General Discussion

General DiscussionSlark - item buying order

Slark - item buying order in General Discussion

    Would you agree that this'd be a good order to get items on this guy;

    Qualing/PMS/Boots/PT/Iron Talon/Aquila/SB

    After that I'd say it's situational, so I'm mainly interested about this .

    Is 12 to 13 min a good timings for all this?

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      It is and it is only i would suggest to get an echo sabre before sb if game is going okish


        I like Echo Sabre and I get it quite often, but getting it before SB means it'll delay my SB by quite a lot, and imo, Slark is a monster with an early SB, and with a few suceessfull ganks you'll be getting a Echo Sabre pretty soon anyways.

        And aquila/Iron talon should provide a fast farm for him so he shoud'nt have any mana problems if you learn hot to tread-switch efficiently

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          no, everything is situational.

          suck dick for pma

            Afeect is right, everything on that hero is situational. You could go drums instead of sb, S&Y, blink, I have skipped echo and gone silver edge skadi. It really depends on the line up.

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              Tbh, after starting to build Iron Talon into Aquila on this guy, I see no reasons to skip these 2. After that, yeah, it gets situational, I'd agree.


                Aquila can be ignored if ur already way behind in farm i guess but in general 90% of the time sb is better than blink

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                    Aquila can't be ignored. Period.


                      U can get wand instead of aquila, but 1 of those is needed. PMS is also situational, and don't forget raindrops. Eblade is the most core of core items on slark Kappa

                      casual gamer

                        no aquila--- talon drop before treads sb echo silver basher

                        this is THE build, anything else is shit basically. sometimes tread before t. drop

                        if you dont get talon u have downs syndrome


                          Iron talon is like asking for lp

                          casual gamer

                            pms isnt situational its core in 90% of games come on


                              U don't need it in easy lane. U cud rush SB, but I feel better with at least 1 early game item.

                              casual gamer

                                ^^^ here is the downs boy benao 4k 4 lyfe

                                90% = not complete free lane


                                  Infuesd dogshit instead of aquila


                                    itemisation is dependant on the player and the game

                                    there is no set itemization for any hero, it's all subjective

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                                      ^ +

                                      casual gamer

                                        silver edge is way too efficient to skip in all but the very most edge scenarios, echo sabre is absolutely core

                                        aquila is almsot completely a waste of gold at this point, skipping talon is like not skilling greevils greed on alch


                                          Dude even benao has more mmr than me

                                          casual gamer

                                            dotn worry at least you werent born with a congenital defect


                                              aquila slark is so fuckign bad



                                                also talon is super good imo, ignore benao

                                                doc joferlyn simp

                                                  i thought making a basi and disassembling that to make an iron talon + keep sage's mask to make sabre was the way to go


                                                    ^thats actually legit.






                                                      5.ES/S&Y (but if u can go fast Skadi it's better).

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                                                      M U R D E R

                                                        Pms talon treads sb
                                                        Aquila is fine i guess but it's like 1/3 of echo sabre so might as well start on that one instead
                                                        Should be pretty legit to start ss and ring of prot to make basi asap if you need regen but pms is generally better if you need yo hit offlaner to get first blood

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                                                        I am 322 ! I am NOT DDZ !

                                                          Pms qb boots Talon raindrops treads sblade @10-11 if good lane
                                                          Aquila is gotten if they have low catch or you think mid lane will get pressured alot so it's more advantageous to pressure t1 consistently, otherwise it's way more gold efficient to jungle after pushing out
                                                          Get treads before Talon if your lane is contested so you are underleveled and won't be able to go jungle when you get Talon

                                                          I am 322 ! I am NOT DDZ !

                                                            Starting rop isn't good itching, the hero has little mana.needs until 5


                                                              Aquila is a nice pushing aura early.

                                                              casual gamer

                                                                oh i see nvm. im sure bsai aura armor could be decent impact in many games, especially sinces its basically "free" (delays treads i gues)

                                                                you can maybe cast pounce more just to get around because you have basi + raindrop idk

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                                                                clueless clown

                                                                  If you do get an aquila , would it still be good to opt for an echo sabre? Or is that overkill of mana regen? Perhaps only choosing one of the two and moving on to another item??


                                                                    Wat happen to talon raindrop

                                                                    doc joferlyn simp

                                                                      you dont get aquila for the mana regen rofl. people somehow underestimate its armor bonus to creeps and allies, idk why

                                                                      if you are getting roa just for mana regen you are being horribly inefficient

                                                                      although a part of sabre's cons is the mana regen, you are mostly getting it for the second attack. a sb + treads + yasha wont make slark the best terror he can be when compared to sb + treads + sabre. makes essence stealing faster, and kiting easier. the slow combos well with his pounce, an sb initiation by a slark with an echo sabre vs a lone hero without an escape ability is most of the time a kill

                                                                      clueless clown

                                                                        I see. So the aquila is meant for pushing. So in assuming it would be good to get both? Just wondering if thats too much gold spent to get other items


                                                                          I get roa + talon + rd and i get to farm like a maniac :D


                                                                            I get bfurry maelstrom radiance manta octarine Bot and i get to farm like a maniac :(

                                                                            I am 322 ! I am NOT DDZ !

                                                                              I see. So the aquila is meant for pushing. So in assuming it would be good to get both? Just wondering if thats too much gold spent to get other items

                                                                              no, pushing your t1 as slark is a fairly low priority, you only do it if several other conditions in the game make it good for you to do so (low catch, mid needs to you to apply pressure to relief pressure off his lane) if not you are better off getting hard and easy camp and stacking medium (for rad) every min, in which case aquila is useless so just skip it

                                                                              Este comentario fue editado

                                                                                isnt it better to take 2 medium and a hard camp instead? i thought slark can do that.

                                                                                or you rotate back to the lane instead of going to other camp?

                                                                                Este comentario fue editado
                                                                                I am 322 ! I am NOT DDZ !

                                                                                  yea thats what you usually do unless the tower has been pushed then you do more camps while waiting for the wave to push back
                                                                                  if you dont have enough dmg you clear the hard camp during the 15-25 sec window then go stack 52 after the 2nd wave


                                                                                    echo is nice but when you go aquila and fast sb, youre faster rdy to kill heroes, the only core is SB/blink

                                                                                    casual gamer

                                                                                      ?????? you can go straight sb after treads with drop and then ur even faster, what is this aquila fixation


                                                                                        Ok don't think I'd go Aquila on slark. But what's with the hate if u going for it? It wouldn't delay stuff that much and it'd just a general good early game item for agi heroes.

                                                                                        The important item to discuss here is when you get your bloodthorne on slark. Before or after the rapier ?


                                                                                          Aquila/wand is mainly IMO for when slark is having a hard time and cant afford to rush SB/needs the early game armor and stats or whatever. SB rush is ideal but it doesn't always happen


                                                                                            The dank meme slark build that became a short term dotobuff cancer: SB > echo > silver edge > basher > bloodthorn > eblade > abyssal > skadi/butterfly

                                                                                            clueless clown

                                                                                              no, pushing your t1 as slark is a fairly low priority, you only do it if several other conditions in the game make it good for you to do so (low catch, mid needs to you to apply pressure to relief pressure off his lane) if not you are better off getting hard and easy camp and stacking medium (for rad) every min, in which case aquila is useless so just skip it

                                                                                              I understand now. Thanks m8. So lets say mid isnt getting pressured and the lane is mediocre, treads talon raindrops and sb is the way to go ? Then echo sabre for higher kill potential. Btw idk how 2 extract your comment so i just pasted it here. Lol

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                                                                                              doc joferlyn simp


                                                                                                [quote ]message here[/quote ]

                                                                                                remove spaces

                                                                                                clueless clown

                                                                                                  Thank you ☻


                                                                                                    I'd probably just stick to talon+raindrop if you aren't sure, faster SB in pubs is generally the way to go. Maybe I'm playing it wrong but I can never seem to win ranked games with this hero, after all the pounce nerfs it is much harder to get the snowball rolling and people have vsed it so much they very rarely leak dumb solo kills like they used to.

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