General Discussion

General DiscussionIs 7.00 a secret Buff or Nerf to Techies?

Is 7.00 a secret Buff or Nerf to Techies? in General Discussion
La Lumière

    Due to the larger/more complex map, wouldn't that mean it would be less likely to predict where techies is camping which buffs him.

    Or Nerfing him by making him even more immobile by adding a a lot more places to put mines?

    For instance, 4 rune places.


      huge buff

      Optimus Drip

        So many new tree spots


          since techies can't stack his PROXIMITY MINES anymore it would be a huge nerf for the roaming techies that make this kind of play style almost impossible. but it's a huge buff to Techies if you used to play it as solo offlaner.
          i play techies a lot (around 400 games with techies ) and i am very happy with this changes. this rework make it possible to have much more impact in the fights. you can kill the entire creep wave at lvl 7 with a single mine(it's even much more powerful than 6.86 land mines) , your statis trap is much more reliable, your suicide is the only thing i don't like about the new techies it has a 2 sec delay which is too much.
          all in all it depends. if you used to play techies as a roamer, the answer is "YES" it's a huge nerf to roamer Techies but as offlaner it's a buff.
          although keep in mind that older PROXIMITY MINES now upgrade as you lvl up which is very good.

          La Lumière

            But wasn't roa ming techies ideal for map control? I mean, before 7.00, I rarely saw offline techies. And gawdamm, better than 6.86 techies. Ready for 2 hour games anyone?


              i played so many games with both styles roamer and offlane ! and trust me roamer techies is shit ! you can delay the game but you can't defend for ever ! when you play as offlaner you will level up fast ! let me do some calculaition for you :

     lvl 6 remote mines deal 300 damage
     lvl 12 remote mines deal 450 damage
              3.if you have aghanim scpeter before lvl12 you mine will deal 450 damage

              see ? if you play as an offlaner and get that fast lvl 12 even if you doesn't have a scepter it will deal just the excat amount of damage as if you played techies as roamer ( which you will level up much more slower) and build a scepter before lvl12. by the way in the offlane you can easly build scepter at 20min and that means that you can deal 600 AEO magical damage every 10 seconde at 20minute mark from 700 range ! so you can actualy be peresnt in fights and that way your teammates won't blame you for playing 4v5 anymore ! see ? offlane techies is much better ! trust me :D try it once !

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                What the hell is icefrog thinking. Buffing satan? Hope he stays in the dumpster


                  Try it yesterday,ez win


                    They nerfed the roaming techies hard so it can't be a satan anymore ! Now it's just as much annoying as any other invisible heros like riki and bounty are :D


                      This explains why you are different from the rest. 400 games on techies. Look what happened to waga man. It's not too late to stop


                        Waga is a great techies player i learned a lot from him ! But you know he is playing at 6-7K MMR and it will take time to adapt ! I lost my techies game yesterday too ( 2 of my teammate just abbandoned the game ) but overall it's a buff. Just a few weeks.


                          2 of your teammates abandoned. And it was the right call. The techies effect lul


                            fuck techies actually


                              They didn't left because of me ! I was solo offlane and i killed that witch doctor 2 times with proximty mines ! i told you it will take time to adapt.

                              La Lumière

                                #the techies effect #ripdota1212 #fucktechiesactually

                                Anyway, I don't know why valve didn't consider at least asking us if we wanted this path/updates. A major amount of veteran Dota players are hating this update and they don't even warn us about it. And just please give us an option to revert back. #fuckmonkeyking2016


                                  techines is a bad hero ever.....


                                    you can actually fight as techies now


                                      honestly I was thinking that techies could be a good ganker with the new suicide. especially against someone like void who relies on their spells to escape since it silences.


                                        and since no one expects a techies gank. It could absolutly ruin someones lane


                                          to me techies was always a kind of "joke hero".. a hero who exist only to have fun, not to actually play.. now maybe that change..


                                            i gank as techies at lv 1/2 and 300 magic damage at those levels almost always ensure a kill


                                              Yeah the suicide damage is huge ! But if u calcuate wrong you might end up being with 1%hp in the middle of the fight ! Using techies thay way is just not using the hero full capability!


                                                i mean as a support techies if you jump in silence three spell heroes and drop a remote mine or a proximity mine and you die youve probably done enough to win your team the teamfight


                                                  support techies ? really ? don't even think about :D !
                                                  take a look at this match : ! Techies in the offlane (solo) can be much more usefull in the game than a support guys. and since you lose gold every time you suicide you can't afford it as a support !
                                                  there is something that even most techies player doesn't understand "TECHIES NEED FARM TO BE EFFECTIVE" and that's why most techies players are useless in the games.


                                                    techies is good now, probably will get pros pick and he get nerfed again


                                                      you guys just want techies too get nerfed so hard that actually be omitted from dota ! haha :D ! Techies is balanced ! it's just like any other invisible heroes ! you need to have sentry/gem if you are playing against riki/bounty . you need that detection if you are playing against techies too . that's it.

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                                                      La Lumière

                                                        Techies is imbalanced. He makes a 30m game turn into an hour game. Ffs guys, have you never had the base camping techies in your games.


                                                          that's not the Techies problem ! that;s the Techies PLAYERS problem ! and i am trying to tell you and everyone else to stop that kind of play style ! to be honest , i did this kind of play style so many times when i was beginning to play with techies and i failed almost every single time ! i am defending techies as offlaner that can be IN THE FIGHTS and deal huge amount of damage DURING THE FIGHTS. but i am agree with you that camper techies is so bad and irritating.

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                                                            Buff to Roaming. Nerf to Offlane. Don't listen to the x hundred game spammer 2k trash techies players. Peace out.


                                                              that's exactly upside down ! nerf to roaming buff to offlane ! and i am 3K by the way.

                                                              Dire Wolf

                                                                I don't really get it, can't you just run up to them and hit them and they die in 1 hit?


                                                                  yes ! but they have a 400 AEO range and that means that you can easily put them in the tree ! so they can't see it when they get close to it.

                                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                                    how do they damage buildings? If you drop one next to a t1 tower does the tower attack it? Or will it blow up hurting the tower? Would make techies a decent pusher then, 200 something dmg at level 7 every 12 seconds? That's like pugna level.


                                                                      I think this version of techies is going to have much less emphasis on proximity mines


                                                                        it will deal 25% damage to tower! yeah it's very good for pushing.

                                                                        @bearcat0611 this version of techies is going to have more emphasis on fighting with techies. but proximity mines are still good and you should spam them in all the trees but they are not as much reliable as land mines. they are very powerful for pushing.


                                                                          am I wrong by thinking that blast off does half your hp as damage. becasue if thats the case I just cant wait for someone to go a high hp techies and just one shot supports


                                                                            you are right ! but techies would also take the damage ( just like centaure seconde ability) and that's not a good idea to reducing your already low hp in the middle of the fights.


                                                                              i agree with ghandil its better for techies now he isnt a game delayer hero. he cna even take towers with mines fast

                                                                              Optimus Drip

                                                                                techies was a strong offlaner before, now he is downright scary agsnt certain lineups, i would say agsnt some lanes, however its much harder to kill(am has 3 seconds to blink away from proximity mines, and they now do magic). but all you need is level 5 to one shot creep waves. plop one down, then stand on it and hump it and they cant do shit.

                                                                                Dire Wolf

                                                                                  Pugna nether blast lvl 4: 5s cd, 145 mana, 162.5 dmg to buildings, 400 cast range, 400 radius
                                                                                  Techies proximity mine lvl 4: 12s cd, 170 mana, 187.5 dmg to buildings, 100 cast range, 100 radius

                                                                                  OK so he's not up there with pugna cus of the cd, but it's still pretty strong for pushing towers for a support hero.

                                                                                  Optimus Drip

                                                                                    Techies is not a support.


                                                                                      @dire WOLf : TECHIES IS NOT A SUPPORT ! but yeah he can push fast and even faster in the late game that he get 25% cd reducation at lvl25 !


                                                                                        @ghandil which is why I want someone to go a high hp techies because if he has 2500 hp thats a 1200 damage nuke with a six second silence. if you have that much health left you probably will get off at least one if not both of your ult and a proximity mine. If you get them both off and they both land then you've just done over 2000 nuke damage to one hero and they're all aoes so you can hit multiple targets. You can also get pipe or hood to reduce the amount of damage you take from blast off.

                                                                                        Optimus Drip

                                                                                          @bearcat. you only do 50% damage of your max hp to yourself. you do 600 magic damage level 4 and a potential 400 with lvl 25. you wont go that upgrade though becuz 25% cooldown reduction is lueugues above that.


                                                                                            @bearcat0611 in theory it work ! but you know in order to reach 2500hp on techies you need something like "heart of tarrasque" + "Hood of Defiance" to reduce the damage you take but the point is that this build is too much expensive and you can build better stuff with that amount of money. talking about 1200 nuke damage if you build an "Octarine core" + "Aghanim Scepter" you can deal 750 AEO damage from 900 distance(with +200 cast range talent) every 5 second at lvl25 and that means that you can deal 1400 damage in 10 second with out risking your life from a very safe distance. also you can drop proximity mines + statis trap in the fights and no one will focus on it. so why should you build "Heart of tarrasque"+"Hood of Defiance" to do a suicide attak in the fights when you can just stay in the safety and throw your bombs ?!

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                                                                                              @a sneaky deer. okay I wasnt quite sure how it worked but yeah looking at those numbers it would absolutly be insane.

                                                                                              @ghandil I still think your undervaluing the fact that blast off is a six second silence. Maybe as an offlane you wouldn't want to just jump right in but if your playing a roaming support then jumping in and silencing your opponents in a teamfight and giving up your life is probably worth it. This skill is so good against someone like void who relies on their spells to survive or do damage.


                                                                                                @bearcat0611 i know that 7 seconde silence is very good in the fights but the point is that if you die too much you won't get gold ! what i am trying to say is that you should never treat techies as a suicide squad ! let me make sth clear for you here is my recommended build for techies in the late game :
                                                                                                "BoT" + "Aghs"+"Octraine Core"+"Scythe of vyse"+"Eul scepter"+"Blink dagger" or "Force staff"
                                                                                                with this build you can "eul" that void when he chronoed ! you can Hex him ! you have a good stun ! and you can deal huge amount of damage in the fights. 7 seconde silence is good but using all these items + your spells during the fights is much more better for sure !
                                                                                                and generaly i am not a fan of roaming techies at all. i used to play techies as roamer and i admite that i was wrong those days. i think techies should be a position 3 to be effective in the game

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                                                                                                Optimus Drip

                                                                                                  LOL if anyone was wondering- techies still doesnt work... i don't now why i thought it was


                                                                                                    i think techies CAN work as an inferior sand king (for now) in the offlane

                                                                                                    im going to try offlane techies later and see how it turns out


                                                                                                      shadow blade >techies jump> statis trap > proxy > green mine = eneme(ies) dead


                                                                                                        if u have enigma or someone with aoe stuns in team its more deadly