General Discussion

General DiscussionAnyone have advice on how to get good at mid

Anyone have advice on how to get good at mid in General Discussion

    Every game i play i'm always losing fucking mid lane no matter what hero i pick, i don't pick lane dominators like viper and shit, but i feel like im losing my lane everytime i play storm, and invoker and maybe some other stuff what the fuck am i doing wrong


      50 1v1 mid winstreak and you're gucci.

      and if anyone comments ''but muh realizm, no suppertz rotatienz"

      if you want to teach your baby how to run, you don't put it on a track pad

      teach it how to crawl first, then walk, THEN run.

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        But how do I win mid in the first place :l last game got absolutely dumpstered by necro mid when i was storm.

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          55.94% on strom

          not sure you rage because losing 1 strom game or .... :/


            you practice it in 1v1

            basement :)

              Middle lane is simply the hardest role. It requires perfection. I can dumpster sub-4k players middle, but I get wrecked by anyone above 4k.

              The only way is to make mistakes and identify them, hence many games are required.


                i mean, i did develop a couple positioning and behavior theories to answer that. but they're annoyingly complex and incomplete

                but they work me well if the enemy laner is up to 7k mmr

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                    Generally I play storm mid and I lose the lane like 80% of the time, however most games I'm able to comeback with kills and jungle so thats why i've got a decent winrate with storm


                      How to beat symetrical in 1v1?

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                        not many melee heroes beat a monkey 1v1, you can't trade with him rightclicks directly unless you're ranged

                        so unless you're ranged or you have a stun+nuke(ex tony) you can only farm in that lane at best(pulling creep aggro like a bitch)

                        edit: changed monkey to symetrical :p

                        editt: symetrical has a lot of weaknesses, he's careless when it comes to laning and he misses a lot of detail

                        and he farms passively and puts very little aggression if you start out aggressive yourself.

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                          Its that ok ?

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                            can ursa win against mk on mid?


                              practice practtice practice

                              watch sumail in slow motion and pause to figure out wat he does

                              basement :)

                                That blog post guide was very useful, even for other lanes.


                                  That blog post was god like. Much appreciated. Gonna practice while SEA remains fcked up.

                                  Story Time

                                    but where to find high mmr idiots to practice with me mid? :(

                                    Father Jack from Marketing

                                      @gold - yes


                                        don't pick hero like a 4k player
                                        counter pick don't get counter
                                        don't pick weak mid hero if u know they will gank ur shit up with lvl2 pudge or some shit

                                        DISLIKE DOTA SO LAG WHAT ...

                                          always pick invoker no matter what...


                                            LUL your skill build

                                            casual gamer

                                              pick ember and run around killing shit xd

                                              casual gamer

                                                actually look at this fucker


                                                i keep getting matched against him and hes good apparently