General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy High Skill Bracket now? :)

Why High Skill Bracket now? :) in General Discussion

    So after 46 games, 47% win rate, after many matches with bigger KDA, bigger XPM/GPM ---> comes a match, the 1st match where i go from Normal to High Skil, with Lina, with an average kda, average xpm/gpm....

    so i ask: wtf dota???? i had better stats in 45 games, why HS now?


      who knows


        The difference between bottom HS and upper ns is small. If you played in weird hours or the que time got bigger, that's your answer.


          no..i havent played in weird hours..i always play in the core of the day...never after 12oclock at night..never in the morning..

          Two.more regards:
          1. Why do i always get put with team/opponent players with solo mmr of 3k-4k??? Is it a prediction that i will be somewhere near 3k-4k?

          2. And why after only 1 (lost)game i got 4 level-ups from one shot ??

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            i know what is happening ! exact same happen to me.simple
            that lina game there where ppl party-ing and 1 of them was a very good player compared than others
            and his mmr made that the game was high skill
            i know this cuz when u search ur high skill matches there aren't any
            is like fake high skill

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              yea i get 4k's 2
              dotabuff is lazy
              u just needda boost mmr
              best way 2 get VHS


                So in the end of all ends: what does it take to get high mmr after calibration?

                So far:
                lvl 12
                ~3.5 kda ratio
                ~520 XPM/450 GPM
                + i always get mm with noobs and idiots playing for the 1st time a hero...
                Are these enough for at least 2.5k?

                Most games i have an excellent score, for example: 16/3/16 with Viper --- but no HS, no VHS


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                  means u were close all along and u got there by grinding. sort of. whats so hard to understand. stats are really impt only ur first few games,


                    Dude its abt ur hidden mmr, ive been 33-2 as slark doesnt mean im an hs or vhs player. With that win u got closer to hs but its not gonna jump u there. Calm tf down u r still not that experienced and have a while to go.


                      Ok. Thx for the replies