General Discussion

General Discussionmekas new aghs memes 2016

mekas new aghs memes 2016 in General Discussion

    am: increases the damage of manavoid by the amount of mana missing by all heroes around the main target in 300 aoe.
    aw: increases duration to 22 sec.
    bh: track microstuns on cast, reduces armor of the target by 20%.
    brood: true invisibility inside the webs, cancels if you're in 300 aoe nearby the ward/truesight source. doesn't work for spiderlings/-ites.
    ck: reduces cooldown to 90, illusions takes 20% less magic and physical damage.
    clinkz: first hit/spell use from skeleton walk won't cancel invisibility.
    dp: killing a creep with exorcism reduces the cooldown of all abilities excluding exorcism.
    dk: permanent ult form
    ember: remnants never expire and provide 200 aoe ground vision.
    wisp: tethering an ally will transfer him all buffs you'll receive, on cast, transfer all debuffs from the target to yourself.
    lycan: shapeshift - can't attack while stunned, while all stuns won't restrict lycan from moving. (you can still cancel his tp's)
    medusa: reduces stone gaze cooldown to 60.
    pa: get a guaranteed crit once in 21 seconds, reset cooldown on crit.
    riki: reset cooldowns on ult use.
    slardar: all regenerating effects on the marked target will be reduced by 33%
    slark: ult can be used while disabled.
    sniper: global shrapnel usage after the increased delay according to the distance.
    spectre: haunt illusions don't dissappear after killing a hero, instead, teleport on the random alive heroes.
    ta: traps can be used in meld, reduce armor of the targets affected by the blast by 5-10, depending on the trap duration.
    tb: sunder can be used when cc'd
    troll: ult gives you 10% chance to inflict 75% miss on the target or 10% chance to slow the target by 33% depending on the form, both effects last for 1.5 seconds.
    underlord: every hero inside the rift reduces the damage taken by 5%.
    viper: viper strike inflicts break on hit.

    make more memes guys, or this forum is kil


      Top tier meme


        dk aghs : can move freely over terrain and trees and sht
        od: arcane orb pierces spell immunity
        pugna: life drain keeps true sight and vision on target

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        doc joferlyn simp

          aghs on any hero with wings: can move freely over terrain and trees and sht


            or just any flying hero

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              doc joferlyn simp

                ns hovers kinda when he's hasted or some shit


                  so crystal maiden becomes pay to win


                    slark gets 50% evasion and max movement speed in river

                    Giff me Wingman

                      DK Aghs: Turns into shenlong and grants the wish of free mmr.
                      OD: Passive, gains 200int.
                      Underlord: Has new Ultimate, summons all heroes that are dead as illusions for 120 seconds, all illusions havbe 100% Health, damage and skills.
                      Spectre: Illusions now deal same damage as original spectre
                      TA: Every meld strike does 500% crit
                      Slardar: Armor reduction is now AOE ( 500 range)
                      PA: Bouncing dagger up to 7times
                      Riki: Cannot be detected by dust, gem or sentry.
                      Medusa: Snake shot has unlimited jumps
                      Lycan: Shapeshift perm
                      DP: Killing herself and stays dead rest of the game, but now is unkillable since she is a ghost, she can still rightclick and use spells.
                      Brood: Broodlings now have 100% spell imunity
                      AM: When invkoer is in the enemy team he does same amount of rightclick damage as mana on invoker.
                      AW: Illusion can now create another Illusion.
                      Troll: Fervor always at max attackspeed with 25% bashchance.
                      TB: metamorph now gives extra damage depending on how much agi TB has, 1 agi = 2 dmg.

                      Giff me Wingman

                        did i dank enough?


                          lul i remember our misplay when am mana void a core silencer for an ultra kill, i cry

                          Potato Marshal

                            You're stealing my shtick, you asshole


                              The only one which actually can be implemented in game is for DK perma dragon form.

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                              4pos pudge/grim only

                                am- mana burn increased to 70 per hit and deal pure damage
                                aw- illusions can now carry items that dropped on death
                                bh- gold gained for allied heroes are now doubled
                                brood- infinite web (once bought, aghs cant be dropped)
                                ck- illusions received 100% and illusions search radius increased to global
                                clinks- death pact bonus damage increased to 17.5%, strafe cd reduced to 20 secs
                                dp- exorcism spirits deals composite damage instead of physical only
                                dk- ultimate cd reduced to 90 secs, dragon tail range increased to 400 and stun duration increased to 5.0 secs, breath fire range are doubled
                                ember- chains turned into aoe effects of 300 aoe, unit marked by sleight of fist still get attacked eventho already dead
                                gyro(rework) - side gunner interval reduced to 1.1, ult range increased to global
                                io- apply weak dispel to tethered unit, can tether to enemy unit but give reverse effect (decreased move speed, life leach)
                                lycan- summons wolf companion(1250 hp, 80-100 dmg, three item slots, passive 20% chances to crit for 350%, 35% magic resistance and 8 base armor, have permanent true sight, fervor aura to increased ally AS by 10%, damages lycan by 10% of wolf hp as pure dmg when killed, 100 seconds cd)
                                medusa: stone duration increased to 4.5 secs and extra 65% physical dmg when in stone form.
                                necro(rework): buyback are now available again, but buyback cost are doubled and death penalty by extra 45 secs
                                omni(rework): affects buildings and all allies units globally, and give 35hp regen per sec for the duration
                                slark: essence shift now steals 1.5 points of attributes per hit (slark gains 4.5 agi per hit)
                                templar- psi blade spill width increased to 150
                                visage(rework)- familiars count increased to 3 and soul assumption dmg changed into pure
                                spectre- two illusions are spawned next to enemy hero when ult are cast (consecutive cast will not destroy previous illusions)
                                troll- new ability added: amok (troll became spell immune for 5 seconds and gained 10% extra AS and MS and have extra 20% chances to bash when in melee form, 15 seconds cd)

                                Pale Mannie

                                  global shrapnel and assassinate with reduced manacost to 200

                                  Pale Mannie

                                    and has the abilty to shoot himself with ulti

                                    lm ao

                                      TA: psionic traps now apply purge and deal 1 damage tick per second (to disable blinks)
                                      Puck: illusory orb and waning rift damage increases up to 420 magical damage damage when Aghanim's scepter is worn

                                      Dire Wolf

                                        Your dk one is so op, permanent ult form would break that hero. Instead it should do something like make dragon tail aoe while in dragon form and make fire breath do more dmg.

                                        On the other hand I like the idea of sacrifice effect lasting until death on clinkz. You pretty much always fight with the buff up and the level 3 duration is longer than the cd. It'd be a useful buff but not op.

                                        Troll aghs should make his fervor affect allies as an aura for 50% of value or something. Can you imagine running say aghs sven, aghs troll, bm and venge? lawl

                                        Medusa's ult is kind of what it is, if you made it better it might be too strong or too different. I'd say make her aghs either remove dmg penalty on spit shot (balanced) or allow modifiers off split shot but that's definitely op, if you think mjollnir procs a lot for drow aghs imagine a 5 shot medusa with aghs and daedulus. Or maybe a better one is increase snake jumps by 50%, 9 at rank 4, or allow it to jump back to targets hit previously. That means if you bounced it between two heroes it would do 1230 magic dmg to one lawl. That's probably massively op, but hey you'll never attack medusa without numbers then.


                                          ^Every cast of Mystic Snake has a 25% chance to cast Stone Gaze as well (no cooldown).


                                            Am- 120% magic reduction
                                            Aw- Spark Wraith is now global
                                            bh- his track is global and - 80% of armor target
                                            Viper- Corrosive Skin has +30 armor
                                            Medusa- Once it die in splitshot every creeps/hero can be summon and fight for his side for 5 mins
                                            Troll- has new ability to troll someone and confuse the player to rage his teammates

                                            Omniknight- global repel 5 maximum target

                                            Batrider- Global Lasso

                                            Tb- Once sunder use to enemy they die instantly and become an aegies

                                            Warlock- rework instead summoning two golem. He now summon roshan to fight to his side

                                            Phantom Lancer -his illusion becomes heroes it self has full damage

                                            Riki- his smoke screens aoe becomes 80th Aoe

                                            Faceless Void - he now can leave the game that has no penalty /abandon

                                            Alchemists- his acid spray has 2 seconds cooldown and its global.

                                            Meepo - Diveded We stand has magic immunity and cant be rightclick ..

                                            Juggernaut- his Omni slash has unlimited bounce.

                                            lycan- his ult makes him invicible and cant be detected by gem sentry or dust . Basicly he cant be detect..

                                            Spectre- She can now Reality the enemy without activating Haunt...


                                              am- increase antimagic shield to 70% and grant a 900 aoe aura to allied heroes.
                                              dk- decreases cooldwon by 20sec, increases duration by 10sec, upgrade dragon blood to give +5 armor, +20hp regeneration
                                              ck- make phantams illu invulnerable to cleave dmg, and give them 50% magic resistance (only to illusions)


                                                Templar's traps give half the slow as movement speed when popped. Possibly increase the trap limit. I could see this aghs being built instead of yasha items.

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                                                Swap Commends

                                                  Gaben: k

                                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                                    riki's smoke breaks passives and goes through spell immunity (also an aura), and enemies are rooted + slowed by 50% when inside riki circle during tricks of the trade but the radius is reduced (an aura so lingers for a half a second)

                                                    meteor hammer

                                                      meka riki aghs is way too good im pretty sure


                                                        I think the most meta slardar aghs wud be to make sprint passive, meaning it can be removed by break, but it gives max move speed and has an aura which reduces DMG by 10-15-20% for slardar and all allies in a 900 aoe.


                                                          Gyro aghs shud become makes flak cannon toggleable, maybe 100 mana to turn on, triggers every 2 seconds, and every trigger costs 10 mana. Mana values r a bit arbritrary cuz I obviously don't do balance testing but u get the idea. The flak hits reduce armor by 1.


                                                            Ta also doesn't build yasha items wtf.


                                                              @saqil composite DMG no longer exists, it was removed in 6.86 I think.


                                                                i think ET ult is still mixed or composite.


                                                                  No half the DMG is physical half is magical, pretty sure 2 instances. Not super sure tho.

                                                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                                                    ^yeah that's how it works

                                                                    not sure about the 2 instances thing though, need another dude to confirm


                                                                      U don't need to know if et ult is mixed or composite or whatever to land FIVE MAN ULT TEAM WIPE WOMBOCOMBO MOTERFUKER

                                                                      man et is such a fun hero


                                                                        I've never lost as et with a void on my team. Even those retarded MoM voids.
                                                                        Me alch and chronosphere solo carried FeelsGoodMan


                                                                          What abt my aghs guys dont get off topic

                                                                          doc joferlyn simp

                                                                            let's forget about that alche shall we



                                                                              When u have more networth as support et than your carry slardar. Feels gud man

                                                                              doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                stop ksing jacked geez

                                                                                doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                  *offlane slardar forced to carry early game* for about that part lmao


                                                                                    It's alright haffy. U did ur part in the early game, moved over and let life stealer steal the show. Never saw a more dog shit lifestealer


                                                                                      >ta doesn't build yasha items
                                                                                      >what is manta or sny


                                                                                        TAs that build manta or sny usually lose. Or have a hard game where they would have to get it. Either way it sucks.


                                                                                          Am agh's gives am a cleave, evey unit in cleave range gets mana burned.

                                                                                          doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                            never understood the manta pickup on ta

                                                                                            Président® Salted Butter

                                                                                              Pugna: his ult pierces spell immunity when healing an ally 4Head
                                                                                              Cm: frost bite becomes a 700 aoe skill, freezing field aoe increase and music changes to "Let It Go" while channeling
                                                                                              Silencer: same effect, but when global silence is not used the enemy's music is replaced with "The Sound Of Silence" 4Head

                                                                                              one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                                Pugna: his ult pierces spell immunity when healing an ally 4Head

                                                                                                this is actually a really good upgrade, one of the worst things about aghs-bs fountain pugna is that u can't go bkb
                                                                                                aside from picking pugna in the first place