General Discussion

General Discussionhow do you think MK will be nerfed?

how do you think MK will be nerfed? in General Discussion
Soul Eater

    so many different things seem op at first glance ,about him

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    Freya 69

      First things is first: his ult shouldn't be able to do damage through Naga or Void ults.

      2k indog monkey

        Oh you're a fish battalion who has like 99% war winrate? Oh you're a timelord? Fuk u I'm a monkey


          My conclusion after watching around 20 7k MK games
          Q: scale the damage not the stun (like sven's Q) so you need to max it to really hurt OR highly decrease its range (it is not fair for players to die off-screen :)) )
          W:fine skill
          E:decrease the bonus damage he get (+200 dmg is super broken)
          R:his soldiers being consider as special type of illusion (they cant use echo sabre , bash , lightning proc ) however they still can use attack modifiers and can crit AND/OR make his soldiers can be attacked X number of hits then die and give some gold (+25) LIKE shadow shaman serpents


            cut lifesteal


              Does way too much dmg :c

              Field Medic
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                  passive spell's lifesteal not to work with q

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                    To make him an actual melee hero and not some cuck hero with 300 attack range


                      Mana cost in tree leap
                      Flying vision reduced
                      Stun penalty reduced
                      Bonus dmg store time reduced from infinite to 30sec


                        ^thats fine, but why give mana cost to tree leap, he is a monkey after all

                        4pos pudge/grim only

                          just cut his super long 'melee' range, and turn his tree jump from 1.4 to 2.0 seconds..and he should be balanced after that


                            U think 1k blink 1.4 cd is balanced? Ok


                              havent u watch high mmr games? he isnt OP at all like old od and lesh, mb add mana on jump is enough


                                have trees shake slightly when he jumps to them. like broods webs very slightly twitch.


                                  Make him need more hits before he gets the bonus damage and make the number of hits what scales. Lowest of 6.

                                  Also make the damage buff go away eventually if unused. Also make the number of hits on a hero deplenish slowly over time.

                                  He should still be able to deal massive damage in the right situation, but right now it's stupid high. He should need a drawn out fight or hero he can pick on to get buff like slark or troll warlord. Instead he is able to get 4 stray hits on someone in lane over time. Then walk around the whole map with the damage applied to his stun.

                                  Also fix that his ult is apparently unstoppable? Haven't tried void ulting his ult, but yeah. That's dumb if it doesn't work.

                                  4pos pudge/grim only

                                    ^ that already been implemented from the very first time hes out

                                    Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                                      It's not broken at all, there're a lot of counters, just a few minor nerfs.


                                        lmao his 1st skill 1 shots visage birds



                                          He's a lane dominator and a mid game monster in teamfight but I think come late game he gets bursted down pretty easy before his ult does too much damage .


                                            they should make his passive a true strike with mini bash that have something like 25% chance for mini bash with 50dmg instead of that 200dmg his name is monkey king for love of god ......


                                              He only has 50% win rate though, hard to say he's OP with that


                                                Winrate means nothing, earthspirit had a 36% winrate at release, arc warden 38%.

                                                clueless clown

                                                  He is balanced. Lmfao. He farms slow as fuck and to make up for it has a good skill set for the lane. He is supposed to get kills. He can carry but not even that hard. Dipshits literally whine about every new hero. Op or not, every new hero to yall is broken and shud be nerfed to shit

                                                  Putins Price Hike

                                                    hes fine.


                                                      I would say hes not as op as everyone initally thought he was but I think he does need at least some nerfs. I think only one or two attacks with the bonus damage would be good. THe other thing I'd like to see is a smaller aoe on his ult because right now it's really hard to get him out of it ( venge swap has too short of a range to be effective until much later in the game and bat rider has to jump into the ult to get him out. These are probably the easiest methods of getting him out). adding a mana cost to the tree jump in my mind isnt a good fix, maybe on the initial jump. If you want to fix the treee jump I think that him taking damage should put it on cooldown even if he is already in the trees


                                                        minor nerfs only.

                                                        people dont realize how much it hurts him to get knocked out of a tree

                                                        Johnny Rico

                                                          His first should not stun like a fissure, it should apply a mini stun and slow the enemies, tree dance needs a bigger cd like 5secs, he is the most mobile hero on dota, his buff will be nerfed, 200 dmg at level 4(level 8 in game) is to much, and his ult should not work when mk is stunned inside chrone, during naga ult, and it should not proc, basher, maelstron, echo, jus base dmg/and combo with his dmg amp.


                                                            yeah he's balanced @slim shady

                                                            also, claiming that Earth spirit and Arc warden werent OP at release is ridiculous.

                                                            clueless clown

                                                              @:) i quote from my comment.

                                                              "Op or not" arc was pretty op. The same is not the case with mk.

                                                              Ur good at mk, that does not mean hes op. God. Does a winning streak mean a hero is op?

                                                              Alot of ppl have huge winnijg streaks with all sorts of heroes.

                                                              Este comentario fue editado

                                                                10 sec stun cooldown but use base dmg+30%/50%/60%/100%. percentage is based on main dmg+bonus dmg
                                                                base dmg is 70.0

                                                                Este comentario fue editado
                                                                Kill yourself in the name...

                                                                  MONKEY KING IS NOOB LEAGUE OF LEGEND AND DOTA IMBA MOD HERO.

                                                                  STUN HIM AND CUT THE TREES OR PUSH HIM OFF THE TREE TO KILL THAT NOOB.

                                                                  Este comentario fue editado

                                                                    he is glass cannony any vision providers like zeus ns rek him

                                                                    Good Luck

                                                                      @ :) you good mk player but i think MK its fine no need to nerf, u know how to deal with mk, mk done

                                                                      only opinion

                                                                      Riguma Borusu

                                                                        mk isn't fine by any means, he has insane damage output without any items while also having CC spells, and the greatest mobility in the game, that costs one skill point and provides him flying vision as well

                                                                        while it's true you can counter him in some ways, that doesn't change the fact he's too good at what he does, is easy to play, and can wreck teamfights and gank all the same

                                                                        I think the major issue is that he's really too good at too many things, the fact that he's counterable doesn't change anything in that regard

                                                                        If you go spell by spell, every single spell is overpowered
                                                                        Q) Range is too long, it really should not stun along with an line of effect crit, and it should not give him a free satanic every 20 seconds
                                                                        W) No mana cost, 1.4 sec cd? GG I guess, if you have no counters that provide flying vision or are not close to any high ground wards, you're gonna get rekt or you're never going to kill him, if you have a quelling blade maybe you can mess him up a bit, but catching him is still nightmare
                                                                        E) Good god, this spell is fucking retarded, once he gets an echo sabre and an attack speed item, he's basically a very mobile ursa, and remember, ursa is only balanced because he lacks mobility, hitting like ursa while at the same time having the best mobility in the game is just fucking retarded
                                                                        R) Lasts too freaking long

                                                                        Granted, all those spells have downsides or ways to mess them up, (his first spell is somewhat countered by bkb, his second spell has a 4sec stun penalty/is not usable if he takes damage, his third spell needs to be stacked on the same unit, he needs to stay in his ult, etc), but the thing is, you can't observe the hero in a vacuum, you have to see what he provides in comparison to other heroes, no other hero is (currently) as overpowered as MK, except for obvious shit like visage and lycan, but those heroes are very likely gonna get a bit nerfed as well.

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                                                                        The Medic Guy

                                                                          1. nerf the flying vision AOE
                                                                          2. make a red spot in minimap when he use 3rd skill when outside FOW, like lifestealer controling infested creeps

                                                                          Livin' Real Good

                                                                            Arc Warden got hit hard with the nerf bat TWICE. The first time he got hit with it everyone thought he was a dead hero (that first nerf list was huge) then once again people started complaining about him when they realized he was still insanely good. (the blood throne, mjollnir, silver edge build)

                                                                            Now he got nerfed a second time, maybe he's dead now, maybe he's not, but damn, when you think about it, MK is nowhere as broken as initial release Arc Warden.

                                                                            MK probably doesn't even need many nerfs.

                                                                            Este comentario fue editado
                                                                            clueless clown

                                                                              Mk has high dmg and mobility
                                                                              He can sort of control enemy movrments with slows and ult
                                                                              He easily wins lanes
                                                                              Retards in pubs dont take the mk seriously in lane or fights
                                                                              Get rekt
                                                                              Whine about him being op
                                                                              Sure hes slightlt above avg but not op
                                                                              Relative to other heroes post initial release he is honestly really balanced

                                                                              4pos pudge/grim only

                                                                                the only thing need to be nerfed is his attack range (wtf that long bar hitting across creepwaves). and increase cd of tree dance to 2.0 seconds. thats all.

                                                                                i have 5 reports to use

                                                                                  Just replace the stun on his first to a slow and nerf his armor


                                                                                    New heroes are intentionally OP. Otherwise the first month after they are released will mean they have a stupidly low win rate as everyone tries them out.

                                                                                    Its better to have a hero that is broken in expert hands rather than one which is an almost guaranteed loss to the picking side in 90% of games.

                                                                                    He's clearly 'balanced' right now because his win rate isn't the 70% it will climb to if he doesn't get nerfed.

                                                                                    not sure i f i made sense but i'm tired....

                                                                                    Este comentario fue editado

                                                                                      Nothing needs to be nerfed on MK. He's fine as is. He's basically a glass cannon. If you know how to deal with him he's not that big of a threat, just need to have decent awareness.


                                                                                        Rocket are you 12?


                                                                                          His passive is so broken :ggdire:


                                                                                            The only thing what is broken about him is his roaming ability @ lvl 1 alongside with 40% !4!!! second slow. Are you kidding me slow for 4s with literally free invis/blink all in one skill.

                                                                                            THIS is broken not his q or passive.
                                                                                            You can ez deal with them.

                                                                                            Nerf his base damage, movement speed, roaming ability and slow duration/%/scaling and he will be fine. Just some ideas for ppl who wine bout his laning stage.

                                                                                            Mid - pick TA
                                                                                            Off - aggro tri with silences/cutting tree abilities
                                                                                            Safe - nyx might be fine since he can negate mk's Q, wr and generaly all ranged heroes with escape ability.
                                                                                            Pick Lycan and rat enemy team to death.
                                                                                            Monkey king is exactly as broken as eg timbersaw when not countered or Tb agains no aoe spells team or any strong hero who can ez snowball when not countered.

                                                                                            Tex Hex

                                                                                              - Boundless Strike damage type changed from physical to magical.
                                                                                              - Ulti CD increased from 50 to ?.
                                                                                              - Ulti damage type changed from physical to magical.

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                                                                                                Nerf her timberchain make it 100 magical damage and his OP shrapnels that deal 250 pure damage that can go through MKB