General Discussion

General DiscussionCritique my itemization

Critique my itemization in General Discussion
yung griphook

    I hate these posts as much as the next guy, but I feel like with how well I was doing / my net worth I should have been able to carry this game, but I didn't.

    Was there an item I should have gotten instead of the ones I had (I went difusal 1 after aghs blink)? I was struggling with what I should buy as my 5/6 item this game. Ideally butter but the troll had an early mkb. Not sure if manta was the right move here. Also didn't know if Daedalus would have helped, or linkens although I didnt think it was worth this game.

    Any thoughts appreciated


      I think replacing the Blink with a BKB would have been good. Otherwise maybe a Skadi could have helped. Not sure

      Story Time

        why no hex or blood thorn?


          u had nice items
          at time clock went for pipe
          pipe decreases mjolnirs chain dmg alot
          Your biigest fail was only 1 thing ( u lasthit good u kil good u dmg hero good)
          JUST 1
          --->> Tower dmg....
          why do u havr so low tower dmg ?
          another thing
          u needed dedalus or monkey instead of mjolnir
          maybe even go for butterfly ( u dont need blinkin 60 min)
          dedalus or monkey deals alot dmg to tower ( like 60 per hit as mirana i think)

          Este comentario fue editado

            28 kills and 580 gpm

            you get 1 item per 10 minutes

            only 425 lh with a mirana with scepter + mjolnir


            casual gamer

              mantas useless i believe

              yung griphook

                @robo the low tower damage was because we didnt have much sustain, so we would have to heal after fights and whatnot, even though that shouldn't have even mattered with healing ward, but w/e. Also, they had a lineup that could depush pretty well, so even in 3 on 5 scenarios we were having trouble taking hg. Also having to deal with megas on the back half of that game meant we wouold get 2-3 kills but I would have to tp back to defend the throne.

                @cookie If I remember correctly I was an offlane mirana, so I think it's fine all things considered, but you can disagree with me, that's fine. We also got mega'd early on, which doesnt help gpm. At a certain point I cared less about farming and more about trying to get pick offs.

                @JD I was thinking something similar, but at the same time didn't know what would be better to replace it with. Maybe mkb or daed? Bkb even?


                  wanna know only about ur items or are just curious cuz one of ur teammates blame u? if first, u are ok imo, ur teammates loses the game for u..


                    if they haf megas ok mjolnir but 425 creeps in offlane for 60 min is little but i said nothin cause ur stil normal skill so u need to git gud
                    offlane safe lane doeant matter u must have high lasthits i can have in 49 min 900 lasthits with naga offlane so no big deal
                    u didnt need manta so much and u should have sell blink for item like butter monkey or bkb or something like that...


                      asks for criticism= makes excuses



                        i think u should replace manta with bkb or another dmg item

                        clueless clown

                          Critique my itemisation


                          Ba dum tss

                          yung griphook

                            @sarllo Yeah mostly the items. The gameplay needs work I just want to know if the thought process was right for the items. I dont think manta was the move but i felt like i was being burst down, and wanted to be able to def megas easier.

                            @robo Yeah i understand i dont have a 700 gpm and whanot, but im trying to improve my decision making in this instance and not my mechanical skill, because that still have a long way to go. But regardless of gpm, I had highest net worth in the game, which would ideally mean that I should have the most impact, but I still lost the game. I'm trying to see what I should have bought instead of manta. but yeah I probably should have sold the blink eventually. Mkb would prob be good too but I was worried about staying alive in fights.

                            @cookie yeah just tell my why what I said was wrong so i can learn from it then. Youre not giving me advice youre stating facts from the match which I can see myself. I dont know how having 100 higher gpm would allow me to win if the items i bought were wrong. Do you see what I'm saying? or should I type it in a way you can understand?

                            Asks for advice

                            doesnt get advice

                            gets mad because nothign constructive



                            Dire Wolf

                              Juggers build is painful. Razror's too but less so. I think you should've gotten butterfly instead of mjollnir and maybe a daedulus or bloodthorn over manta late.

                              Razor no aghs? That probably would've sealed game and got those towers. Deso razor is so shitty.


                                @I got the juice have doud about manta? well, i think it was ok, cuz invoker have orchid and can potentily kill u... the most u could do was replace it for bkb, but if u where not the main focus, manta is ok... also, illusion dont get atk speed by pure atk speed bonuses, so, butterfly (even after troll mkb) could be a better adition, remember, a normal player mistake is to think that butterfly is only evasion..

                                but, especially on mirana, 60 atk main atk speed (30 for illu), 65 dmg, 5 armor, and flutter is real good..




                                    Bloodthorn is too unreliable. Also cookie is going thru a phase don't worry abt him. He is a gr8 player but a harsh teacher. U needed a bkb in there, manta is fine as their invoker had orchid, u just didn't cover survivability. Skadi I think to kite the troll.


                                      I lold. Great player harsh teacher. Sounds like a lot of blue stars on this forum. Funny how the ppl willing to give advice the most are normal skill plebs.

                                      Summon jd and cutpaste for some good advice. Ywn will just make u feel bad for playing like a monkey :x


                                        Hi it's me...

                                        Coz you're trash like me.


                                          should u sell aghs in the late game? since everyone would have tanked up and the extra starfall wont do as much dmg


                                            What OP want is - I KERRIED THE GAME BUT TEAMMATE IS NOOB SO WE LOST. I SHOULD BE 7k MMR BY NOW! CRITIQUE ME BUT NO HARSH COMMENT!

                                            Este comentario fue editado
                                            2k indog monkey

                                              Seriously when a normal human being ask for criticisms he'd expect something like "HOLY FUCKING SHIT YOURE A FUCKING RETARD you did this wrong kay do better next time"

                                              yung griphook

                                                @sarllo thanks for that I didnt think about the buter in terms of what it would do for the illusions / my attack speed. And yeah I guess bkb / skadi might have been better.

                                                Is it safe to say that the blink shouldve been sold at that point in the game? Also like tzuyu said, maybe even the aghs?

                                                @trash If i wanted that I would make a post complaining about the game and my teammates, not asking for help. Just because a lot of other people in my bracket act that way doesnt mean I do. Nobody cares about how shitty or not shitty your teammates were. That's not something I can control. What I can control is the items I buy, which is what I was trying to figure out here. I want constructive criticism not to be flamed. People like that are whats wrong with the dota community

                                                So my final take away is: MKB/ dae as 6th item, sell blink for maybe a skadi or bkb or butterfly. Would linkens have been worth this game? Not as many single target spells but just to tank up. Manta / mjolner maybe not the best choice?

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