General Discussion

General DiscussionBot match=legit?

Bot match=legit? in General Discussion

    I have comeback to dota after 1 month playing only bots and angel arena. I notice that now i am better at farming pattern last hit eventhough i got 150 ping i still got 70 lh permin. Legit?

    3 KOIRA

      70 CS per minute? That's pretty good.


        In a bot match ?


          Having 70 lh per min. Liquid should exchange masturba for u right now


            ne vjerujem matere'm

            Corona FRIES

              Get better ping, you couldve probably gone 140lh/min with 10ping


                Lol, yeah i checked in my game as od today you can see it if you want it mid not safe lane. Its in the normal match. I was in lower normal skill though. I used to get 140 lh per min as alch though


                  Thats not even possible u retard. There rnt even enough creeps to satisfy that unless u farm all 3 lanes and both jungles maybe.


                    Matumba is on liquid so he can play sd and io of course. Did u see his dank armlet toggles as lifestealer?


                      if youre talking of 140 per 10 min i can do it by my means 10 min dont get the wrong idea. If youre asking me like 200 lh per 10 min i will do it


                        U said 140 lh by 1 min. By 10 min is hard but possible i guess if u r the most effecient person and stack pull, clear wave, clear stack, rinse and repeat. But who can clear that fast early on? If ur supports r helping u do that u r in a way hindering their total map affect, like helping offlaner or mid, but i guess.

                        casual gamer

                          ^ abyssal underlord and sniper, sven to a lesser extent


                            I agree with underlord and sniper, tho who tf runs underlord safelane. But sven cant till lvl 7 max cleave i think. Who knows i have tried it.



                              >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                I agree with underlord and sniper, tho who tf runs underlord safelane

                                *raises hand slowly* I support with him...


                                  Only play bot matches that have viper mid and chaos knight for that death ball. Also don't pick heroes that have aoe or split push potential. Too easy.

                                  I wish we could choose what heroes the bots play


                                    Dude i mean run underlord as safe carry sorry. Otherwise u wudnt be clearing lane and jungle


                                      140 lh in 1 min is possible but you need the pudge who hook his own creep to tree so that the creep dont go into lane but who does that. Im sry i forgot to put 10 on there. In order to get 140 lh in 10 min you must have hero with aoe clear ability i got 140 by having 2 support doing nothing but stack i got a 9 min rad on alch on that


                                        140 LH/min w0w 4rt33zy