General Discussion

General DiscussionPas and am can get 900 gpm every time broken af

Pas and am can get 900 gpm every time broken af in General Discussion
i have 5 reports to use

    Man this game sucks, also tinker can rearm atos and root u for 50 mana, how is that not broken?


      all broken in this patch so its still balance


        Am seems weak tho


          ^ am does not seem weak at all


            nice smurf . . .


              "Am seems weak tho"
              Now he can mana break ancients, have linken and lotus orb for 4200 gold, buy skadi, play the backpack switch technique and he'd get higher chance to do it before any of the enemy hero does because he just farms so damn quick
              Now tell me how does he look weak right now

              monk, tibetan

                AM with lotus orb and linkens for 4k? SeemsGood


                  U know why? Becouse fucking osfrog add more jung camp and bounty. SO its very easy to reach atleast 800 gpm if u pick hard farming heroes like am ( u can see my recent)+ 4 sec cooldown and shit telent tree . So the main solution is stop playing dota and hope osfrog give dota 2 back not this LoL+HoN SHITTTTT . GABEN GIVE BACK MY HUD OR GIVE BACK MY FUCKING MONEY OR I WILL SIE YOU . Shit i outa control

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                    his blink cd is OP yea. have you all tried playing AM though? with a good start he seems unstoppable. but then i've seen so many games where he's just useless and never gets going at all.


                      pretty much all heroes feel like that right now. if you get ahead you are unstoppable if youre behind the only way to get back into it is to stall for 25.


                        Why do people say it's pretty much like LoL? Lmao comeback is harder to do now and in LoL it's so fucking easy to do that since there are no momentum or shit

                        casual gamer

                          am with treads and tp + silver edge + refresh in backpack = SeemsGood


                            the game will be updated continuously. it is different on paper and practice. valve gave us a nice update. people should stop crying it looks like this or this or that is broken. they will be fixed. Have some patience people.

                            If this games sucks so much stop playing it ffs


                              Same tardos crying every patch, they all will keep playing. New patch means, that old stuff you learned is outdated and you will have to find new stuff to win games. Still one of my most played heroes is bloodseeker, and the most games I did on him were before his rework. Didnt like the hero after rework at all and he was my most fav. hero. Get over it, git gud.

                              If doto would stay the same, nobody would play it this long. The game constantly changes and evolves. I do not like the new hud but i will get used to it.


                                So now mana break pierce bkb? Wow


                                  Valve took over 6 months for a new patch, the balancing issues should have been fixed.


                                    why ppl always talk about AM being weak? i cant get it..


                                      Of course he is weak, if u keep comparing him with self-sustaining carries.


                                        How do you think they can balance something without releasing it to millions of players? Of course this patch is imba but within a few weeks things will be balanced out again.


                                          @the positive
                                          yes they took 6 months but there are somethings that can be fixed by releasing to public only. they might have done better but come on you have to give some space for error


                                            AM is stupid good now. fun fact you can use silver edge, move it to backpack and keep the effect while your bp item gets ready.


                                              The problem with the patch is that on one wanted it except ice frog. This patc is receiving reactions like the comeback gold one did. I'm not spending any more money.


                                                Except pros said they wanted changes to Dota cause it was getting stale.

                                                BSJ. LGD

                                                  snowballing is too good guys, leave the runes to ur mid with a bottle i think this is the way to play now, also shrine with ur cores always its too op


                                                    So what's the verdict on the lvl 25 AM talent? Blink cd reduction or 25 agility?

                                                    I guess the cd reduction is the no-brainer in matches where you buy a butterfly, and in matches where you don't, you'd take the agility?

                                                    i have 5 reports to use

                                                      Actually blink cd is better Lul since u clear waves faster than 5 seconds

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