edged him mid-fight he didn't go down as easily. I didn't suspect this though.


                  I never buy silver edge to counter a timber i just go dagon 5 if he gets pipe just abandon or u urself get the veil or ghost to counteract it

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                    Kill yourself in the name...

                      seriously 1 silver edge. my hero isn't a shadow blade situational. but ill take it and the noobs be like "riki has silver edge?"


                        kill him at level 1 or 2

                        if you managed to destroy him during laning he'll be trash

                        Riguma Borusu

                          veil etheral dagon aether octarine/aghs bots bloodseeker = death of timbersaw even lategame, unless he builds two hearts or some shit (in which case you wait around him immobilized so you can ethereal/dagon him again, switch out

                          before someone cries "BUT BLADEMAIL" realize that your bs has 3.5k hp with this build, plus he can wait for the duration of blademail to end and then use the veil ethereal dagon combo

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                          casual gamer

                            just ban timbersaw or get ur team to pick him, best counter


                              skywrath, silencer, kotl, screws him over in the laning stage


                                Bloodrage ur self, the bloodrage timber to pop linkens, eblade dagon. If he has no linkens thats an 80% amp on eblade dagon combo onto timber.