General Discussion

General DiscussionAt what point (mmr) do you decide what role you will mainly play?

At what point (mmr) do you decide what role you will mainly play? in General Discussion
yung griphook

    So I've run into something as of late. I used to pick mid only, as it was my best role. Even though I couldn't last hit well (CS LUL) I felt like I could have to most impact playing a mid hero, killing their mid and running through the mid game. However mid isn't something I could first pick without getting flamed or having to battle someone else for it, so I stopped picking it.

    Now I only got to 2.9k playing mid and some safelane, but never higher. I recently decided I would just play whatever the team needed, and lost something like 14 of 17 games. Eventually I just started supporting, and I won my last 3, putting me a game away from 2800 mmr or something.

    My ultimate question is, when should you stick to a role, and only (or mostly) play that role? As bad of a mid as I was, I'm probably a worse support. I don't miss pulls or anything like that, but I'm just very inefficient with my time, running around the map a lot, missing levels and making bad tp decisions.

    TLDR: would it be better to keep playing support even though I'm bad at it, and try to improve at it to win, or would it be better to just spam mid and try to get better at it as its my best role, even though I can't last hit for shit in the first 5 minutes? Or would an in-between approach be better, and support until a certain mmr, and then practice my best role at a higher mmr? Or even vice versa.

    I mean obviously I wasn't a good enough mid to carry out of 2.9k, but I'm just wondering everyone's thoughts. Sorry for the wall of text.

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      Good question.

      yung griphook



          you don't

          you just pick 1-3 heroes at any position 1-5 and you master them

          it's best to pick 1 position for increased learning, or 2 positions for consistency/variance

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            Pos 1 because these cucks don't get efficiency, item builds, and safe places to farm

            yung griphook

              @Cookie, thats a good approach. I think I'm gonna try to focus on that now.

              @KK I can carry if the lane is uncontested or against only a solo offlaner (depending on the matchup), but I find that when I play passively and let the game come to me I lose more often than not, so I let someone else do it. Or if it's against a dual lane I barely get anything out of the lane. Usually there's enough people that want to farm safelane where I don't have to.

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                follow what cookie said, because that how i raised my mmr from 4.1 to 4.7


                  Just follow what Cookie said


                    I dont play a specific role, I play heroes I like and it happens that 90% of them are safe and mid ones.


                      Actually I prioritised myself on pos 1 before I play MMR lmao
                      Was already sick of carry wannabes that think they can just go fight the enemy without farm and went stupid builds like aghanim jugger, BF without boots AM, and shit


                        Actually I prioritised myself on pos 1 before I play MMR lmao
                        Was already sick of carry wannabes that think they can just go fight the enemy without farm and went stupid builds like aghanim jugger, BF without boots AM, and shit


                          How did you lose with a 15-3-18 jugger

                          Dire Wolf

                            you just kind of try different stuff and see what you like


                              at low mmr, most of the people play like they are in old patches. the mom aghs jug, still mom bf void, its viable obv but as hero changes somethings may not work on him which previously worked


                                nvm I lost a game with 22-1-13 sniper


                                  You don't, because the other 4 doesn't need to listen to you.

                                  I am 322 ! I am NOT DDZ !

                                    Maining a role can be useful, another thing to do is to identify what you are weak at and either solve it or to eliminate it from your gameplay. i realised that I was really bad at any aspect of hero killing so I completely removed those heroes from my pool.

                                    I play carry or support only, so no lifestealer clinkz lion disruptor etc, went from 5k to 5.5


                                      you spamm hero until u cant constant winning
                                      and until it gets bored
                                      but if you need to pick That hero for team pick it
                                      and i dont need in that bracket i can just go jungle sven farm 20 25 min come with blink sabre satanic armet and rape their whole team and base