General Discussion

General DiscussionSmurfing using only support heroes

Smurfing using only support heroes in General Discussion

    I know that people say it's real easy to spam Zeus and some shit cause of high DMG so maybe if I swap him out for Veno or CM? They do reasonable damage, no? Would that take me anywhere between 3k and 3.5k with little to no effort? I just really want to play some Veno games when I decide to smurf.

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      yes that works if you're in 2013

      sadly, it's 2016

      so no free mmr without work for you :D


        Who do you even smurf?

        Kermit's dark side

          From what I've noticed smurfing using supports is useless, hence why no smurf wants to support. Especially if your carry is a bad player you'll end up having a bad kda

          forget dreams

            Why would you smurf if you're 3k?


              @cookie damn it. i dont want my all support smurf to go 2k rip. thanks for the advice.

              @jasun I have one smurf that i play only chen on, mainly for fun. I want to be snith 2.0 but for the little people, the 3k shit stains. My people!

              @Kermit's I see. I'll see this through tho. I've got time to spare.

              @Damiel because I want to smurf.

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              Riguma Borusu

                ^he's secretly 7k material

                Freya 69

                  Being an efficient support is one of the hardest things to do in this game. And what's more, you don't have fancy items or team praise to even let you get an accurate measure of how you're doing; usually. Play PA and have a 12 minute Deso and a 14 minute Vlads and suddenly everyone wants to be your friend. You'd do better to smurf using cores at any rate.

                  And as for little to no effort... we're talking about a support here, right? I think you're talking about a mid game core that just happens to buy utility type items supports sometimes do. As far as I know, this is called the position 4 utility support. Ofc a jungle LC, NP and Ursa are also this position... sooo take from that what you will. Anyways, just think about what you can do to accelerate your cores' farm and do it. The way of the support: you're the 7th slot item for the hard carry. :S

                  And I just preached. Again. And went completely off topic. Again. Anyway, I do think you're referring to a magical damage dealing core or something, so just something to think about I guess.


                    @Freya Yeah. Even my 1k friends don't think I deserve to be even at 3k cause "I have no farm" "lul low gpm nub lul". They treat the AM with the 10 battlefury like a god, but can the support who zoned the enemy Void, to the point where at 5 mins he's still at level 1, get a proper thanks? Anyway, i'm just happy where I am, I think. And I do mean support support, as in actual position 5 support i.e Dazzle, KotL, CM, Jakiro, Chen. What I meant with little to no effort is that even if I only ever play support on my smurf, would that be sure to get me at least 3k? I'm not even aiming for much, just calibrating at my main's mmr is fine with me (which is 3k). I just really want to see where all-support smurfs can reach.

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                    Freya 69

                      Yeah, I feel very much the same in my bracket. Guess we're both casuals in that regard. I think a great many games supporting rely on how good your core is efficiency-wise as well.


                      Just had this game where my team picked 4 agility cores and I had to put on the mantle of hyper support for my team. We shouldn't have won, but we did because they understood how important it was to at least itemize for their lanes, even if they did play weird laning. Yeah maybe a lot of vision did help us win, but at the end of the day, its the cores who have to knock on the enemy Ancients' front door. Thankless and commendless, we won. That's what was important to me.


                        There's got to be a way to calibrate high as a support...


                          carry omknight

                          The Medic Guy

                            yes you can get into VHS by playing support in smurf


                              Nice chick. But I mean during calibration when kda matters so much. Let's say u start at low 4k. But u are really a high 4k. I don't valve is gonna boost u much to your actual mmr if u are solely support. Unless u go out of your way to be some kind of greedy support with high kda and don't care about the win


                                Im a support player since i started my acct, my 1st calibration is 2500, now im 4k already, and still going up,

                                The Medic Guy

                                  you can get high KDA with support.
                                  most my KDA as a supports are above 4 lately.

                                  just assist more, die less.
                                  since KDA count by (kill+assist)/die, that means assist just as good as kill for KDA calculation


                                    Why smurf as a support. That defeats the whole purpose of smurfing unless you want to be Crystal Maiden raping a 1k Shadow Fiend player.


                                      @Freya 69 Yeah I think i'm undermining cores at my bracket a bit too much at times, which is pretty bad of me. I'm just a bit egotistical is all. I'll be the happiest kid if I get off a game winning shallow grave for a good core core, and i'm content with that.

                                      @jacked what about my DP jacked? is she a nice chick? would you spend your whole life with her?

                                      @Redemption Thanks for that. At least now I know it's possible, albeit pretty hard I would assume cause even if KDA matters doesn't GPM/XPM/DMG/BLD matter too? Wouldn't that make it almost impossible for a smurf to calibrate high with a support? All of those stats would be pretty low on a support. Asking cause i'm genuinely curious.

                                      @iamanthony thats pretty cool yo, even more inspiration for me. I climbed 2k flat to 3.4k solo and im kinda happy with that already! Dunno if i'll ever reach 4k but I'll try!

                                      @EG.Chu4lyfe I was just asking if it's possible but now that I know it simply is very hard to calibrate high as support, let's just say what I really wanna do is an experiment and not smurfing for high mmr; to see where I would calibrate with an all-support account. This isn't something new for the general public, we can probably see some results on reddit, but this is for me y'know? Like a self-report.

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                                        u are already 3.5k ! so u ll get it