General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to stop cats from sleeping in my bed

How to stop cats from sleeping in my bed in General Discussion

    Stuff I found from google is retarded. I need some real advice from u guys. (The problem is that my cat knows how to open doors)

    doc joferlyn simp

      lock the door? cant be that hard right

      Este comentario fue editado

        kill it, or burry it might help


          Locking and unlocking is more work than throwing cat out of the room.


            What kind of lock do you have on your door?


            one syllable anglo-saxon

              throw them out until they understand u don't want them to do that?

              >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                Keep a spray bottle and when the cat is about to cross into your territory, you spray him, and may be make a sound that lets him know "Oh boy. It looks like I am causing trouble, I do not want any drama." and walks away instead of trying to piss you off.


                  put near bed blanket for them and learn them to sleep there

                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                    yea actually just pepper spray them why do u mess around
                    little fuckers must learn who's the boss in the house

                    Howard Donald

                      Get rid of the bed.


                        Don't let those fucks walk all over you. Even cats need discipline and a good whipping. But wat would a man like u whos too afraid to lock his own door know about that ?

                        I am 322 ! I am NOT DDZ !

                          Why? Sleeping with your pets is the best thing ever

                          >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                            yea actually just pepper spray them why do u mess around
                            little fuckers must learn who's the boss in the house

                            Don't pepperspray your cat :laugh:

                            At least have a spray bottle full of water, and when he is being bad, make a sound (like a whistle, or finger snap, or hand clapping or blowing etc..) to associate that sound with bad

                            And in the future if ignores the sound that means bad boy, spray him, then even further in the future will see that - that sound you associated with bad will be recognized by the cat to where you won't even need the spray bottle unless he deliberately ignores you.

                            NOTE: Staring at your cat is like being challenged and can spook him. That is why you will notice cats avoiding eye contact with humans since that means "I'm going to fuck you up in the cat world.

                            I am just sharing that knowledge so you also know when/how to assert dominance when dealing with a cat, so your cat knows who runs the show.

                            Oh, and if he looks at you and closes his eyes, it's a sign of trust, since staring without blinking means "We gonna fight, bitch" in cat language.

                            What else you wanna know about cats, OP?

                            Este comentario fue editado

                              Ty guys, pepper spray it is.


                                So to punish a cat you grab it's head and have a staring contest with it?


                                  your cat won't fuck around with that weak shit. if you try to pepper spray him, he will just kill you in your sleep


                                    Report your cat for ability abuse


                                      i just close the door, no idea what else could be done:/


                                        You're denying yourself the only pusy you will ever get


                                          Well at least you can tell your friends that you sleep with a pu55y ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

                                          Jay the Bird

                                            You're denying yourself the only pusy you will ever get

                                            Potato Marshal

                                              I heard pooping in your bed helps keeps pets away.

                                              1-IceTea 🌟

                                                Stop joking with him, Struggle already struggling with de Meow, please give good solution -

                                                Use de Meow tummy as a pillow put your head on its tummy is sure best idea - it not only feed good and warm, it also will stop de Meow from coming to your bed.

                                                OR IF DE MEOW LIKE IT YOU BOTH CAN STAY HAPPY EVER AFTER THAT.

                                                Este comentario fue editado
                                                doc joferlyn simp

                                                  You're denying yourself the only pusy you will ever get

                                                  Riguma Borusu

                                                    I wish something would sleep in my bed :'(


                                                      Yeah, I had the same problem a month ago. The cat 'd always sleep on the same spot on my bed as it was warm there. If I picked him up and in another place it's come back right away. Once I closed my door to experiment but it climbed on the roof and got inside through a small gap.

                                                      Yo solve this you have to change the cat 'd mentality. You have to create a n equivalent place for the cat to stay. I insta throw the cat to the destination place where you want it to end up ( in my case it was a equally comfortable place on the mat), whenever it tried sleeping on my bed. It does take time. You have to change the cats mentality that he can no longer be in the bed and it'll choose the alternative regardless. After a bit of work and patience the cat will end up where you want it to be. Do not let it be at bed at any cost till it itself change its behavior. Took me 3-4 days to teach my cat.!! Have patience !! It'll end up well!!!☺☺