General Discussion

General DiscussionPro Scene after 7.00?

Pro Scene after 7.00? in General Discussion

    Can someone tell me the pick/ban rate and winrate of pitlord and zet. I only watched 3 matches and pitlord was first ban in every of them but is there a way to see the actual stats? and did luna - sd meta change? if it did, whats the new one?


      illusion strat heavily nerfed as illusion now give gold+exp and deal less dmg to buildings so people can no longer abuse the high ground siege with illusion without being punished .

      as of zet he nerfed to the abyss of the oblivion cause reddit guys cry louder (he was super annoying but not that broken).

      underlord gets a buff to his W and he is more teamfight destroyer than ever before so pros tend to ban him immediately(dont know about the actual stats).

      hope that's useful


        Fuck these bitch ass Reddit noobs. I wanted to spam Zet for memer in 2k.


          found last weeks stats


            hmmm, really makes you think :thinking: