General Discussion

General DiscussionBattle cup?

Battle cup? in General Discussion

    Hey I was wondering if anyone would like to start a battlecup team I'm currently 3.4k on this account. Just want to have the experience of participating in it as I have no friends in this account feelsbadman

    doc joferlyn simp

      Since there is no Battle Cup yet, what do you feel about meme-ing with South East Asian Retards?

      If you want to tryhard for that sweet +25s on party memer we do that too.


        join us


          Forgot to mention I play on us east if that matters at all don't really understand the whole region thing in battlecup


            I would really like to play tier 5, 6 battle cup with some1. Going back to Canada this week so US servers work for me. Also gonna purchase battle pass this winter as soon as it's available. I'm a 4,6k player can play on any position. So I think we can arrange something if we get more people here. Really want to have a trophy tho.


              How do the tiers work? I don't want to be overwhelmed by 5 man Chinese team in battlecup

              yung griphook

                isn't battle cup over?


                  Here's my friend code for anyone interested 389879874


                    I am 3.5K and the tier rankings I can choose are 5 or 6. If that helps. I was put into a Tier 7 with my 5K friend and his stack.