General Discussion

General Discussionvanguard invoker

vanguard invoker in General Discussion





        w33 Jebaited

        Riguma Borusu


            why not give him an abbysal while you're at it


              why not crimson?


                pretty sure rip pub if dc win this , which look like they will


                  rip pubs?

                  BSJ. LGD

                    its like a 50% evasion vs glaives


                      SeemsGood xD


                        Now every inv. will mindlessly copy/paste everything they saw in a pro match. gege


                          what league/tournament is this?

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                            Pinoy esl

                            casual gamer

                              idk man it looks rpetty awful on paper xd

                              casual gamer

                                w33 obviously thinks itis viable

                                many fights he escapes with 5-10% hp

                                Este comentario fue editado

                                  stop watching too much w33


                                    isn't damage block awful on ranged heroes
                                    not like i know anything about invoker but i think HotD/Aquila might be better overall for him

                                    anyway assuming vanguard is viable on invoker does that mean it is also viable on squishy ranged heroes (drow/weaver/luna)

                                    casual gamer


                                      casual gamer

                                        viable on all squishy ranged heroes with 40 hp regen per second


                                          a total of 1 heroes then :)
                                          interesting itemization for invoker

                                          4pos pudge/grim only

                                            its may not look good on papers, but if it fits, then i couldnt say anything about it. the fact that the invoker stayed alive in teamfight way too long although he is targeted, make vanguard looks like a good choice. i guess its better than you buy some regular items but keep dying without getting any of your spells off.

                                            4pos pudge/grim only

                                              tbh i think w33's vanguard invoker (though there are some pro players do that before this) made dota interesting a little bit. its not everyday you see invoker running around with a vanguard, and you may go "pfft thats dumb, better go bkb or euls or some shit" but yeah, variation makes dota interesting. to me, its kinda boring to see same shit every other day, and these little tweaks made it interesting (although only a little bit) and bearable to watch.

                                              i still remember the time when the new 7.00 hotd was released, and my friend was insulted and flamed because he bought hotd on a drow. tbh im fine with people who sticking to the meta; but making fun of those who wander off the path a little bit, i dont have the words to express my hate to them (unless they made a really dumb items like triple mjollnir on a troll or something like that)

                                              anyway thats my two cents. glhf with your games guys :)

                                              Riguma Borusu

                                                you can make an argument that he survived, but likewise he'd also have survived if he got a casual platemail, for less gold and he can still get an urn along with it to get some HP into the build or something

                                                I mean, vanguard is awful EHP increase for ranged heroes, it's just terrible.


                                                  It is good if you get it early

                                                  casual gamer

                                                    platemail is a joke when you have 1000 hp total, especially against all magic damage

                                                    ideally the build for max ehp would be something like atos -> shivas, but the vanguard is super cheap and lets him go straight into the mjolnir

                                                    [VAL] igp

                                                      you just wasted 2000 gold for vanguard. instead of getting like atos rod either drums for more hp suitability. 33% chance ranged block. mm ok

                                                      Este comentario fue editado

                                                        Atos ac mjollnir


                                                          definitely viable in 1k bracket

                                                          SO LOYAL I DESERVE 2 GIRL...

                                                            ^ Fact HAHAHAHAHAHAHa