The item seems tailor made for Sven now, -5 armour means nothing when you warcry, silence means nothing when your combo is ulti->warcry->blink->stun->go ham and the attack/movespeed has always fits perfectly with his playstyle.
This item is major nerf to silencer as the user can just silence themselves to delay curse dot damage
^it makes sense on other heroes also
i thought about manfight lycan / drow / probably DK since he dont give fuck bout -5 armor and he is attack so slow / tried it on monkey king and seems okish
if u didn't get mom on somebody before the prime reason wasn't extra damage
it was already viable on dusa, but with the rework it's even better
same with sniper
and on sven it only makes sense because jungling and stacks were nerfed, so mom is the "least bad" option
on every other hero being silenced for 8 seconds is not what they want at all
honestly im not sure its that great on dusa. Lifesteal just really isnt needed and you could probably do better with just another stat item
Seems just like BS bloodrage last time TBH,except you get decreased armor instead of DoT and no damage boost
It's a crapload of dmg on medusa for little downside.
Sven idk cus new satanic has amazing stats for him. 25% lifesteal and with ult up it's 100 dmg. The buildup isn't great but it's still better than old satanic with a recipe involved.
Even if the silence was purgable you can't purge yourself with diffusal anymore so that really limits your options.
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