General Discussion

General Discussionone minute with me

one minute with me in General Discussion

    why I cant win this motherfu**ing games in ranked every game with bunch of feeder or flamer what must I do?


      cause its 2200 mmr just improve and mite all chat


        every game I take control if my lane but other lanes ... every game(not every game really) I got a good farm but my teammates ....


          One minute with you is all I need to get off


            Pro tip: in 2k if u do well in your lane. They will just fuk off to your other lanes and rape the other lanes. As a carry in 2k it helps to join those fights.


              I think u r smorfer do u?


                G I T


                  pls say something useful

                  Riguma Borusu

                    he did

                    be better at the game

                    if you have barely 50% winrate and only 2200 MMR that means you're fucking terrible and need to get better

                    I am terrible too, but I don't think anyone is holding me back, I just play like shit

                    so stop playing like shit and win games

                    Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                      Just maintain e 50%+ winrate and play a lot of game. Your doing well if you ask me.

                      And don't blame your teammate.

                      4pos pudge/grim only

                        blaming teammates never help. when i lose, i blame it on myself for not being good enough for the team and when we won, you should always credit your teammates for that win. JUST GIT GUD. i think that should work in every skill bracket


                          Im 12 btw haHAA