General Discussion

General DiscussionDoes ember beat ta mid?

Does ember beat ta mid? in General Discussion

    ill trust ccnc and ritsu on this one

    at the end of the day this is another one of those matchups where team composition determines how it goes

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      how does TA ever kill ember in lane? or does he mean later?



        casual gamer

          bloodthorn and/or any allied stun


            must be some garbage ember players in NA

            Dune, the Desert Planet

              One mistake from either Ember or TA = lost lane. I'll favor TA tho


                ccnc got 8k on eu lol

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                one syllable anglo-saxon

                  he got carried to 8k, everybody knows 8k na is 5k eu


                    yawar went up 800 mmr playing eu :thinking:


                      symetrical went 1000 mmr up when he started playing on us east :thinking:


                        my head went up my ass reading that chat log


                          pretty sure it was already there if u think ember beats ta in a straight 1v1 lol


                            I'm sure it's 50/50 and can go both ways actually x)

                            casual gamer



                                do you not skill flame guard in NA or what

                                casual gamer

                                  we used to max stats but now we dont skill anything as a boycott


                                    u probably dont aggro the creeps either to create this fairy tale vacuum


                                      do u not skill psi blades in eu


                                        gl when embers on your hill with flameguard


                                          u just kite his flameguard and take all the cs when his flameguards down


                                            if hes flame guarding u just farm under tower anyway


                                              i already said ye the matchup trades farm.


                                                creepwave every 30 sec

                                                flame guard 35 sec cd

                                                when embers 6 u die if u get hit in chain+flameguard if he doesnt fuck up his remnants on your refraction

                                                Lester, Moe

                                                  Simply max meld first


                                                    If ember is forcing TA to last hit under tower and trade last hits then its a lost lane for TA


                                                      mss and ccnc had a pure 1v1 and ccnc was raping him and its not because mss sucks at mid

                                                      if u use flamegaurd on a wave u wont have it for 2 waves because u dont open with it (early levels), u hold it until the first creeps are dying

                                                      its still on cd well through the 2nd wave

                                                      turns out ta trades favorably at level 5 even through flame guard because of embers garbage armor, u just hit him with ur refraction and walk back to try and kite out the flameguard between attacks, one refraction does 2/3 of his hp if he tries to man up on u. ccnc just walked past his twoer and killed him at level 5 because he had a boots advantage at this point

                                                      ta wins the lane then goes and jungles and a support gets midlane and at that point ember feels really useless and gimped

                                                      Este comentario fue editado

                                                        Are u guys assuming u can land psi blades reliably? Or do u assume u cannot, and take that out of the equation

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                                                          if ur a good ta player u win or go even in most matchups through psi blades and u lose without them, so yeah.

                                                          i have 5 reports to use

                                                            dodging psi blades isn't rocket science , it's fairly easy to dodge with aggro.
                                                            And u said Cnnc killed ember once then dodged the lane even with item advantage, like we all said once ember reaches 6 ta is dead

                                                            Also doesn't look like he plays pms mid melee heroes so he's not good at them? Only mid he plays is Meepo which is basically just tank dmg and go regen or nuke wave and run

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                                                              if ur laning on ta past level 6-7 ur an idiot, the hero farms in the jungle/ancients a lot faster and u give a support a free lane

                                                              i find it hard to believe ur picking competitive matches for this when the matchup works a lot differently when u have an ember spirit against ta and tree, also the ench ganked ana like 2 minutes in from what i remember in that game so thats not even close to a 1v1, ta got camped to shit and her help in tree doesnt work against ember

                                                              the other match the oracle camps the ta and ta doesnt have any support to help her and has 2 people feeding in her offlane

                                                              pick an actual 1v1 matchup. mss is a better mid player than tmw, noone's obv better than ana, but i was on ts with ccnc and some other ppl during that game and he pointed out like 20 things ana did wrong in it. anas not a very good laner to begin with and his matchup understanding in that case isnt very good, hes no sumail/noone/midone

                                                              and no mss played a shit ton of mid and held his own fine against a lot of top tier mid players in nel (sumail/arteezy/whoever). hes not a shitty mid player, he was quite good on shazam and i remember from playing against him that he did play jugg and ember against us in some games and he played mid for eg back in the day, i dont think he played his matchup perfectly or anything but theres no way in hell ember beats ta and if u ask top mid players ull get the same response

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                                                                What does he mean by ta wins a vacuum? Just need clarification.


                                                                  means 0 rotations 0 supports being missing off the map


                                                                    ok, ty.