General Discussion

General DiscussionMoDS i am acTUALLy fucking angry how stupid you are this time

MoDS i am acTUALLy fucking angry how stupid you are this time in General Discussion

    one again im banned

    i don't care it's only for a few days, that's not the fucking point. it's your retard power tripping shit.

    of course, u morons haven't yet figured out how to add a reason to the ban, so nobody will EVER learn. you don't punish ur child and dont tell him why. but regardless i guess u morons will never figure that out so we will have to learn blindly LEL

    luckily i only made like 1 post this week so it's pretty easy to narrow down what retard power trip shit I was banned for.

    i made a post that went roughly like this: (I am not gonna bother quoting it because Im assuming it was deleted)

    HINT: People who annoy you.


    what thef uck is wrong with that exactly. mods please explain.. can you use words too and explain what is wrong with that. because the ONLY correct answer to that is "NAGGERS".

    There is NO other valid answer. Now I'm just an innocent DB user, but I believe if the mod managed to find something wrong with that post maybe he should be banned. I know you guys are SJW N***'s so maybe the mod should be banned since clearly his mindset to the SJW Cause is wrong. He is starting to think of things that are against the cause.

    But I have no idea what's wrong with that post. The only thing you could finish that with would be NAGGERS. There is a hint "people who annoy you" with not much room for interpretation. NZGGERS? NYGGERS? yeah there isn't much room there.

    By the way, in case you think it is open to interpretation. It is not. The answer is LITERALLY the definition

    Noun. 1. nagger - someone who annoys people by constantly finding fault. common scold, nag, scold, scolder. disagreeable person, unpleasant person - a person who is not pleasant or agreeable.

    You guys need to take your heads out of your asses.

    Negative Mental Attitude

      You're doing great. As a member of our community,no, as a human being, I value you




          Rem in 2016 LUL


            fucK u EMilia faNGAy moron idiot person i dislike because using an insult is not allowed here

            sry i forgot what forum we are in.

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                mb, just mb, u got banned cz of being extremely retarded


                  how is making a joke retarded?


                    Only maybe


                      not your joke


                        maybe you just got banned cause u offend smart people LUL


                          y do u hate me triple


                            op is stupid, pls permaban


                              thats just what i do
                              i sit here, know things, and hate people


                                naisch naisch naisch


                                  in ur case its justified tho


                                    ya sadly dumb people will think smart ppl are stupid because they just can't grasp concepts o well




                                        I agree. When then ban they should tell u the reason.


                                          im just writing random shit at this point


                                            I will HJELP u writing random shit here, so mods will notice this thread faster


                                              "at that point"
                                              so u think that at some point u didnt?
                                              cant quite tell the difference then :/

                                              one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                who is this moron

                                                Pale Mannie

                                                  nice usage of bbcode there


                                                    and everybody else is totally talking about a bundle of sticks all the time.

                                                    I 100% agree that we need to be more transparent regarding bans and since we dont have a PM system of sorts, I'll make sure to leave a comment below the deleted comment to let people know a eprson has been banned for that post (if applicable. some ppl get muted for multiple offenses at once)

                                                    But I don't think the mute here was unjustified. You can try to convince me all day long that you think "Naggers" is the only logical solution to your smart little riddle, but given the context, there was no way you actually meant it.

                                                    EDIT: Also if you think I get really excited at the prospect of banning someone, you really havent paid much attention around here.

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                                                      Also if you think I get really excited at the prospect of banning someone, you really havent paid much attention around here.

                                                      not just excited, but sexually aroused


                                                        just change ur muted time limit thing in dashboard to give a reason + link or something.

                                                        and naggers IS the only LOGICAL solution, you can assume another answer, but naggers is the only logical answer. if you were on a game show (where lets say inappropriate answers are allowed) do you honestly think the answer wouldn't be naggers still? The definition is literally the hint.

                                                        you guys really gotta lay off on the bans for harmless jokes. you should really add a "report" button next to the gift button to report a post. and maybe only take action if someone reports a post, which means someone was actually offended by it.

                                                        obviously if the post is so insanely blatant then yea just delete/ban it but a harmless joke yea u guys honestly make me want to do this on purpose just because of how stupid you guys are with the bans.

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                                                        1-IceTea 🌟

                                                          ^ another bann-to-be
                                                          Harmless jokes didn't include racist insult imo


                                                            Why tf people like rem. emilia is da best and fuck u too


                                                              not just excited, but sexually aroused

                                                              Johnny Rico

                                                                is you spunki?

                                                                LOL FUCK YOU

                                                                Riguma Borusu

                                                                  Why tf people like rem. emilia is da best and fuck u too

                                                                  Rem: UR DOTA2 GOD OMFG U SHUD HAFF 10K MMR!!11
                                                                  Emilia: Git good, ye fucking scrub. You don't deserve the skin you were born in. You gotta stop doing stupid shit and think about the game way more. Also don't do shit I told you not to a million times, you're embarrassing me, you should know better than this!

                                                                  BSJ. LGD

                                                                    the nagger thing was from south park lul


                                                                      The point of the joke is that ppl wil think the racial derogatory term, but it actually isn't. And that's supposed to show how bad a person u are for thinking it. So ban mods because they couldn't see past the harmless jokes. This is proof They are racist

                                                                      Riguma Borusu

                                                                        Likewise, you could say something like this:

                                                                        Hitler was right, white is indeed superior to black in chess.

                                                                        No racism there. Only people who are racist are gonna see racism in that sentence. White player is always superior to black in chess, hence why you always have to play two games between two people, one where you're white, and when where you're black, in order to determine who's truly better.

                                                                        As for the Hitler part... Hitler actually played chess. So there's that, as well.

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