void,sk are generally safe picks, timber too, but i suggest you last pick it
and yes, you can raise mmr playing the offlane role, I am proof of that
What are the top offlaners ?
void sk nyx
does playing offlane can raise your mmr ?
playing offlane is the easiest way to raise mmr atm
^ yup weaver is fun to play as offlaner. u max q and spam whenever they out of their tower range and when they busy running and killing the swarm, just harass them with one geminate then their carry hp gonna fall like quarter most of the time
nice while you spam your q you dont realize you are feeding their carry + supports gold
magnus can be great too but hes a much better mid
sk can solo but his lv 1 is utter dogshit, lv2/3 is when hes strongest
picking slardar when u have lc + pa is almost an autowin
tide is the safest offlaner ever
thats cuz if i talked about timber it wont end in 1 paragraph
but i think that timber off is only rly good if ur ultra good at it and can win lanes 100% OR ur mid is a puck/magnus/etc, thats cuz its too greedy + provides zero disables + has little comeback potential because ur giving farm to your mid + carry + possible jungler
sk void timber are all pretty ridiculous heroes, especially if you are playing against incompetents
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What are the top offlaners ? can someone tell me what heroes are they and does playing offlane can raise your mmr ?