General Discussion

General DiscussionEblade on Slark

Eblade on Slark in General Discussion

    So I've been seeing all these drows buy eblade recently, like VP vs OG in summit and Wings vs NP in I don't remember. So I thought of other unobvious heroes for eblade, and I thought of slark. On drow she gets bonus agi from ulti and when ahead can use eblade to just burst people down, plus she likes extra agi too. I thought of slark after that as using essence shift he can gain a lot of agi as well, and he also likes agi. It also gives him another escape method. I thought if there is an escapey target like qop or storm who u wud usually buy bloodthorn against to kill u cud get eblade to break linkens, tho hurricane pike also achieves this. With the new status bars u can also see when the bloodthorn silence will end and eblade before that to amp the ending DMG. My proposed build wud be SB > echo > silver edge > bloodthorn > basher > eblade > abyssal. After that u cud get skadi or butterfly or whatever. Thoughts?


      Daddo pls dont go full retard

      Este comentario fue editado
      meteor hammer

        garbage in almost all games, just that slark needs other items much much more

        a better synergy with passive is manta, which also offers a dispel and ok stats

        the realm's delight

            \\ _C
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             /   へ\ C
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             レ ノ   ヽ_つR
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           ( (ヽ S
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          ノ )  Lノ__PLAYER


            Dude, obviously situational, and burst synergizes with slark more than manta rat does. Tho if I think abt it, manta with bloodthorn and eblade sounds lit


              Slark has a 86.57% winrate with eblade lol who's laughing now.


                  \\ _C
                   \( •_•) A
                    < ⌒ヽ N
                   /   へ\ C
                   /  / \\ E
                   レ ノ   ヽ_つR
                  / / O
                  / / U
                 ( (ヽ S
                 | |、\.
                 | 丿 \ ⌒)
                 | |  ) /
                ノ )  Lノ__PLAYER


                  why dont u though little more about your mmr and skill
                  e blade slark not worth it but in normal skill all possible

                  meteor hammer

                    slark doesnt really want to burst people ALWAYS per se

                    sometimes you just want to steal as much stats as possible, in that case defensive items like skadi/abyssal provide more use

                    however eblade can also be used defensively, and a lot of the time you actually DO want to burst someone, in which case EB is kinda ok as a finisher. the only problem is that you will have few stacks on ur first EB cast, mb 7 hits max which is 21 agi, barely offsetting slarks atrocious agi gain

                    the manta slightly alleviates slarks low tower damage, which is sometimes a critical weakness of the hero


                      Dude its a meme. And u shud never get it early cuz ur right it will do nothing. But in combo with bloodthorn as a late game item when ur ahead. It does give more agi than butter too lol.

                      meteor hammer

                        buying eb is just going to accentuate the weakness to manta/bkb that bloodthorn creates

                        butter isnt bought for just the raw agi but the evasion and overall attack speed


                          I'm just saying dude, 45 > 35 or so butter agi. Its an item u buy when ahead, ur already choking their jungle or whatever. Basically by the time they'll be able to afford any counter item the game is over.

                          meteor hammer



                              Can someone try this since I can't play lol