General Discussion

General Discussionhow do u find a hot nerdy girl

how do u find a hot nerdy girl in General Discussion
one syllable anglo-saxon



      I'd probably try dating sites/apps, because it requires almost no time and effort, and you get to find people with similar interests


        using dating sites is alrdy a huge turn off by itself for quite a lot of ppl out there


          also i think marlan is 19 (?)
          just a random guess


            I think it's extremely boring to date a person with similar hobbies. You'll literally end up doing the same stuff as before, not discovering anything new.


              im 23

              Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                well then just try to befriend as many ppl as possible (both male and female) and then get to know more women by their friends


                  As opposed to going to my girlfriend's basketball game, i'm fine with someone who will dota with me till we fckin die.

                  Este comentario fue editado

                    I'm 22, never used these sites/apps myself, but i can see the value in them. Even if you don't succeed, you are already getting involved instead od passively talkinf about girls on vidyagame forums

                    Este comentario fue editado

                      man chiks dont digz nerds who love games science etc i mean if u can use that in sex they will like but otherwise no

                      Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                        @moku i think its more about common interests/hobbies here

                        i.e. possible girlfriend likes basketball + gaming, while i like snowboarding + gaming etc

                        also most things marlan mentioned are really diverse in itself as well (science can be split up into 10000 things, and so can you split up gaming)

                        Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                          by the way im not an expert but it might not be the best thing to ask this kind of stuff on a videogame forum




                              I was just trying to say that life is complex as fuck and even if you meet someone who you percieve as perfect, you'll find something that disappoints you eventually.

                              There is no point in theorycrafting, just grow some balls and go try stuff ;)

                              the realm's delight

                                this is the cringiest thread ive seen in a while


                                  ya most of the people here are prepubescent little boys like me haHA


                                    I wish I cud swim in puss like marlan. I'm actually in perma heat. I just wanna shag.


                                      go to the boys love section of erogames stores
                                      source: anime

                                      Johnny Rico

                                        just pay for hookers, tell your boss that you are sick, and go to a brothel and fuck the whole day.


                                          everyone who posted on this thread is pretty much a fаkheed


                                            Ayy lmao


                                              hi every1 im new!!!!!!! holds up spork my name is katy but u can call me t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m!!!!!!!! lol…as u can see im very random!!!! thats why i came here, 2 meet random ppl like me _… im 13 years old (im mature 4 my age tho!!) i like 2 watch invader zim w/ my girlfreind (im bi if u dont like it deal w/it) its our favorite tv show!!! bcuz its SOOOO random!!!! shes random 2 of course but i want 2 meet more random ppl =) like they say the more the merrier!!!! lol…neways i hope 2 make alot of freinds here so give me lots of commentses!!!!
                                              DOOOOOMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <--- me bein random again _^ hehe…toodles!!!!!

                                              love and waffles,

                                              t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m


                                                Fuck off I'm not going to a brothel, that proves that I failed as a male of the species.


                                                  real men order takeout

                                                  Este comentario fue editado

                                                    stop being picky, date a strong man


                                                      It's difficult :/

                                                      Johnny Rico

                                                        @Daddy consider as training, like low priority.


                                                          Met a NEET dota girl on tinder. She was a weeb and also had a few thousand games played
                                                          Hung out once and she kept saying everything was cringy (what's with nerds calling everything cringe?)

                                                          share pics pls i find it hard to imagine what a neet girl looks like

                                                          Johnny Rico

                                                            this is my city services

                                                            Este comentario fue editado

                                                              So I've been married to my husband now for 13 years.. and I was very much the nerdy girl. We found each other online through a Star Trek game (old school sim style). He eventually immigrated to the states. There are women that play dota. Just add them as friends. Then, if they accept, shoot them a casual 'hey.. i enjoyed our game. Please hit me up if you ever want to play.' Then.... don't invite them for a week or two (unless they invite you) and keep the invites to a minimum. I accept friend invites, but I'll eventually unfriend people that turn out to be rude, a know-it-all, uncomfortable flirty, or annoying. I am very upfront with the fact that I have a husband so I'm probably hit on less.

                                                              Keep in mind, Dota 2 is a harsh game for women. There's rarely a game where I don't get hit on or put down because of my gender. Whatever girl you find through Dota 2 will likely be a bit of a masochist or someone you play with and don't even know they're a girl (because they won't talk in game). I think communicating with your team is vital so I talk (like a couple of my Dota 2 girlfriends), but I have a couple of friends that refuse to because of the high chance of insults/vulgarity.

                                                              < blank >

                                                                Where is this copy pasta from?


                                                                  this is the cringiest thread ive seen in a while


                                                                    Tbh at least this copy pasta isn't bullshit, it's fucking believable.

                                                                    < blank >

                                                                      It's not a copy pasta
                                                                      You can check it that if you compare written text with most played heroes and the heroes will be mostly female heroes
                                                                      it was just a bait for more text

                                                                      Este comentario fue editado

                                                                        What r u saying aimstronk? U high?


                                                                          im cringing how about u guys

                                                                          < blank >

                                                                            Tjing tjang lu Tjing tjang lu Tjing tjang tjing lutillej


                                                                              Hi, my name is ywn i recently fell into a cauldron of cringe. The cauldron was called

                                                                              the realm's delight

                                                                                wtf u typed the pasta wrong

                                                                                the realm's delight

                                                                                  when i was a little ywn, i fell into a cauldron of cringe

                                                                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                    Cool thread, solid 5/7.


                                                                                      No way to upload directly to dbuff I'd have to use an image share site (not worth the effort)

                                                                                      I've met a few NEET girls on tinder. They look like normal people


                                                                                        Ask sing sing he already taken annie ,sheepsticked ,maybe nara, alice, bububu


                                                                                          By taken you mean friendzoned.


                                                                                            idduno, never tried

                                                                                            but i go to an engineering college, all girls here are nurdz.

                                                                                            so feel free to come here and we'll see what you like


                                                                                              if you don't study anything perspective or at least look nice, good luck, btw

                                                                                              anway, your best bet is that she finds you

                                                                                              lm ao

                                                                                                Let's date baby

                                                                                                lm ao



                                                                                                    Ending up asking out a girl that streams doesn't seem to be worth it imo, don't waste time on that. i.e. bubu etc