General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy do you actually get stats on antimage?

Why do you actually get stats on antimage? in General Discussion
Riguma Borusu

    Aside from him having poor stats in general, if you're not behind or you can freefarm in the jungle/lane/whatever, what's the reason you get stats? Maxing mana break or blink seems infinitely better in a lot of scenarios (yes, people don't have big mana pools but you can destroy somebody's mana pool quicker, and you don't have a lot of mana to utilize spamming blink, but having two blink smight save your life).


      so u can farm and compensate for his squishyness

      casual gamer

        you farm slightly faster and 2/4/6 int with %regen is larger than you would think. you are much less likely to die with 120 extra hp and 1 extra armor actually

        stats is infinitely better than maxing manabreak in almsot all situations, 2 points in mbreak is situational and 3 is v rare in my experience

        lm ao

          Welcome back LC spammer wtf


            can't u read?

            Maxing mana break or blink seems infinitely better in a lot of scenarios (yes, people don't have big mana pools but you can destroy somebody's mana pool quicker, and you don't have a lot of mana to utilize spamming blink, but having two blink smight save your life).

            case closed, stats are useless ggwp

            Riguma Borusu

              Good points, then. I didn't really think about mana % regen actually, I kind of neglect the int aspect of mana regen too often since I don't really play int heroes/heroes who build a lot of int to begin with.

              also gj at "k" comment on a legitimate question you m0ng0l0id

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              casual gamer

                max blink by 9/10 is almost always enough imo xd

                what hero do you need more blink against? sladarrrr?

                Riguma Borusu

                  ^I guess it has more to do with the safety net of cooldown rather than needing two blinks to get away from someone most of the time, if your blink cooldown is lower enough you can get away with blinking around the jungle to get more farm, 5 sec cooldown is rather forgiving in a lot of scenarios I think, compared to the level one cooldown in which case you may be fucked if somebody comes to kill you. Otherwise, if your blink is on a 5 second cooldown and max range, they have to chain stun you to kill you in most cases I think unless it's an ulted sven you happened to blink into or some shit like that.

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                  Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                    u should have max blink by the time u have ur bf which should be around ~13 mins (or lvl 9-10, as it has been said)

                    in which case will you run into a sven with ult that can kill you or a 5 man gank in <10 mins in a 3k mmr pub? explain pls

                    Riguma Borusu

                      Yeah, maxing blink is pretty much a must by the time you are actually going to flash farm, my question was mostly referring to getting stats over mana break and to a lesser extent, spell shield.

                      Very rarely, but it can randomly happen, 3k is more diverse than one would think, people have no idea where it's safe to farm, so I play with the idea both my whole team and the enemy team are retards (including me), and most often it's true, but sometimes somebody will pull out a play I didn't expect, like (GASP) buying a smoke and ganking a freefarming antimage. When I play BS I do a lot of that shit myself so he ends up without items at 40 minutes.

                      Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                        get max blink by the time u get bf, max mana break by the time u get manta, max spellshield depending on how much magic dmg the enemy has (sometimes u max spell shield by 16, sometimes by 10, sometimes by 25, u get the idea)

                        inbetween those u can level as much stats as u want (but u should NEVER neglect mana break for stats, for example not leveling mana break until lvl 25 or sth), u just want stats in the early game so u can farm faster


                          Mana Break is useless if your target has no mana. And if you have to blink second time to get a kill, in most scenarios that means you going to dive T3 tower, which is risky play.


                            The answer is to never play anti-mage because all people who pick him care about ever is farming speed. Never worried about actually winning the game.

                            Position 1 only

                              What is that? I have two points in mana break and one on blink? Better max stats (gets ganked by tinker) OH MY GOD THIS DAMAGE OP OSFROG PLS

                              Riguma Borusu

                                @kryptonyt: why do you have 49% winrate and 2800 MMR if you care about winning the game

                                maybe you should start worrying about farming speed

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