General Discussion

General DiscussionWtf is imba with lycan ths patch

Wtf is imba with lycan ths patch in General Discussion

    Can someone explain to me ,havent played that hero for so long


      Howl = chen ulti
      Lower wolf BAT
      Feral impulse gives regen instead of as
      Buff to necronomicon
      Buff to ac aura



        Riguma Borusu



            Lycan:The new body host for cancer and aids


              And don't forget about the new dominator. Take neutral wolf, then you have your own tower-eater-wolves army.

              Wolves need no armor. Because wolves push towers.


                idk hahaha

                1-IceTea 🌟

                  U shouldn't play Lycan now because u didn't play him 500+ matches when he is out of Meta,even he so strong now he won't lift up higher then NS because he no love you like howwww he love me


                    That feeling when your favourite hero suddenly become popular

                    rice cake

                      i have that kinda feeling with visage

                      1-IceTea 🌟

                        ^ That feeling and that Visa get spam, we finally wait until the hero from the shadow shines and now we want to keep it to only ourselves