General Discussion

General DiscussionPatch download time

Patch download time in General Discussion

    how much it will take
    i planning to go to caffe but they must download patch too
    couple hours ? 45 min?

    Pale Mannie

      7.00 hours


        Couple of Katz

        BSJ. LGD

          It is test server only

          1-IceTea 🌟

            Dota 7.00 is it time to quit dota?
            I quit my last mmo that I was so crazy about because of 1 painful update, let the sad story continue...?

            Livin' Real Good

              ^ why the fuck are you negative just because of a number? They skipped 6.89! O_O This should be exciting.

              one syllable anglo-saxon

                how are we supposed to know

                1-IceTea 🌟

                  if this is big change - they sure will be some that can't adapte it and quit Dota, I am 3.3k player for so long recently I have try hard and play hard, even smurf so that can play with lower party mark friend and grind until now 4.5K I was trying out hard and the Machanic change after Dota 7.00?

                  is it time for me to quit Dota?


                    why quit dota when you don't even know anything about the 7.00 patch. even if you know the game will still live long and will be always played. 33 min left for reveal. test client ready!!

                    Este comentario fue editado
                    Salt & Pepper
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                        Responding to topic, it depends a lot on how big the patch is and how fast your download speed is. I'm guessing its going to be around a gig at least but probably not as big as 2 gigs.

                        Download time will be anywhere from half an hour to about 5 hours depending on patch size and internet speed.


                          Most 5ks have huge ego anyway
                          Move on