General Discussion

General DiscussionI had a Dream

I had a Dream in General Discussion
Johnny Rico

    There will be 2 New itens added on to the 7.00 Update

    Atos + Halberd
    Crippler : It will slow the enemy 45% , it will apply 50 dmg, it will give a -10% attack speed to enemies when hitted , and give a disarm effect to enemies.
    Item stats 350 hp + 35 int + 30 dmg + 25 strengh + 30% evasion , the item has a passive main chance of 15%.

    They will nerf Echo and Dragon Lance
    Echo will grant 50% mana regen, no longer attack slows the target, and the slow is 0.5 secs
    Dragon lance will give 12 agility and 12 strengh.

    Echo + lance
    Echo Lance : It will give a 30% slow with a 6 sec cd, ranged attacks will proc 2 times, (weaver will attack 4 times at max attack speed (lul))
    12 agi, 22 strengh, 10 int, 50% mana regen, 140 attack range for ranged heroes, and a extra attack.

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      Dude, if it has a 6 second CD, it shud only proc on weaver first attack from geminate, giving it 2 + the second geminate totaling 3 attacks.


        Also wtf is the point of slowing attack speed and disarming? Wtf

        Johnny Rico

          for the luls

          And like weaver hits gemini procs them the game bugs and echo procs 2 times


            Game bugs? Is that a pun? I'm so confused. Just put in an armlet upgrade and I'm gucci

            Johnny Rico

              yes it is a pun

              Cheap Laugh Guy

                I dreamt myself at a hospital and there was a room with one female young doctor jumping on tables flipping papers, microwave oven and all screaming as if she's looking for some ghost kid. I was just standing by the door watching like wtf... and another female doctor really pretty walked past down the lane and I ask her "Nobody's gonna help her?" and she said, "Y'all gonna be fine." and Poof! I woke up. And I opened the PC... "OG Victory"