General Discussion

General DiscussionHelp with morphling

Help with morphling in General Discussion

    Can anyone help me with this hero playstyle?
    do u only farm + splitpush early game to mid game?
    do u still split push after u got linken eblade or just stick with you teammates?
    how to properly utilize his ult?

    thread before linken/brown boots > linken > eblade > bots?
    blink dagger on him?



        watched it , still doesnt understand what to do in game xd

        M U R D E R

          Roh Treads aquila raindrops linkens eblade manta skadi bfly is how hes being played in pro games from what ive seen

          doc joferlyn simp

            Don't try and learn him now, you are just wasting time meta will change in 2 days better go play heroes you're good at for now and grind those MMR.

            M U R D E R

              Otherwise just go find a high mmr morph playrr, spectate and analyse his games, ez.


                if you start at 3:50, he talks about early-mid game decision making.


                  @HotSalza thx


                    just get linken bot and eblade by 25mins and look to end


                      Start 4 branches 8 tango 1 circlet. Rush wand boots perse raindrop qb in the order that you need them. Go linkens->eblade->travels. You generally want to dodge fights until eblade but if they break out near a tower it's usually best to tp and help unless you are literally hitting a tower. Once you have eblade+travs you just split push one side of the map while your team takes the other with a replicate. When your replicate is up usually you can play crazy aggressively and get retarded solo kills/force whole enemy team to rotate to deal with you. Pick heroes off as necessary and build luxuries as appropriate for the game (ie manta vs silences, skadi vs kitable melee cores, butter vs AM or bad mkb heroes such as meepo, bkb vs heaps of silences/disable/manaburn). Eventually you should be so farmed you can grab an aegis and just smash their high ground.

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                        @ctrl well i see , thats helpful thx