General Discussion

General DiscussionMischief : Tree form

Mischief : Tree form in General Discussion
Julio Valiente

    It might fool those newbie in the game but i dont think experienced player will fall for that trick. They should just remove it and stick to those item/courier/rune forms. Also that 300 attack range is Bothering me. I Played him and it was easier to get those last hit without being harassed too much but I think its unfair to the other melee carries cause they only have 150.


      Did you know when you change into a tree or etc with monkey king, the enemy fountain wouldn't attack you

      Julio Valiente

        I know that but realistically who would go the enemy's fountain, shapeshift to a tree and hope that the enemy heores wouldnt notice him


          My friend did it and we got back our gem. So yeah BALANCE HERO OSFROG


            he need his first skill to scale differently to be balanced like (130%-150%-180%-200%) critical and his passive damage must be nerfed by 30 at least


              pretty sure absolutely no one in the world knows exactly how many trees are where on the map.

              Julio Valiente

                "pretty sure absolutely no one in the world knows exactly how many trees are where on the map."
                but anyone can tell which tree is the real tree

                Julio Valiente

                  @JOemama : maybe because there are no enemy heroes

                  doc joferlyn simp

                    That's the fucking point of fountain gem steals.


                      maybe on the old map, but an extra tree is not going to look out of place on the new map to a lot of people since we're all still getting used to it. Besides the trick is to chop down a tree first and then take its place :P


                        skill 1 is ok, but skill 3 omg.. 80dmg at lvl 1 200dmg at lvl 4 hahaha wtf... also his BLItreeNK dagger is...

                        Jesus Christ

                          This hero is great and balanced if u know how to counter so sh*t up pick the best not random

                          Riguma Borusu

                            1 tree is gonna be out of place because if you chase him through the fog, you will see there's a tree missing, and then suddenly it is there

                            Julio Valiente

                              @BEano : but im not talking about a fountain gem steals

                              monk, tibetan

                                Tree form is kinda ehh but courier form tho. Pseudo-smoke and tower immunity? cha ching