General Discussion

General Discussion4.3k to 5k in 7 days.

4.3k to 5k in 7 days. in General Discussion

    4.3k to 5k in 7 Days.

    Stop complaining being stuck in certain range of MMR. If you are skilled enough, you will rise, always believe! If you are stuck at your range, it means you are still not good enough and have to git gud and improve!

    I had 15 win streaks and i lost it with 14 KDA (20/3/20) due to 4 teammates who were playing like kids. But hey, you cannot control what others do or how they do it, all you can control is how you do, so mind your own performance. 99% of the time, if you do it good yourself, you win the games.

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      Thanks rocky.


        Water is wet

        Drink H₂O 4 li3f

          Very impressive Riki performance. 81% win-rate is really high. I will have to spectate some of your games. I see a lot of people having ridiculous winning streaks by mastering a very small pool of heroes. I myself have climbed with arc warden no problem and I strongly believe that doing so has improved my game sense in general. GLHF

          Dark Lord

            Not hating but at that badge level, people are just too dumb. They just don't know how to counter a riki. Are you getting players with higher badge level or same as yours? If u are getting higher badge level players, good for you. If not, sorry, spamming riki to 5k wont do any help once you start meeting players with higher badge levels. No hate tho. Just stating the obvious. Btw what server ?

            basement :)

              I knew hero spamming would be involved.

              I agree with the OP, but he should be played a more diverse pool.

              Este comentario fue editado

                Symetrical got from 3.9 to 5 in a week by playing old underlord


                  this must be that 5k+ riki spammer on his smurf LEL

                  but his points are ofc valid

                  casual gamer

                    LMFAo badge level means nothing, it matches based on MMR


                      Badge level MEANS NOTHING
                      I met a lot of high level toxic delusional retards who build weird shits and unable to use their brain efficiently


                        A lvl 90 guy who buys vlad on PL after brown boots 20 minutes in


                          think nobody is suprised that this guy is zDonFreek


                            fyi, im top riki player, but my advice still stands valid.

                            this is my 4th 5k account. nxt mission is getting all to 6k.

                            if you are good, you will rise regardless of shitty mates.

                            Este comentario fue editado
                            The Medic Guy

                              just buy compendium and level it up, your badge level will up too.
                              wtf, badge level is just for the cosmetics, like you have arcana SF does not mean you are good at SF.


                                @IY SEA Server, probably the hardest server and most toxic one, hence too easy for me.


                                  and yet if i recall you got 0 accs at 6k


                                    Where my 6ks at?


                                      We are in the presence of a 6k. Everyone else shut the fuk up. Including you cooky. You are not worthy.

                                      Mods. Give this man a green star or some shit. How can u group a 6k with other 5k scrubs?


                                        @cookie and u are still 5k.

                                        i am just lazy to grind.

                                        5854 5754 5612 5022

                                        6k incoming and trash u cookie kid


                                          ^So your accounts are getting worse and worse?

                                          My pen is out, my dick is out. I'm taking notes. Eh yo, so how do I git Gud? (Only 6ks and above are allowed to answer)


                                            prff i'm a casual, like i'd care.

                                            as long as i play the game good enough to stomp in my mmr, i'm feeling pretty fine


                                              Cooky I think it's time u got to 6k. Only then will ppl start whipping their dicks out for you


                                                ^ europe 5k = sea 3k.


                                                  Cookie has excuses now eyy


                                                    what am i excusing?

                                                    i don't even play dota that much anymore '-'


                                                      Cooky 5.5. So I guess we can just round up. Welcome to 6k club


                                                        cookie always has excuse


                                                          We can round up every single player's MMR to 100k and say that everyone is 0 MMR
                                                          Apoo = Miracle


                                                            Good sir do u mind sharing ur build to a scrub like me :D

                                                            1-IceTea 🌟

                                                              I have a gem
                                                              You have a riki

                                                              Este comentario fue editado

                                                                sick riki plays