General Discussion

General DiscussionLuck to get very rare or extremely rare itens on treasures

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Luck to get very rare or extremely rare itens on treasures in General Discussion
Don Piva

    whats the %%% to get extremely rare item at treasure?
    how many treasures i have to open to get that AM's set and jugger's new set?


      open 1k treasure i guaranted one of it have am or jugger set


        Spend 100$ and you got 1


          i opened around 12 chest for the AM skin...fuckin luck. For the Jugg tho, im at around 20 some chest and not even bara skin :(


            What chest do u guys speak of? Can I get rares wo spending money?

            Don Piva

              pretty luck then...


                Idk I got an extremely rare dk set on one chest, too bad the hero is garbage


                  ^ The hero s ok, just not in meta ^


                    i dont get it how on earth is DK garbage ?