General Discussion

General DiscussionThings that are instant-report worthy

Things that are instant-report worthy in General Discussion
Riguma Borusu

    So, what is it that people do, and you go "damn, that's an instant report"?

    I think randoming in ranked is something that deserves an instant reoprt even if you win. In most games, the players who randomed (especially if they random an easy counterable hero they can't even plkay) become THE dead weight for the team because they go like 1-12 and then they blame the team for the loss, when it's obvious they fucked up to begin with.

    Now, item builds. I don't exactly want to force people to follow my preferred builds, and my builds are not perfect to begin with, but if you rush a naked shadow blade on luna against slardar you're just a fucking retard and deserve a report. If you pick sven against another fast farming hero and don't actually buy items that help you farm, so you fall behind because you lack working brain cells, that's also an instant report.

    One more thing is retards rotating to fuck up your lane after you've had a good equilibrium and are getting solo exp. Say you are playing spectre and finally the offlaners left you alone for a few seconds so you can finally enjoy some freefarm and tell the support to fuck off. But what follows is invoker respawning just to stand in your lane for no fucking reason, or worse yet, to FARM IT. That shit tilts me to no end and is an instant report in my book.

    Throwing the game by going hg without aegis 5 times in a row despite you pinging to take roshan or split push is also report worthy. Bonus points for doing it alone or in small groups instead of five manning. Those people do not understand how retarded they are, but they deserve those reports so they can rethink their life in LPQ, since it is likely their retarded gameplay is going to be noticed by other people as well.

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      When my teammate has a picture of Trump photoshopped onto Invoker, that's definitely an auto report.

      doc joferlyn simp

        I random a lot in ranked first pick when no one picks, and it's pretty good as long as I'm decent at the hero. But 4th/5th pick random is insta-reported.

        I don't care what you build as long as you do your job. But if you rush a fucking Dagon you deserve to die.

        When support and I win the lane but he stays around. I'm okay if he takes some last hits I know how it feels to be demanded wards when you don't have money. Usually they go roam when I tell them that I can hold my own lane. But if he sticks around just contesting my last hits when obviously he can't I report him.



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          meteor hammer

            buying rapier on antimage and dying after diving the enemy full hp full mana doom with his whole team at 30 minutes when we already have a 15k nw lead (?????????? hes a fuckign 5k too lmao)

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            Riguma Borusu

              ^holy shit I forgot the rapier throw, but yeah, that's a big one too


                i once double rax the enemy, 6 slot alch got 10k+ gold, sell his shit buy double rapier and moon shard, go in without all the team and die, proceed to lose.

                or just pudge mid pickers.


                  Besides the obvious use of reports for courier feeders, ward sellers, and people who relocate allies into enemy fountain, I personally can't stand:

                  "I want solo safe lane 1v2, you go jungle somewhere you scrub, I am 5k smurf." If he loses lane, that's a report.
                  "Me techies." If we lose, that's a report.
                  "We already won. Let's build a rapier to celebrate." If we throw, that's a report.
                  "Me (cliff) jungle. Me talon into midas into BoT." If we lose, that's a report.

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                    Pick techies. Instant report

                    Riguma Borusu

                      ^sometimes I instant abandon in that case too, I forgot about the techies pick.


                        Techies are awesome: D

                        Not in rank though


                          Fucking up lane equilibrium, supports sitting in the lane sucking XP doing nothing at all, or even worse, CONTEST FARM, and the worst, AUTOATTACKING THE LANE CREEPS


                            Insta-report anyone who picks support in this patch.


                              But why?

                              Freya 69

                                Buys wards, sends to yourself on courier, mid takes courier from you mid way, mid dies, mid screams 'We need wards!', I afk jungle, we lose, we report each other in the end and sing disney songs together.

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                                  See my riki from last game (reported) my naga game that they are trying their hardest to lose (report all team except axe). Overall i report what my enemy want to report their teamate and report if my team trying their best to lose


                                    jungle wraith king

                                    Optimus Drip

                                      If people take my offlane, then lose. Also, if they won't let me solo cuz I pick techies. Literally just tell me and I can work around it. But fiddle off my lane if I call a experience hore


                                        Jungle LC/lane ruiners


                                          fucking invoker sunstrikes my frostbited big creep yeeeaah youre getting reported bud


                                            Tech is a nuce pick against some draft it could win u the game if that person know how to play tech

                                            clueless clown

                                              Fucking techies


                                                breaking items, feeding or afking on purpose


                                                  quotes of retarded thoughts expressed in this thread that show that the only thing most ppl care about is their ego and superiority; and never even consider themselves being wrong/missing something

                                                  I think randoming in ranked is something that deserves an instant reoprt even if you win.

                                                  If you pick sven against another fast farming hero and don't actually buy items that help you farm, so you fall behind because you lack working brain cells, that's also an instant report.

                                                  Throwing the game by going hg without aegis 5 times in a row despite you pinging to take roshan or split push is also report worthy.

                                                  Pick techies. Instant report
                                                  and others of the kind

                                                  Jungle LC

                                                  jungle wraith king

                                                  If people take my offlane, then lose. Also, if they won't let me solo cuz I pick techies.


                                                    none of those things, just because someone sucks at the game doesn't mean he should get a report

                                                    actually, you're in the same bracket as him.

                                                    reports are for reporting intentional griefing


                                                      denying items, feeding cours & running down mid are the only things i report for