General Discussion



    All of you from other servers telling me to stop complaining can shut the FUCK up.

    Everyone playing in SEA server knows very well the situation with so many trash pinoys ruining games for other players. They fucking speaking their own language, play noobs and are fucking selfish.

    What I had enough today is one pinoy in my game who picked drow, trashtalked in his shitty pinoy language, and continues to feed, and also try to steal my creeps (I was Sven safelane) - this is the match

    Apparently that's not it. I fucking queued with him again next game, and guess what? He picked BS and FED AGAIN.

    Just enough with all these pinoy kids like seriously, they are really fucking haunting my Dota experiences.

    This is not even mentioning shit tons of other games where someone will cry for mid and FAIL HORRIBLY. Or last pick core or carries then cry for courier. This is even in VHS.

    /end of rant


      Check ur behaviour score


        People who bitch about idiot teammates and toxicity in a server are the anti social racists who are the toxic idiots in those games.
        I rarely see toxicity complains from polite players who know how to communicate to human beings

        Riguma Borusu

          1) if someone's a retard and pollutes the text/voice aspect of game communication, mute them
          2) if you are one of them (as you obviously are), delete dota and play solitaire by yourself in your room
          3) cookie is correct


            im sorry


              And you are a smurf that ruins the experiance for new players trying to learn the game. You are worse cancer then the SEA players.

              Pale Mannie


                doc joferlyn simp

                  Has it ever occurred to you that you might be to them as they might be to you?



                    Why don't you pick a support then.


                      Honestly just kys already m8. No one gives a shit about you

                      2k indog monkey

                        Boohoo I made a smurf to reach VHS because on my 2k account people are so bad im so good my teammates drags me down now on this account is the same shit
                        Lmao people who babyrage about "toxic" teammates are usually more toxic than the people they point as toxic
                        You want the whole community to be like "oooh feelsbadman i know u good omg it okei ooh i feel bed about you"?
                        Sorry our community is not that pathetic and gullible


                          Wat about the indogs?


                            Nice smuff lol

                            4pos pudge/grim only

                              ^ toxic i have to face in sea server everyday

                              just kidding jacked no hard feeling eh (no i dont)


                                How to check behavior score?


                                  Last I checked, I had 9k+ behavior score (care bear?) Never since have the SEA retard syndrome, only people who can't play the game well just like me as well as all chat trashtalk.


                                    One word mute all tat a cure ways for it

                                    Cheap Laugh Guy

                                      Dota2 has comeback mechanics. That drow dies and enemy will have a streak or higher net worth. That's why in your shit bracket you must always pick ganking or solo kill heroes instead of passive farming ones like sven because every kill rewards better when your team fed. Then you are the MVP and you have to make sure you don't die or else it's just another comeback.

                                      Dr. Banana

                                        I'm getting tired of these smurf, MMR, smurf, 5k, vhs, smurf and MMR prediction posts (oh, I almost forgot about smurf posts too). Seriously the case is simple: If you do not belong at your MMR, you will climb/drop. Ranting about it on forums, sharing conspiracy theories, trying to prove conspiracy theories ain't gonna magically place you in the bracket "where you really belong".
                                        People can flame me for this comment for being off topic as I didn't even read OP's post.

                                        Dr. Banana

                                          Everyone playing in SEA server knows very well the situation with so many trash pinoys ruining games for other players.

                                          I play in the SEA server in normal skill and I can confidently tell you that hasn't happened to me in a long time.

                                          Este comentario fue editado
                                          pls be patient very noob ...



                                              calm your tities


                                                Just don take the game too seriously.


                                                Have a good laugh and move along. Lifes too short to get triggered by dota

                                                The Medic Guy

                                                  1. why you smurf?
                                                  2. some people smurf because they want to throw intentionally because they can't do that in their main account xD

                                                  B O R I P 👺

                                                    Just play at night or midnight...players at this time less cancerous

                                                    meteor hammer

                                                      I have crippling depression.

                                                      My team is noob PERIOD only me pro and the rest are laggers, noobs, feeders and my enemies are chatting public how noob they are and they also blame me for being noob too wtf.

                                                      I need to win this solo anyone wants to suggest heroes to me please comment back.